It would be good to face at least a few times on the bumpy, predictable paths of life, with a pale, two-color sunlight, when a hearty, plate-namous love quarrel, when we thought it could now be built on all the sand, collapsed card castles, and not to be hidden.
Broken gestures, small-style gestures can remain with man only if he is frightened of his own greedy but sincere emotions, which are integrated into their cell molecules and instincts, so they have become part of it. The footprints of the torn memories are still preserved by the snow -white sandy beach, which is nursed by the bleeding sunset; Who knows if a life-creating relay run can start again?!
Nowadays, halfway between the darling, donkey tissues, stingy, silent stones, maybe one or two if you can still keep the silent apocryphal dialogues. They ran away -who knows where -to the infinity because the protective angels of the paradise found were being expelled and ashamed of shattered their Ikarus wings.
You should never fall irresponsible into the spear of sighs; Romantic calls should be entrusted to the cherished, benevolent captivity of the Procrostic Beds. In a grotesque-stool world, it would be good to know that even the spiral devil circles are not multiplying and breeding in the split atoms-but they tend to break cherished flower petals.
They do not now be parked by anyone with their free-to-leaves; They only raise muddy muddy nests from the day, just nonsense, nonsense promises!