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kiran goswami Sep 2018
And she's still standing there,
On the shore of her memories.
With her lost dreams and forgotten laughs,
With her vanished hope and obliviated time.
With her stolen reminisces and extinct days.
In the blink of an eye, the time flew by,
In the flash of an eye, the seventeen year old grew up, why...
And she's still standing there,
Slowly sinking down the earth.
Wondering when did she lose it all.
When did she lose her smile,
When did she lose her mother's hug.
When did she lose her golden days,
When did she lose her life.
When did she turn thirty.
In the blink of an eye, the time flew by,
In the flash of an eye, the seventeen year old grew up, why...
The korean drama 'Thirty but Seventeen' inspired me to write this.
CautiousRain Sep 2018
I have never desired something more
Than to go back in time
To tell myself I love her.
So I guess I have to just tell her now.
The most precious things
Are free and without fee
Can’t be measured by gold
Can be shared but never sold

Regrets are too easy to gain
Mistakes are plenty to be seen
But to choose what is right
Is harder than showing one’s might

Life is just between B and D
The beginning is the Birth of thee
The end shall be thy Death’s embrace
All life, specially the human race

Now what is life? The question that time can’t ****
The center of B and D as you can see is C
The C here refers to our Choices procured from thy will
The Yes and No’s, The Do’s and Don’ts of you and me

All of this isn’t meaningless
Just imprint it on in your mind
The world may be huge and boundless
But hey! It’s just a matter of perspective, isn’t it?
Roselyn Sep 2018
I wish i could take back the words that were said
They hurt more than they should have
Our friendship crashed into the void of silence
For what? For a meaningless object that has little to no value over what was losted
I wish i could rewind time and fix what is now broken
The tears that swell up and the heart break deep in my chest
Afia Sep 2018
I'm sorry
If I woke you up last night
My pen told me secrets in whispers
And I carved scars and tales
Of silly incantations and
old fallen trees
Of silver days in summer breeze
and tattered amber sundresses
Of apple bites and ripe grapes
near the broken glass on the carpet; they decayed
Ashes danced on my lips; sculpting poems on my skin
and flicking cigarette on my wounds
Smudged mascara and dulcet memories
Leather fabricated journals of vintage times
hiding crisp carcasses of yellow daises
Euphonious chortles and
early morning smiles
Forgotten tea leaves in the teapot
and ginger bread turning cold
Sun rays, like gold dust, sparkling in the air
Through the tall trees of a forest
hanging on the clouds in despair
First day of Spring, magical it is
like a caterpillar's fate
Silky cocoon, shiny chrysalis,
emerging out as a butterfly
Leaving as old and embracing the new
Igniting the sky over my purple roof
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Nothing is all I have become

I am resigned, to having no design, because I am not high right now,
So I cannot remember how I used to float inside a cloud.
But back in the day, sometimes I was up there, sometimes down;
But I could never find my way out,
Because I only ever seemed to drown.

I wallowed in a sea of my own self-induced misery;
Life just carried me along, because I allowed it to take me.
I was trapped,
By a constant lack,
Of money or activity.

I just sat there alone, toking on the ****,
But now I have cleared my head of those times I forget.
I will not remember, because that’s just a page in my story
And the chapter about regret, I have already read.

So I will paint it black, like they said in that song;
How can I be smiling, when everything is wrong?
I am a miserable ***, who couldn’t give a ****!
About a thing I could not change,
Because it will still remain the same.

So why waste my time inside a head of self-doubt?
When I could be dreaming of escaping…
One day I will find a way out.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
winter sakuras Sep 2018
Neurons travel and wind
around your head like
draping tree branches, Christmas lights,
strings of tangled red yarn
weaving a possible

When the cords are
simply content with
remaining relatively still,
being with you
is like
sailing on smooth,
tranquil, clear blue waters
of a vast, magnificent
a blossomed sunset
in the distance
dripping on white, sandy shores
of an island of lost paradise
awaiting our arrival.

But when the cords
flail and twist, tying each other
into knots and cutting off
the clearness
and levelheadedness of thought,
being with you
is like
trying to hang on to
the back of a typhoon,
frigid black waters flailing,
crashing against
foamy, thick quicksand,
roars and curses of a
tyrant sea god
raging seas of water against
the skies,
rapidly expelling
hurtful, sharp anchors and lunging
them to the bottom
of our sandy beds.

And I wonder
what it would be like had I
possessed more
powerful features
as your sea goddess,
as the moon and stars
from above,
and the sandy beds
below that would
catch both
hurtful anchors and
salty tears
you let loose.

When loved ones around you are content, sometimes it feels like what you have then is enough.
Then sometimes when they abrupt with anger, sometimes you feel hopeless as to what plays out as a result.
Jester Andre Aug 2018
They finally learned how to love me;
I can now feel them care and worry;
And see them giving me attention—how merry!

Some gave me thanks, while some kept saying sorry;
Why do you aplogize, dear crony?
You never did anything faulty
Can't you see? I'm finally happy.

For I can now feel their love for me
As I lie in this coffin, lifeless, and devoid of any vitality;
One by one, they walked in just to see my body
Now I feel like a famous celebrity.

The corners of my lips curled up; smiling bitterly
Wanting to shout and scream so loudly
Why didn't you tell me those words that might have made me happy
When I was still living in this world full of negativity?

But I do know the answer, honestly;
For regret is stronger than any emotionality
Oh, look how much they regret their insensibility
As they lost me, yet learned to love me—finally.
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