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Before you left,
I was a paradise,
A magical land of prosper and beauty.
When you left,
The rains stopped coming,
All the magic dried up to sandstone.
Then you came back,
With a river running wide,
Eroding the armored stone of my heart.
I prefer the sequel
Àŧùl Feb 12
I'm your X-Man,
Remember me?
You must, right?

I broke up with you,
You richly cursed me,
I met with an accident.

Almost died, but survived,
You came to look after me,
I survived that major one.

I woke up from the coma,
Not so soon as it took me,
But 3 weeks, oh 3 weeks.

I had forgotten the year past,
Most of it did wipe out in me,
All I recalled was your name.

Then I took 3 more months,
To recall what it took me,
To ultimately breakup.

So, I broke up once again,
Again you did curse me,
To eternal loneliness.

And until now, oh until now,
The breakups are done by me,
Whether girlfriends or fiancées.

But I've defeated a challenge,
Triviality you execrated me,
Yes. 'Twas your challenge.

So, you see now, do you?
Yes, you do, you do see me,
Yes, I'm successful again.

And to taste success,
The agony you gave me,
I braved all, all of that pain.

You, you I never cursed,
For you were loved by me,
I'm glad that you are happy.

However successful I may be,
An infinite grief still plagues me,
No real friends except my Father.

I should ignore the pain, you know,
My Father is here now for me,
I hope he is immortal.

I shall adopt a cat in future,
And the cat will love me,
Remove all the grief.

I'll carefully love that cat too,
Just like my Father loves me,
That liaison won't be brief.
My HP Poem #2050
©Atul Kaushal
Jaz Jan 30
Is it a place that people visit?
A desert with a watering hole in it.
Is it a person that you adore?
Making you laugh till your ribs are sore.
We were born in the forest,
Living in the shadows,
Clinging to our loved ones
In the dark, under the trees.
Life was good then,
We had picked fruit from branches
And swung on them for joy.
And there was no greed
Or jealousy.
Over millions of years,
We lived in harmony,
Until the forest changed;
The garden shriveled and
Faded away as we watched.
Our lives were rearranged.
Some among us ventured out.
Giving in to our sin: curiosity.
We turned the grasslands
into pavement and stone
And we endured pain to walk
Down in the street, surrounded
by canyons of concrete and steel.
The powerful gather now
and hoard what was once shared.
Hors d’oeuvres are served,
Placating the hunger of the omnipotent,
that is never stated;
They will keep taking from us
As long as we allow it.
Even as they wallow in wealth,
They plot to plunder riches
and destroy the world,
scraping the land
and scouring the sea.
But one day, some loner, a rebel
May emerge from the shadows,
Dark-clad, filled with inchoate rage.
He will find like-minded souls
Who use the new machinations
To topple the oligarchs,
Empty their accounts
And give them to the world.
Chaos may follow,
But out of it a new humanity
Might arise.
A memory of what humans used to be, what horrible things they became and the hope that humans might decide to live as they once had, using progress to help each other.
The Paradise ...

Year of love ...
This year ...
Our world ...
Just only ...
You and I ...
Yes ...
Come ...
Let's make it ...
From our love ...
The most wonderful year ...
To make miracles in it ...
With the madness of our love ...
So that ,...
All people and the universe...
Get jealous of us ...
Yes my love ...
Let us be ...
And let's go together ...
And build a castle ...
Full of love ...
Free of worries and sorrows ...
In it we live forever ...
With love ...
And live the rituals Love ...
Which dream for ...
As if we were in paradise ...
Together ...
Night and day ...

All changes in our lives start with an idea ...
Come on my love ...
Let's make our paradise ...

Hazem ...
Verlecia F Nov 2024
trickle, trickle, little dew drops
your divine tap
has, all but dry up

so with no drizzle
to bring thee rain

our tongues
will all
share the same
dried up fate

so with a bending
feeble knee
i do beg thee
let go
of your purse
and sinful coin
we have no need
to eat the fruit of oil

and with shallow hollow breath
i do downwardly cry
for who will survive?

and a little voice
will say
surely not i
or the rich
or the poor

and in the coming of the
the heat or the cold
will only bring
bones and tears drops
of lost loves

for paradise was
green and the oceans where (were)
like of the new
but we soiled her

and cover her
in black goo
The ultimate blackface by crude oil!  4/19/2022 Tuesday -
by: verlecia
Saved right now  134 words
-----------------------------------    -----------------------------------    --------Write a poem for contest Prompt: short story, global warming. - Liz G Lucas
Hi, friends,

A little different contest this time. I'm asking for a  short story, no more than 1,500 words. On your opinion of global warming. What you would do about it, if you could. Judging by the weather in Spain so far this year I'd say there was another ice age coming. I have upped the points for this one. Please don't deviate from the subject. Please put words in AN, along with Global Warming. Also please spell check before entering
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Mamã foi embora
Ela já não está viva
Ela deixou a Mãe Terra
Ela está no cemitério
A mamã está mais longe
Ela está aqui e ali, realmente
A mamã se foi
E já não está aqui
Connosco, sob o sol
A mamã está no céu
Ela olha para nós e consegue ouvir
Ela está a divertir-se, em um sonho
Vendo-nos lamentar e gritar
A mamã está com a Virgem Maria
Ambos nos ouvem e riem
Tanto que choram no paraíso
Onde ninguém morre
Isto é uma gafe
Que viagem! A mamã foi embora
Mal os podemos ver nas nuvens
A mamã ainda está conosco
É invisível dentro de nós
Como desejamos que as outras mães façam
Feliz fica no cemitério
Que a terra seja leve e macia!

P.S. Este poema é dedicado a todos os que choram.
Translation of “Mommy Is Dead” in Portuguese.

Copyright © Avril 2024, Hébert Logerie, todos os direitos reservados.
Hébert Logerie é autor de várias coletâneas de poesia.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Mama ist gegangen
Sie lebt nicht mehr
Sie hat Mutter Erde verlassen
Sie ist auf dem Friedhof
Mama ist weiter weg
Sie ist hier und dort, wirklich
Mama ist weg
Und nicht mehr hier
Bei uns, unter der Sonne
Mama ist im Himmel
Sie sieht uns an und sie kann hören
Sie hat Spaß, in einem Traum
Uns jammern und schreien zu sehen
Mama ist bei der Jungfrau Maria
Beide hören uns zu und lachen
So sehr, dass sie im Paradies weinen
Wo niemand stirbt
Das ist ein Fauxpas
Was für eine Reise! Mama ist gegangen
Wir können sie kaum auf den Wolken sehen
Mama ist immer noch bei uns
Sie ist unsichtbar in uns
Wie wir es anderen Müttern wünschen
Fröhliche Aufenthalte auf dem Friedhof
Möge die Erde leicht und weich sein!

P.S. Dieses Gedicht ist allen gewidmet, die trauern.
Translation of “ Mommy Is Dead” in German.

Copyright © Avril 2024, Hébert Logerie, alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Hébert Logerie ist Autor mehrerer Gedichtsammlungen.
greatsloth Oct 2024
On the Jester's neck was a blade
What will he do? Run and evade?
No, he made fun of its size:
This one wouldn't cut me into dice—
A funny way to the gates of paradise,
Yet a brilliant way to make one never fade.
Beauty, money, and fame will one day vanish—but never a funny story.
If I can escape to my Utopia
Connect with my own bliss
Create my own Arcadia
A Wonderland of Happiness
A Tropical Island get away
Palm Trees, Coconuts and more
A Fantasy Island of my own
So, what am I waiting for!!
I so just want to Get Away and
Save my Troubles for another Day
No  more worries it would be so nice
To Get away to my Paradise
If I had the opportunity, I wouldn't think Twice
Of this being my Paradise
My, my, my, "What A Sight!!"
This would DEFINITELY be my Paradise!!!

By: B.R.
Date: 10/15/2022
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