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Laura D Jan 2015
Everyone is your friend unless proven otherwise

2. If he doesn’t answer, don’t keep sending texts. If he cared to talk to you, he would’ve responded.

3. Getting no message is also a message.

4. Don’t mistake knives with flowers when handed to you.

5. Sit on the floor of your shower until you can breathe again. Water will always love to love your skin.

6. Start writing with the intention of filling up one page. Write until your pen stops working and your hearts stops bleeding.

7. You are never anyone’s anything. You are not made to be owned.

8. Don’t make compromises you can’t live with. Compromise is a different version of what you want, not a whole other universe.

9. “No.” is a full sentence. Learn to use it.

10. Learn new vocabulary – because why the **** not? Write down your new words that you learn while reading, use them in conversations; expand your vocab, because when you are sitting there on the bus ride to real life, you’ll be glad you have.

11. Don’t expect people to walk through fire for you.

12. Don’t always be so **** prepared to walk through fire for others. Love doesn’t mean sacrifice. Love shouldn’t mean sacrifice.

13. Learn to let people pass through your life; like a summer breeze, not a storm that’s just been unleashed.

14. Sleeping is not possible when you’re angry or sad.

15. Love yourself the way you loved yourself at ten, before the world had a chance to fill your head with ugliness.

16. You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

17. Plan things. Have something to look forward to.

18. Music isn’t about a social projection of your personality. Love what you love and don’t ever be sorry for it.

19. Forgive, but never forget.

20. Train your mind to see the good in everything.

21. Do not spend your life searching for a place to call home. Make the bones in your skeleton the only structure you need.

22. Patience is amazing. Waiting is hard, but worth it.

23. People will make time for you when they care about you. If they say they’re too busy or constantly if they constantly cancel their plans, they don’t care. People fight for you when they care.

24. Care. Not many people give a crap anymore.

25. Don’t try to be pretty. You were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don’t let anyone ever simplify you to just “pretty”.

26. Love burns out.

27. We are not responsible for what we have come to be, but if who you are doesn’t make you happy, then take a different path.

28. It’s nobody’s job to fix you. He just has to be there to hold you’re hand while you try to fix yourself.

29. If we could decide who we loved it would be a lot simpler, but much less magical.

30. Do not set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

31. Find your people. I don’t mean someone who also likes the same tv shows as your or someone who shares your love for cereal. Your people will bring out the best in you. Your people that you can talk to until 3 in the morning and feel like your heart has grown.

32. Take a bath. Sleep in. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Go for long walks. Treat yourself. Love your body. Exhale.

33. Create a plan that will be enjoyable for exercise and just do it. –no ******* around this year.

34. Take the bricks they used to throw at you and build a ******* castle.

35. Always bring a sweater. Even if you think it won’t be cold.

36. Pay attention to what people say when they’re angry. When you make up and they tell you they didn’t mean any of it, know that they did. Also know that they wish they didn’t. But they did.

37. You’re not over it if it still makes you angry.

38. Read more. Read classics, read newspapers, read magazines, read fictional books, read joke books,
read poems. Just read.

39. Do not let what he wants eclipse what you need.

40. Bleed for better reasons this year.
rook Jan 2015
I have cried over less, and I've cried over better
And I've spent periods of time within panic attacks
In the middle of the class when I can't count the facts
And over high numbers, my cheeks have been wetter.

I have cried over less, and for no reason at all
And I've spent so much time loathing me more and more
Late at night when it's all been for naught, I was sure
And over lesser failures, I would weep; I would bawl

I have cried over less, so it's safe to assume
That I've done what I wished and at least seem to think
That for once, it's not worth the time it takes to sink
Into my shallow depression and once more be exhumed.

I have cried over less, and I'm glad of the fact
That I see black from white and grey inbetween
And I'm smart, even now, and more than I seem
And my new year's resolution seems safely intact.
the worst grade i've ever gotten in anything and all i could think was "well, it's not really important. being bad at math doesn't mean i'm not smart" and for the first time i actually meant it
SNM Jan 2015
I don't make resolutions
But this year could be different
I think it's time
For a little change of my own
No more waiting
No more letting others
Fight for me
I'm standing tall
As tall as I can be
I'm giving up the fight
Of caring for others
Who don't care for me
I'm going to be
The person i always knew I could be
But was too afraid to let show
This year I've decided
To be a new me
We'll see how this goes...
Swathi eruvaram Jan 2015
I have been counting every firsts

Here is another first
This one is special
Your first. My first with you.

The last year was my best
I was blessed with you
I thank God
Here is another new one awaiting discovery
A memorable one it will be

My resolution...
To keep loving you
Written in 2014
Sierra Scanlan Jan 2015
The concept of time is weird. One minute you're fifteen and you think you know what the world is all about, but it turns out you don't. The next minute you're nineteen and trying to figure out what the hell to do with your life and how to do this "adult" thing.

Song: This Charming Man by The Smiths
A new year means a new notebook.
Carolyn Injoy Jan 2015
Resolutions are empty words without action being taken.
And only time can reveal if I remain true to my chosen path for 2015.
My granddaughter just turned sixteen on December 31st.
I cannot even remember what resolutions I made each year.
I want there to be a difference this year.
My chosen word, my resolution is ACTION.

Goodbye year of the Horse.
Hello year of the sheep.
Note to self: Find out what 2013's animal was.
Evan Hayes Jan 2015
It's that time of year
Right after the buckets of cheer
Resolutions to lose waste
After you just stuffed your face
And then you'll shed a tear
Cause you can't finish a race

Oh I know, this year I want good luck
Why don't you stop for a good ****
Get you out of this conservatism
And in to anarchism
Get out of this rut and muck
It's like politics in a monarchism

Oh this year I'll be different
No this year you end with repent
Just like the last
Stuck in the past
You could be a parent
Or end up being chaste

Oh I want to focus on relationship
Congrats, you got kissed on the lip
At midnight
Let's set sight
Don't throw a fit
Let's hang tight

There is no "new year new you"

You can change
Just don't rely on your calendar
to do it for you
Cecelia Francis Jan 2015
To be like
the older
blood wooed
by grace of
language and

to take a
to have something to say yes I said yes I will yes for
Hayley Jan 2015
Sitting all alone in my basement
With less than an hour til 2015

Lying to myself by making

Still, I tell myself
I will be a better person

Happy new years!
hallucinations Dec 2014
I wish that I could
purge you from
my mind.
the last of twenty-fourteen | (c) hallucinations
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