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Jul 2016
Looking at this world with tears in my eyes... with sadness in my soul...
There's so much violence, so much hatred...
As if we were trying to make our own species extinct...
Some say the apocalypse is coming... but we are the ones making that happen...

Our ignorance and lack of understanding have become our worst enemies... They've transform our hands into weapons, made our eyes see the world with fear, and have filled our hearts with hate...
We have stopped wanting to learn... we have stopped asking questions... We let the media tell us what to think... walking around this world like zombies... Like blinded idiots... like two year olds throwing tantrums, not wanting to listen...
We just point fingers... and blame, not one, but all... Putting every single person in a box, categorizing them... generalizing ... believing in every single stereotype...
Not wanting to see that every single person is unique...
We might belong to a certain group, community, race, religion... but we are individual souls...
We were meant to be different... Different aspirations, different lives, different cultures, different colors... boring would the human race be if we were all exactly the same... Where would we get our different life flavors? How boring would we be without the mix of colors... without our different traits??
We were meant to be different... designed to learn from each other... to love one another in our differences...

We must stop putting labels on peoples' foreheads... we have to start by asking questions, by learning their stories, and by sharing our own...
We must teach each other love and respect, Start to pave a better world for generations to come... teach them that our differences are what makes this world such a colorful and interesting place... that's where the real beauty hides... that's the real life treasure...

But first, we have to learn to see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears... Throw away the guns and fill our mind with knowledge... that's the most powerful weapon that we, as human beings have.

Share the love, the wisdom... see the world with an open mind.
It's time to Stop the hate.
Marcia Villavicencio
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