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Anjelica Nov 2017
Being a girl is hard
But being a black girl...
Let me tell you about being a black girl
Leave Out
Pick your poison
Or falling for " European Beauty Standards"

" Why are you so quiet?"
Do you expect me to be aggressive
And snap my fingers in an A-Z formation

Light Skin is the best skin
Or so they say
I'm jealous of my brother, for his caramel skin
Oh what I'd do for that caramel skin

You think that's the worst of it but have you see ****?
Cute girl makes love to -insert famous **** star here

Ebony b-itch gets banged till she squirts

Which would you rather watch?

If you ever turned on a TV you'd see reality shows with the perfect blue eyed blond hair cast and the one black kid who doesn't get enough attention

Ever since Rachel was the Bachelorette I too prayed one day I'll find the man of my dreams

Have you ever had a crush on someone and ever think if they even like girls your skin color?

Being a girl is hard
But being a black girl
Oh let me tell you about being a black girl
A spew of thought about being a black girl in todays society not feeling "good enough" or loved.
Kuvar Nov 2017
We are march to the blacksmiths
Blacks in thick black and deep black clothes
We come to mourn against lawless smit
For aged dark days and noisy nights.,
beneath gray sky

Their envelope in our mailbox spews blackmail
That they plan to transfer power by bed
We refuse to swallow such corruption ***
Now we will fight for generations to come

Should we say the uniform saved us
No! But yes! That blacks spoke in uniform
can’t you see the strong bass in your black
Ignite your coal that light be born.
Put your coal on fire and light beams...
Behold...Zimbabwe saw light
Sincerely Nov 2017
I'm so ******* tired and yet I can't seem to rest.
This isn't a dream, so how can I wake up?
How can I escape?
Tell me!
Shouldn't there be an exit sign in bright green or red lights?
It's a hazard not to have them
and yet it seems I'm the hazard.
How do I escape?
How can I escape the demon inside of me if I am the demon?!
I looked under the bed for the demon,
but it's all in my head.
It's controlling me.
I can't escape this dream.
Or is it reality?!
I can't rest!
My mind is racing.
It's like Mario Kart.
If someone throws something and I happen to land on it I lose control and I fall behind,
slowing down.
People don't realize how they affect me.
How do I win this race if I'm racing the thing inside me?
How do I defeat my demon?!
How do I defeat it without destroying myself?!
I need to rest!
But I keep lapping around and falling behind.
I keep my problems under my bed,
that's where I thought my demon would be.
But my demon is the problem.
I'm the problem…- I'm the.. problem.
But I can't fix my problems when I'm tired.
And no one but my demon is around to help me.
I really need to rest…
but my bed is cold and bare,
and I hug the only thing I have..
My demon...
I only have myself…
this world is a race,
and I'm falling behind.
You won,
I ran out of time..
I can finally rest...
Shane Willey Nov 2017
My heart listens to the sound
of a child finding its way
lost between differences
of the mind.

Over this, over that,
they find a way
into the void,
out of the clouds.

Like an angel getting its wings
a bell rings and a teen
finds who they are.
different from everybody else.

they find their core
and they can only go up
fly above the clouds
and the gates are open.

Open to what they put
their minds to
setting whatever goal
accomplishing with a flare.

We are beautiful.
black, white, young old.
we are told to dream big,
when they want us to dream small.

Because thats how much faith they lack.
Raquie Nov 2017

stepping & winding in a cloud of sheer
never lonely cause we so vast. Do di maths
Lift up yah legs & leap thru di grass, water, snow, & sand
Ancestral , we still living!
Americana. Why you hate me? I made you.

     Coming  together
Could you bond our love with

Kinetic Energy?
we bouncing off da walls

•Let me break it down•
•We ain't •


But we create
      Art & culture from
                      Dirt dampened by our blood


Dats what he say when he see my sistars & I
All chocolate, caramel, gravity defying delicious
Men can rarely keep up with all this
Never say never , we are mentally enslaved


That's what them Western Europeans convinced themselves we are
He know we are god's embodied
I know he's ****** about it
G status: Knowledge is Power


Dey hate us cause we the greatest
Aye but these mumble rappers famous
You understand but I want to make you overstand all ism related haters


Have you ever been
After you swore him
Freewrite from 6 random words
a horse
has pone
in luxury
but his
banana drove
caviar in
a steeplechase
if sketchiness
was juvenile
that dinned
there in
gallantry with
my reconnaissance
left indelible
awhile in
retro and
hip hop
a tower in spaniard
sunprincess Nov 2017
Doesn't matter who you are, your race
or nationality, you are beautiful
Please never believe they are better
God made you an original beauty
and God made you so very special
Something I wish I could say to everyone
who has no confidence in theirself
No race is superior to any other
You are beautiful
Steve Page Nov 2017
The Last Priest
smiled his blessings
a new priesthood

beyond borders
across tribes
ignoring gender
discounting class
blind to race
snubbing rank
denying privilege

and preferring
a new holy nationality
for refugees
for stateless souls
like mine
- like ours
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Galatians 3:26-29
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,
27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
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