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Randy Johnson Apr 2015
One terrible night you decided to drink and drive.
You hit my sister head on and she didn't survive.
That liberal judge only gave you a slap on the wrist.
But now I'm going to **** you because I'm ******.
You are a monster, you didn't feel any remorse at all.
I just fired my shotgun and your brains are on the wall.
Now it's my turn not to be remorseful, in fact I feel pretty good.
I would gladly **** you again if I could.
Because of people like you, hundreds of thousands of people are dead.
And because of people like you, many more won't have a future ahead.
This poem is fictional but sadly, drunk driving fatalities are real.
evildum Apr 2015
No safer shelter than the trigger.  
Training and trenches teach him: ****
Or get killed. So he masters the skill. He kills
Mosqitoes and cockroaches. He kills
Rats, cats, and chickens. One day he traps

A trembling pup. Gripping a dagger, he grabs
The dog’s nape and rips open its neck.  Warm
And sweet as wine – the blood.  And for blood
He craves. He strangles a suspected rebel before
His pregnant wife. Not a whimper escapes from her

Mouth. Her soul seethes as her eyes clasp the last gasp
Of  a baby lying between her legs – six months
In her womb. He ends her anguish by feeding her
Bullets.  He hacks the neck of  the moribund

Husband. He hangs the head on a pole and displays it
To rot  on the street. And for more blood his heart  
Aches.  He orders his men to burn the village of Las Navas
And shoots everyone that runs.  He chomps off
The ear of a poet and cracks open her skull. Her brain,

His dip. And he feasts on his skill. Until one twilight
A wayward bullet snatches the trigger from his finger,
Finds its nest in his chest. He marvels at how deep
His blood darkens, how fast his blood clots, how tight
His blood clings to life. Then he hears faint footfalls coming,  

Merging with the droning stream. Figures familiar to him,
Bare and brown as the earth  weave a web of shadows
Over his body. And he waits for their hands to carry his own law
Down his skull. But something heavier befalls –
Gazing at the sky for the first time,  stunned by the bleeding

Colors of the twilight, he glimpses a pair of cupped
Hands dripping life into his wound. Into his trembling lips.
Poetic T Apr 2015
They said it was beneath me
"Beneath me"
I'll show them what is beneath this fixture
Of flesh and bone.
Can you walk on shards without cutting,
Making me feel as though this is what I'm worth
Laughing, smiling wailing at my misfortune,
"I'll shut the door on them all"
Awaken my princess of beauty, but you are
Ugly on the inside,
I have skills you didn't know,
I went to medical school,
"What was that you said"
"Cat got your tongue"
No its here cold as your words,
Know do you wish to see something??
"Here is the ugliness inside"
Fear, horror as anaesthesia, wears thin
"Do you feel the disgust in yourself"
"Do you feel what is beneath"
Open mouthed silent scream resonates
Upon her bleeding featurless face,
"Does it hurt"
"Here this should help"
I pour on a solution
Two parts vinegar,
One part salt,
A little water a cup was enough,
"Wow" "Fu#k"
Watch her shuffle and squirm,
As the pain gathers pace,
A tear forms in my eye, I hoped she would
Lasted longer...
O' well next room it is...
Hi welcome to the moment you waited for
"This is what's left of your life"
What can I say, the big man
"Now a little shorter"
A little taken of the bottom and sides
"He goes to grab upon my throat"
Now aren't we silly lying in a puddle
Of our own blood, I was never that good at stitches.
"Squirm little worm"
Wakey! Wakey! sleeping trunk,
Thought I lost you for a moment,
"Now where were we"
"Fifteen years ago"
Driving having fun, having fun,
"Having ***#ing fun"
"Little rich boy"
"Little rich departed girl"
You paid for your freedom while she was,
"She was trapped below"
I watched the love, the life drain,
You just laughed...
What was that!!!
"I'm sorry"
That's what I thought you said
We are way past sorry, now its time to leave,
I was going to put you beneath,
"Soil" "Earth"
But I thought this was fitting,
Meet your love, the ugly shown
Now shhh... you'll feel like a little *****.
Wakey! Wakey! sleeping trunk,
Look I found your,  
I had some fun,
Now these are of my own design,
For people like you, like her.
Don't worry there sound proof,
Unfortunately she'll not feel this
But she felt plenty before she was gone.
This will be slow painful
"I'm not sorry"
"I'll ki yo"
I love doing that open, close, open, close.
Sound like musical beat if you time it just right,
"You took her from me"
"You made me what I am today"
Every action has a reaction
And this is yours.
Lets play some authentic music,

"Burning in the ashes"
"Of those that came before"
"Paying for sins of a past forgotten no more"

"You gone burn"
"Burn so slow"
"Feeling the flame of redemption"
"You going to die"
"To ashes you will slowly go"

"Burning in the ashes"
"Of those that came before"
"Paying for sins of a past forgotten no more"

"Did you like,
"I wrote it myself"
You will not go fast, think
"Slow Cooker"
You will feel pain like never before.
You where the last in a line, of those who did
Me wrong. They say the best is for last,
Everyone else was quick. each their own chorus.
Know that when you are both ashes I will urinate on
Your hot embers, no dignified place,
I will just flush you down the ******
Its where **** does goes and **belongs.
Mel Harcum Apr 2015
I was not allowed to be angry, so I bottled and drank
my rage with wine chilled by too many ice cubes--
I suppose that’s why I shiver at inappropriate times.

My parents said: You have to be the better person.
Even as you ***** those girls, called my sister a liar,
mocked my mother and father as they drove to town,

attempted to arrest me for “demeaning of character.”
But I lost my temper, once, I felt it hot like nausea
creeping all the way to my fingertips before I

screamed and shouted and shattered two glass bulbs
hard against the tallest pine tree in our backyard.
I cut my ******* picking up all the chips,

incidentally making me rethink my plan to punch you.
Instead, I imagined myself holding my father’s pistol,
the one he showed me how to shoot from 100ft,

complete with target acquisition training--just in case
you tried running--we both know you never
took me seriously enough for that. I bought a faceless

target shaped like a man, picturing your acne-skinned
cheeks warped with that smirk you wore when I tried
telling you to *******. All this before my anger faded,

fog rising from too-hot blacktop pavement when the air
cooled, snowflakes falling as I stuck my tongue out,
swallowing each crystal like a word I could have said.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
~ menu fixe for Chez Revanche

Anxious Anaconda Antipasto.
Mega Shark Soup.
Grinning Crocodile Fillets.
Prodigious Python Pie.

All served up like revenge,
appropriately cold.

Presentation is everything.

Tuck in, before they do.

   _ mce
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." WS
Kevin Seiler Apr 2015
Walking down the alleyways I follow you home.
Smoking a cigarette, the ember burning as fierce as my intentions.
Smooth smoke, clearing my head.
If it weren't for the clarity you'd already be dead.

A predator turned prey, you should have never gone astray.
Because I'm in the business of killing and today is your day.

Things get exciting, my heart starts to race.
Closing the gap between us, increasing my pace.
I pull the knife from my coat.
Grab your greasy hair in my fist and I swiftly slit your throat.
A river of blood sprays across the street.
Your life now taken, my vengeance is complete.
Cassidy Shoop Apr 2015
if it were up to me
i would show up at your house
dressed as the love of your life.
i would drag you from your bed
rip your heart from your chest
and leave your lifeless body at the door
for your mother to find.

i would tear every good feeling
straight out of your stomach
and replace them with memories
of all the things that made you love me.

i would burn the remaining pieces
and scatter the ashes
along beaches we planned to get married
and cities we were supposed to live.

i would leave your mind
hollow and unattended
and force you to feel me forgetting you,

sort of like what you did to me.
I wrote this in like 5 minutes because I was angry and thinking about the past. Sorry it's sort of dark.
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
We could have hiked Mt.Happily ever after
And probably swam in Lake Laughter
We would have flown in hope airways
If you didn't change your ways
We would have toured inspiration springs
We would have exchanged vows and rings
I could have made a great bride
But now that you've wounded my pride

Just witness destruction in paradise
Witness the change of the paradigm
See for yourself with your own eyes
You was no Angel but devil in disguise

We might have been quite imperfect
Something about which we didn't care
But we still tried to reach there
While we kept our mutual respect
Our affair was a race to reckon
A corn which haters tried to peck on
We could have changed the trend
I don't believe that it really was the end

So witness destruction in paradise
Witness the change of the paradigm
See for yourself with your own eyes
You was no Angel but devil in disguise

You left me with a deadly kind of freedom
A kind that chains the soul in a prison
You crippled the feet I could use to start again
So I'm constantly flying on cloud nine
Totally fooled my heart to believe you was mine
Only to drop it from high, causing more pain

Witness destruction in paradise
Witness the change of the paradigm
See for yourself with your own eyes
You was no Angel but devil in disguise

It could have been a better story than cinderella
During the rains would have been your umbrella
The hugs and kisses were worthwhile
We could have gone longer than the Nile
That's why I can't believe you've forgotten
Yet within me It's no where near rotten
Could have shared with the world our paradigm
We could have had a pyramidic paradise

Witness destruction in paradise
Witness the change of the paradigm
See for yourself with your own eyes
You was no Angel but devil in disguise
It's a reggae song I just composed
Dallas Phoenix Mar 2015
I've acquired the dullest of modern memories,
Circle around the complex of life to find its asymmetries,
And I'm hung,
Like calender's past its prime,
Marked into a blockaded day with numb sun,
So now I'm emotionally fertile with moonlight in my gun,
Aim them at the lions that maul the flesh from my sanity,
Turn them into hairy cherubs for bliss tyrannical anarchy,
AJ Mar 2015
Bury the blame in your chest and twist it,
do that for me friend, we’ll call it even.
I’m flattered that you came for me,
but if I could, I would have cut your throat with dolphin teeth.
You want to show me around like a prize,
it made me sick
so in seven weeks I’ll die
This isn't mine-lyrics from my current favorite song (Twist-Souvenirs) and what I'm relating to.
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