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Gigi Jun 2020
so tired
keep going
I am going
don't push so hard
stop I am trying
go further
further where
the road stops here
then die
how morbid
not die but let the wind take you
how do I do that?
die inside
then you will peak
will I no longer be tired?
then I just might die...
Neutral is the safest emotion...
LightToBurn Apr 2020
When we ended
I died
And woke up in heaven
10 word poetry
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2020
When the sun sets, he lays to rest.
When she rises, his soul is reborn.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
I’ve been running for too long
I’ve been hiding in the woods
Always searching for the truth
Without knowing how it looks

Every battle should be won
Every pain will turn to dust
All the bridges are in flames
Me with them but that’s the nature of the Phoenix

Will you love me as I am?
When I emerge from the flames
Covered in ashes
Will you see me through the scars?
Without pity or remorse

Even with the bounty on my head
I’ll hold my head high
Not ashamed of all my wounds
Stronger after every fall
That’s the true nature of the Phoenix
Ray Dunn Mar 2020
sometimes the trickle of
words to my own self
seeps into my veins
and leaves my heart beating
i’m so lost and unmotivated. i hate apathy, but at least hating is better than nothing
S4A Feb 2020
all is well
only time will tell
is she well?
do you ask to define her
or to further understand
why she no longer can confide in others
attempting to define intimacy
placing love in several endeavors
she has lost the denotation
of a natural organic salvation.
who let you define her
without her did you know
they would be lined up.
you don't know her true value
and now she can no longer find it.
I now know none of us do
real love never fails
and not one of us prevailed.
dear future self
love has failed you
recollect because in the end
you were still you
without it.
Jamie Russ Feb 2020
An unwanted presence is now tapping on the window. The sky has shifted in colour reflecting the imminent emergence of a dark and ancient being. I’ve not known it before but feels strangely familiar, I do know you but choose to ignore you. Your laughter is haunting. I cannot reason or bargain with you. You have a singular purpose governed only by pure instinct. I’m powerless to fight against something I cannot see. But you’ve always been there gently reminding me that one day we shall finally meet. Desperately trying to avoid you I lost my way and found myself aimlessly wondering a path surrounded in darkness and uncertainty. The sudden realisation that you’ve tricked me and instead of running from you I’ve been heading towards you. With each step the path behind me falls away, there is no going back. I am alone. I’ve come to the end of the road, I see you now.
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