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the 'decree' of life, which i cannot breach,
tell me how to keep myself away from your reach.

You cannot save me from my own confessions,
all this sadness is making me Despair's possession

I know eventually I'll mess up and leave
because I'm bound to misery, and sorrow is what I heave

all the things I have learnt, and can't teach,
I'll pass them to you, and believe you'd preach

but don't let my words put you in a trance
don't forget I have a mask, 'cause all they need is just a chance
on a whim
the pain does not leave
broken hearts cannot cease
the tears cannot disappear
and deceitful smiles are all i can hear
CJ Oct 2018
I have no injuries
but I always feel like I'm in pain

My mind is always clear
but I always feel like I have a headache

I'm breathing fine
but I always feel like I'm suffocating

Have I lost my touch?
or have I lost my sanity?
Please Tell me...
Bernnard AF Sep 2018
Save me.
I am drowning,
I am drowning in my pride.
Wake me.
I Am lost,
I am lost in my thought.
Take me.
I don't have a home,
I am all alone.
I am the sad man in the story.

I Have been singing this songs,on my own.
I don't know if i will last long,
1.2.3, and might be gone.
Love me,
A broken heart needs to be loved.
I am the man who lost everything in the Story
Cronedrome Sep 2018
Now that you’re here
I have dreamt my cure
Before you came
I tried everything
Holes in my skull
And scalpels
And probes
And terrorised
Each time I tried
The fire
The cup
The blood and the Knife
But the loss
Of innate heat
Is the basic condition of life

Before you came
I considered the seasons
Took note of the winds
But extreme cures
Are what's needed
For extreme ills
Now that Im yours
Now you are mine
Now that you’re here
I have dreamt my cure

You hold in your hands
So small and so white
The end
To this history of medicine
The key to release
Me from this ******
And lifelong plight
The event of my body
The broth of my brain
Your eyes and your beauty
Your beautiful mind
And your beautiful shame
This merging of elements
These tears in the rain
My Fire, my Earth and my Water
My Air
Now that you’re here
Now that you are here
that sometimes, when i say "i'm fine",
i don't mean "save me" -
i mean i can figure it out on my own

- v.m
anxiety is a bish sometimes.
I'm fine, just fine.
I'll let go of your hands now.
  I am my own salvation.
   I don't want to be sad anymore.
    Myself has forgotten to call you.
      Sadness and scars became an  
        old memory.
          Everyone knows your voice,
            I can smile now.
             I don't wanna be lonely.
            I'm trapped inside and I'm  
           I want to wake up, I hate this  
         I can't get a grip on myself.
        It is so dark.
      I knew that you are my salvation.
    Give me your hand.
Save me, save me.
(Now read from bottom to Top)
So this is a Reverse poem. I got inspired by I'm Fine and Save me of BTS :)
Eslam Dabank Jul 2018
Like a broken watch your eyes decieve
I think there's time,so I always leave
I layed in our bed waiting you with fear
But I woke up,with not hearing you breathe

My tears got printed on the sand
With them,I flooded a whole land

Got me seeking,
For remedy
Got me leaking - blood
Come back and save me
Let me be your mortality
Take my useless soul
And reach,

Nerves wreck everytime I see myself
I was a book, forgotten on the shelf
But you, chose me to be to yourself
And then,suddenly I was burnt
By a cancer in your body
That ignited a mortal elf.
Geanna Jun 2018
What if one day
  I get so numb that
    I try to slowly cross a busy road?

Would you watch me slowly walk towards
the cars?
Would you watch as I continue to walk,
  ignoring the horns and people yelling?
   Would you watch as my body flies
    before hitting the ground?
     Would you watch as my blood stains
      the now red road?
       Would you watch as people scream
        in horror?
         Would you watch as my soul
          leaves my body?
           Would you watch as the
            ambulance rushes over to
             save me?
              Would you watch as
               sadness and horror
                takes over your

Or would you have
tried to save me?
~ G.P.O
Geanna Jun 2018
They tell me to be happy
They say they want me to be happy

How can I find happiness in something
that doesn't make me happy?
How can I be happy in a world
full of pain and suffering?

I have to find it myself, right?
What if I don't find it worthy?
What if I successfully commit suicide?

You can't help a dead girl
You can't save a dead girl

All you can do is sit there
wondering what went wrong
wondering how did you miss it all
wondering why couldn't you save me

But i'll be gone by then
There's nothing you could do about it
The pain will always be there
Scarring you forever
~ G.P.O
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