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Lou May 2019
Boy, oh boy
Will boys be boys
And oh boy, that’s gross to say,

I at least get that,
I mean I try to but here’s to trying

Kind of like trying to speak for women
Or anyone that isn’t you,
you should just not do that…

There’s a difference in defense for the good of all
And then, there’s what we were talking about 50 ******* years ago

Oh, excuse me 30 ******* years ago,
Last ******* year…
2 ******* days ago…

But I really want to go back to 69
Oh, The Summer of love…
Or the summer of forcing a woman to go to court over the ability to receive an abortion only to be decided by a group of old men if she has any rights over her body to receive a safe medical procedure, all while  the media doing no one any favors guiding a blind division nationally between people and God fearing busy bodies, calling her names and questioning her character as a responsible person, in a not very god-fearing tone, all while forcing Ms. McCorvey again, to get burned more for prolonging an unwanted pregnancy due to waiting on a decision that is determined in court by that aforementioned group of men, which is like the sportsman’s equivalent of just killing the clock to win a game but it isn’t a ******* game it’s a woman’s body, which clearly they didn’t care anything about just as long as they get that **** baby in the next 6 months or so, but as stated above it is indeed unwanted, so really who is going to take care of the ******* baby because we know how much people just love adopting ******* children?
Let’s ask 25 republicans!

But some people talk of 69 differently,

Some remember the Beatles.
Some recall Charles Manson.

Kind of like today
Some say we are putting god back in our government
And The rest of us in 1972 to 2019 are wondering who the **** invited god?
I never knew God and every white person’s, “one uncle” has the same opinion.
But Uncle Alabama shouldn’t speak for God.
Wait until he finds out she’s a woman.
That’d be a kick to the unregulated nuts we can just spew anywhere, like a natural ******* disaster.

That’s what the name of this ******* poem should be,
but it’s not.

Sincere, *******.
That’s what I call this one,
That’s what I call the last 2 and half years too.
And this poem.

And telling women what to do with their bodies.

Some people would think differently.
But I don’t think some people think.
roe vs. wade, alabama wants to go to court
Kliff Thee Poet May 2019
My sister, my mother, my queen…. You have been lied to. We do care and we do love you. With the weight of the world on our shoulders, we all, well at least most wants to be husbands and fathers. It hurts to watch you struggle or juggle your family, career, and be your own leader.

Society has placed a false reality in front of your eyes. While their real plan they kept in disguise. No other woman carries the load of a single black mother and is the reason she is tired, stressed out, and needed more than the others.

So many has been let down and tricked to the point it makes you sick. Black Men will let you drown is the hope given. All the while she struggles. Allow us to take the helm and the burden of leading. Let the broad shoulders of man give you a feeling of security and hope.

Women was not created to be equal to men. Thus why she is beautiful, soft, caring, and posses the most love of all mankind. Yes you can do all and be all, but you are to special to climb these hills and walls. In which you should be carried over all. Knowing that a family starts with a man and a woman and trust between the two. But with the pain you have been subjected to I know that is something hard to do.

So ladies I say keep your head to the sky and a smile on your face, while we try to put strong family unity intact just know that we are here for you and we have your front and your back….

C. E. Cheatham
Kliff Thee Poet May 2019
We have been shot, we have been locked down, they show us daily they do not want us around. They use every law against us, their favorite one now, is this stand your ground, but yet we stay down.

We own the buying power, we set the trends, yet we still stand complacent as if they are our friends. Amazingly they have you refereeing to yourself as a African-American, just to make you a secondary citizen. Not because you are worthless, but because of your fearlessness exposes their inner fear.

News always showing black males slaughtered in the streets, paid vacations no charges filed guilty portrayed to be innocent. But we stay. We have enough players in prime positions to make the changes. If we show love to a stranger that looks like you, we will find uniting is really easy to do.

Black is strong, black is beautiful, and oh so powerful. Time to make our presence felt, time to pull up our pants and tighten our belts. Stand tall and refuse to be told who you are, go fast and slow never let them dim your glow.

We are warriors, sons, fathers, and teachers with aspirations of being leaders.
So kings, it is now time for you to claim your kingdom.

C. E. Cheatham
Jude Quinn May 2019
We have been sold a lie:
that there is one real truth.
In fact, there are many.
Some are pretty ugly
And are only true to ugly people,
Some are just pretty
And belong to everybody.
It is the first ones that pretend to be the only ones.
The second ones just are
cause they don't need to prove themselves, they are like the air,
They are there, you just haven't noticed.

Identifying them is easy:
If it has the word "Right" in it
And it reminds you the one next to you is a human being,
You can not go wrong.
Mary E Zollars Apr 2019
Sit right down in your seat, please
        Raise your hand to speak, please
        Get a pass to leave, please
I need all attention on me, please
                Revolution is over, please,
        Obedience is key, please
                There’s nothing wrong anymore, see
                Look at these 3rd world countries, see
                Be proud of where you were born, see
                We are perfectly free, see
Be silent and listen to me, free
                Migration will be to be stopped, free
                The leader can pardon himself, free
                Women in positions of power, free
                Hate is perfectly legal, free
        You can protest as well, free
        You have the power of speech, free
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
Don’t talk over the teacher, please
         I know better than you, see
        We control your life, see
        We are building the future, see
        We are the best in the world, see
Be silent and listen to me, please

As long as you’re rich and white,  
“Teaching Freedom” is about what politicians, media, and older generations in general  are teaching my generation. I wanted to show how they control young people to make them feel free. Recently, on the Day of Silence, I heard a kid say "Anyone can do anything now. Why do they have to make such a big deal about it?"Since then, I've been thinking about how many kids don't think race, religion, gender, and sexuality are issues anymore, because they've never experienced that discrimination. Just because you haven't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Ruheen Apr 2019
What is the point of human rights if we don't acknowledge the fact that people have them?
As soon as you're born, you have them. Simply because you're human.
But acting human is a whole different thing.
Humans aren't machines.
We shouldn't be controlled.
People cannot tell us whether we deserve those rights or not, even if we don't.
In the end, we still have them.
But what's the point if we're not respected for having them?
Maybe it depends on an individual person.
We may think that someone doesn't deserve any rights, but they think that they do.
They may think that we don't deserve them, but we think that we do.
But when you think about it, our 'worth' is what decides if we 'deserve' to have rights or not.
It's almost like an unspoken rule;
Popularity triumphs all.
And though there are exceptions, that 'rule' still exists.
Popularity, money, fame.
Things that can vanish within a matter of time.
Our lives?
Not the same.
We all have the right to be human.
We can't choose not to be human,
But we can choose to be a good or bad one.
People violate human rights day-to-day, right in front of us.
And we just sit and watch.
We're bystanders.
And, honestly?
That's worse than being the violator.
Inspired by something I read.
There are 30 articles. 30 rights. We all have them. And they cannot be taken away.
Bullying, discrimination, false accusations. All of these violate at least 3 or 4 articles. And this happens every single day.
Human Rights is probably the most ironic things humans have ever created.
What's the point? Seriously?! I mean, why create something that isn't even going to be acknowledged?!
More people know about osmosis that they do about human rights, something that they've had since the day they were born. (Probably an exaggeration, but you get what I mean!)
I'm pretty sure the United Nations isn't happy with how things have turned out.

*lets out a long breath*
*smiles sheepishly*

Anyway, sorry for the long rant. Enjoy?
Kora Sani Apr 2019
if heart cells have formed
you take away our rights
you take control of our bodies
though what’s inside
is smaller than a grain of rice

neglected by the ones
who claim they’re pro life
they must be mistaken
there’s no sympathy in sight

to hell with the poor
and those seeking asylum
to hell with healthcare
that’s not a god given right
and to the lives taken
at the hands of a gun
thoughts and prayers to you
i’ll continue to have my fun

why don’t you say it to our face
we mean nothing to you
you simply love control
but that, we already knew
Mohammed Arafat Apr 2019
It is a rainy night,
with the dark clouds covering the moon.
The stars fall,
so do the rest of the unknown lights in the sky.
Rings of the distant churches’ bells heard.
Owls, bats, black vultures sound,
so do the hungry wolves around the lightless downtown.

A barefoot little girl,
with unironed clothes for weeks,
beside a bakery, sits.
Her long hair untied and wetted from rain.
She awaits for the dawn,
flipping through her simple wishes like a book,
under the lightening and the thunders.
But it needs hours and hours to arrive.

Families leave the theatre in front of her,
happy and smiling.
They just finished watching a humanitarian film.
Their cars’ lights reflect in her eyes full of tears,
which are not dried yet until the dawn appears.

Stores closed all around her.
Passersby look at her and deny.
Kids looking through the car windows,
ask their parents about her.
They, too, deny so their kids do not have nightmares while asleep.

The girl just awaits the dawn,
having few dreams, hopes and some pain.
She awaits the dawn,
hopefully, her dead parents appear, again!

Mohammed Arafat
Unlike other kids having their parents alive, some are not heard, and they wait for the dawn hoping their dreams come true.
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