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Styles May 30
I sense an eruption growing within,
An overwhelming pressure ready to burst,
Emotions cascade in streams,
Touching hidden corners of my soul.
Procreate all of our conversations;  
to produce life in their endless longing words.

You, my beloved, hold a coveted title; as every time I speak
of you, my words are filled with a true and unyielding love,
that resounds ecstatically throughout any room.

For every conclusion of my speech, should leave
no doubt in your mind. Knowing without any hesitation
or reservation, that I love you – wholly, completely,
and unconditionally.
Vivek Raj May 29
You make me feel different,
Leaving me in constant bewilderment,
Where others get to greet you once every day,
You make me wonder straightaway,
As you welcome me twice,
Once in the morning when I wake up,
Right before the start of my day ahead,
And, once at night during my sleep,
When you embrace me in my dreams.
Styles May 29
In the moon's soft glow, our bodies intertwine,
Lips tracing paths of desire, whispers divine.
Hands explore the landscapes of silken skin,
A dance of passion, where we both begin.

Eyes locked in a gaze, a silent plea,
Every touch, every breath, sets our spirits free.
Heartbeats synchronize in a rhythm so sweet,
In this tender embrace, where our souls meet.

The night wraps around us, a velvet shroud,
In the hush of darkness, we whisper aloud.
Desires unleashed, in the sacred space,
Lost in the rapture of this intimate grace.
As we immerse ourselves in this ecstatic embrace,
calling upon the stars; hoping they too know our name
—they bear witness to our passion, twinkling with joy
as they watch us revel in the depths of our blissful affection.

And in their silent presence, we are reminded of
the vastness of the universe and the infinitesimal yet
profound impact of our love. We lie there, bathed in
the shimmering light of the stars, we cannot help
but plan for the future.
A subtle gaze into these mesmerizing brown eyes,
captivated by the intensity of the desire that burns within
them— these eyes are like two galaxies, vast and infinite,
in which I find myself happily swirling; as the joy of all
my dreams, are like a kiss that pulls me in deeper into orbit;
a celestial dance fueled by this magnetic connection to
achieve all that seemed so impossible.

The pull is irresistible, as I find myself helplessly drawn to
it, unable to resist the gravitational force of passions.
A moment of cosmic unity, I yearn for you with a fervor that
surpasses time and space. The past becomes insignificant, and
all that matters is the present, the unyielding longing for a
touch, an embrace of accomplishments, playing out in my
life’s celestial opera.
Vivek Raj May 28
How could one feel,
Both powerful and weak,
At the same time,
In front of your smile,
A feeling best explained,
As the best part of my life.
Vivek Raj May 27
Like the light at the end of the tunnel,
You came as a glimmer of hope,
Raising from the dead in me a feeling I thought was buried,
Resurrecting a missing part of my life back into existence,
Bringing back emotions I believed disappeared long time back,
With your smile that could mend any broken soul,
Lift up any person's shattered heart,
And, make me seek you and never go apart.
Vivek Raj May 27
A question,
Long left unanswered,
What makes you so desirable?
And, the answer popped up to me,
In less than an instant.

A curiosity,
A one of a kind wonder you are,
And, no wonder man searches you,
In the twinkle of a star,  
To be left spellbound by you,
Like an enchantment,
In spiritual and cosmic realms afar,
Only to realise,
You're no fantasy,
But, a phenomenon and a certainty,
As good as across all realities.
Vivek Raj May 25
To my weary eyes,
And, my shattered heart,
Your arrival,
Remains a big welcome.
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