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Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2018
Staying up late each anxious night
Wishing you had not given in to heartache
The choice to split technically mine
It was one you forced me to make

You provided no better options
Back pressed against a disappearing wall
The thing keeping me upright through problems
Cracked skeleton hardly holding weight at all

I know I am weak, words paper-thin
Sit here stuck in the same position
Nothing to improve the frustrated state I'm in
My mind rummaging for proper recognition

Plans made are crumbling to dust
Flames dance around, we are running out of air
Hearts racing, to win we both think we must,
Wondering which is the tortoise and which the hare

Games we play but not enjoy
Again and again use my heart as a toy
Each endless night I lie awake
Staring at the ceiling retracing mistakes

Collapse like a deflated lung
Fated to gasp for more air
Throat hoarse from sad songs sung
Past pain shouting "Please beware!"

I found the same outcome too many times
In patterns we are destined to repeat
Yet I still walk identical lines
Straight into the familiar defeat
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always gotten
Anya Sep 2018
I used to wonder if,
one who enjoys writing
and history
and words
Is bad,
at math and science

I'm finding recently,
that it's really not true

science may not be my strongest

But I can take what is,
and use it to my advantage

I realized
I could make educational poetry
from the concepts
to the stories I love

And that way I remember them better

The world really is a small place
Not just,
among people
But also,
Among concepts,
Reoccurring patterns
SeeBee Sep 2018
Sitting at the river, watching, feeling, listening
The wind is gradually rising
Little egret wading
Heron on high alert
Arrows of ducks
Geese in straight lines
A pair of turtle doves perch together, nearby
I wish you were here
Perched with me
Holding hands
Silently Sharing
neth jones Jul 2018
Hell shimmies when I am blunted ;
When I take a knock to the senses
When I am skinless,
singing stings
and misdirected by pain

If I had trained better
I'd be deep sea
Sussing distant messages
Operating with slight tremors, vocals and movement
and only when correct...
I'd be home
I'd be instrument

Not an act
Not a pet to society
No mood fool ;
and littered
Rapped at by experiences
Attack reacting
An embarrassment
Watching my own pattern spooling
the same sums
and spoiling with repetition
360 degrees
365 days
i find myself back here
a rotating haze
crocodiles in the lake
waiting to strike
i've been chewed
digested and reborn
cycle of life
upon resurrecting, i have a bit more knowledge
knowledge of the world, self and my worth
but it's like the crocodiles are painted red, waving gracefully in front of my gaze
i'm a bull that rams through with everything in my way
hidden and undetected is how most know about their nature
but they're just red flags that i chase without a chaser
i'm tired of being digested and ****** lifeless
i've been resurrected so many times
it's like i have this unlimited energy supply
charging and giving to things that i realize aren't worth it
it reaches full capacity and destroys my circuits
which is why i come back to this space in time
all hazy
burnt out
i've resurrected once again
with more knowledge than before
and now i know not to become aroused to the sight of red flags anymore
not running in loops or patterns
just running freely
here i am, 365 days later
full circle, a human that has learned from the past
that still has more to do
but moving forward with a different pursuit
Deep May 2018
A wondrous sky at dawn,
Protected from the frightful storm,
Sheltered within the gentle sea,
You rose in perfect authenticity.
A precious gift of pure and right,
You slowly peaked with warmth and light,
Love and beauty, like none before,
Purposefully rising, finding more.
You grew so fast from this humble beginning,
The World's most sacred, loved belonging.

The storms did come, with terror and fright,
The mothering horizon, holding you tight,
With all her imperfections, from another day,
Helpless to stop you, growing away-
Exposing yourself to the tall dark sky,
Damaged and polluted, with wailing cry.
Lovingly protected, by choppy waters,
Your faith and resilience cracks and falters.
We see your beauty, strength and light,
Fighting darkness, in the futile fight.

As you begin to leave, the sea's horizon,
We pray for our failures to be forgotten,
We pray that in, the tall dark sky,
You'll have a good wind, and peaceful flight.
We hope that you will weather the storm,
Mingle with stars, formed not torn,
Free with the birds, like a shooting star,
With our heavy hearts, with love from afar.
As you rise above, in midday glory-
Strong, we hope, lucky; just happy.
A poem inspired by watching the sunrise, on beautiful morning, over the sea's horizon.  The birth of a new day, with the sun's journey up into the sky.  It reminded me of being a father and the worries I have with my children.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
follow patterns                                    
always dancing, singing eternally                            
dying stars arrange carefully                                                                  ­          
darkness finding swirling spaces        
beauty cancelled                                        
foundations disrupted like rocks crumbling              
regretfully finding                                                          ­            
distorted pictures                                                         ­           
pictures distorted                                                        ­                                  
finding regretfully
crumbling rocks like disrupted foundations
canceled beauty
spaces swirling finding darkness
carefully arrange stars dying
eternally singing, dancing always
patterns follow
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