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Dakota J Dawson Mar 2018
Lust after
My Phone

He is called
App name
Monochrome in
His' portrait orientation

It can be
What I choose
Force into reality
***** foregone conclusions
Sunny Feb 2018
An image.
I look at it from time to time.
It was birthed from nothingness.
I remember those old photos. The ones that developed after some time.
You shook them and they—
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
A perfect representation of triumph and ambition and strength.
All rolled into one still frame.
It’s unmoving, yet it conveys so much.
It’s powerful, even now, invoking emotions within me I haven’t felt before.
Pride. Determination.
And then, I realize I’m crying.
Because…I see those things when I look at you.
Are you that portrait? That display of strength?
It doesn’t matter. I…still remember when you wrapped your arms around me.
You become something else in that moment.
A display of…passion. Guardianship. Amorous.
That moment. I can’t shake it.
It’s encapsulated in my mind.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
The invisible
Pieces of memories,
A ambivert balance
With a great escape,
Nobody knows,
Reflection of curiosities

Tried to read face,
Connected to everything;
The social Media,
The Time,
Light, exposure, and a state of mind.
Theme: Exploring Profile Picture.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Challenged a portrait
It didn’t blink

I loss, so that she can win.
Genre: Love
Theme: Then, nothing matters.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
A free portrait! Imagine that,
At no charge this troglodyte
Decided that I deserved a rendition in pulsing crimson, me!
He effortlessly sliced the curve of my face,
And then holding true to brute form,
Let his fists do the rest of the painting.
In a breath’s thought I fought the idea
That this strong browed man was a fan of
Yves klein, but then he caringly guided my sight
Floor-bound and I noticed that he was a
Monochromatic *******.

Now, I wasn’t expecting Monet,
But in truth the elegance of the lazy red river
Careening down my cheek and neck got my hopes up.

And then further was impressed by his liberalness
With bottomless black crimson
Where he’d only previously flirt with young pinot noir
As he took a break to wash and massage his stained hands
I clutched at the hope that perhaps he was done with the
Onslaught with such blunt tools,
As such methods could ruin the whole piece
Unfortunately, he returned
And his care for each swipe was becoming more

More impassioned, but less precise,
I asked if he perhaps needed a second break?
Perhaps I could assist him,
I wanted to give it a try myself, but my hands were

In vain,
I tried to tell him that,
His bearish skills and appearance,
Would be better suited to a life of leather, whips, and Oedipus Complexes,
But his response was,

You should never laugh at an artist
Especially the bad ones
Because then their work some how finds a way to get worse

I asked if he’d learned how to work from his father,
And whether his father had worked him in any
Manner, and that’s when I became dizzy
I think.
Apparently struck a nerve.
hallee Jan 2018
I've been staring at a blank canvas..
Its cloth looking back at me,
With no sense of direction,
begging for inspiration.
A purpose maybe.
Something to guide it from its emptiness.
But I'm weak and my mind is tired.

Perhaps I have become too comfortable with the lifeless and colorlessness of this canvas that I have failed to realize..

I've been looking in a mirror all along.
Madhu Jakkula Jan 2018
Even after all this while,
the only music i want to hear, is your voice
the only portrait i want to see, is your smile
the only thing i want to feel, is your bare skin
the only ocean i want to dive into are your lips
the only poem i want to write, is you.
Craig Jan 2018
in someone's house, there's a photograph
it's framed by the front door, almost on display
it's there for visitors to see and believe
and I'm not quite sure how they fall for it.

in the photo is a happy family
a daughter, a mom, and a dad
all smiling and loving and caring and happy.
they see cheery, normal people.
hey deceived they must feel.

but the girl? she was a boy.
she was he who wasn't himself.
he was confined to a body of all pink and bursting with estrogen
he was she who was he who was trapped
and his father hated him.

yelling and shouting "christina! christina!"
tears falling like dumbbells on unsuspecting toes
"chris! chris!" he'd yell back
but only in his brain
because the daddy-daughter dances
had already been attended.

bruises from beatings that couldn't be healed
but the happy photo still hung in the hall
and even as chris watched the rings go
from left hands to right he still hid behind
that perfect, happy family.

and the people failed to see through it.
From a closeted trans writer to you.
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