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really finding their peace.
in a zoom meeting.

tingaling with a feeling
from a screen.

if i stopped caring
people could bear
with me.

i see him spit
a hand-washing station.

my entry denied
face shield.

face shield. face shield.
a repeated mantra; standing there
This poem explores the dissonance between virtual connections and physical realities during the pandemic era. The repetition of "face shield" emphasizes the absurdity and frustration of safety protocols, while the imagery of "tingaling with a feeling from a screen" captures the hollow resonance of digital interactions. The poem reflects on societal behaviors and personal detachment in unprecedented times.
Àŧùl Mar 11
Let's tell you a story,
Of art & of dance,
Not all that gory.

She was that dancer,
Not just an ordinary one,
A bar dancer in all her glory.

COVID-19 made it hard to work,
So, she started working online,
And began to twerk from home.

She was safe this way,
From the two viruses,
Both COVID and ***.

Plugged on to the revolution,
Clients were happy online,
And she made good money.
My HP Poem #2053
©Atul Kaushal
Gideon Mar 8
One man’s outbreak
Another man’s breakthrough
It struck us all
In different ways
It struck us all

We lost many
Despite our best efforts
Still mourning
We are all
Still mourning

We tried to connect
Through screens and masks
Locked inside
While we were
Locked inside
Nat Lipstadt Feb 25
~ for Rob Rutledge -
@ 6:15am
we all are living, reading and writing,
paycheck to paycheck
even if by happenstance, our bellies full,

for the white sheets we lay our words
down and upon, our supporters of
ids and egos of egg shell thin lifes
are the bare emptied shelves
of our unending, still ongoing
pandemic pandemonium,
razing times
of eroding joys

the sheets are blank, but our souls
wearied, helmed and whelmed
by the unending of the unexpected
that demands, orders and commands,
no matter what
pour it out blasting
unleashing the rage
compelled, compiled,
completely compulsing
selves ordered to compose

giving form and firmament
to our vaporous innards,
releasing new oxygen from
the tides inside and without,
clashing ideas, irregular notions
that demand we poets responsible
for reconciliation and auditing for
human truths

we awake barren but weighty,
the emotions are rustling in the
now daily, common,
mighty metors of gusts of higher winds,
spreading fire and measles to spite,
not despite
our fragile failings & flailings

oh goodness and grace,
let that be the colors of
our skin, our face,
essay on, sashay with a
swinging motion,
yes, rhyme and rhythm

and deliver us with words
so soft, they shatter the
gloomy desperation of
what confronts our entirety,
when the terrors of our
sleeping dreams cannot be
differentiated from the
sad eyed waking

so write, and right,
these troubled times,
when trolls, dragons
and yet unnamed monsters
seek to take away our
tiny green planet, watered,
seeded and plentiful fruited
plains enough to satisfy us all

if we are so emboldened to choose
all of us over our lonely selfish selfs
close by
the Ides of March
(1)some words recently received and rescreted
Madyselry Nov 2024
Love, the word I used to hate
Bitterness was sweet
Not until dozen of candies
Tasty bounds becomes great
Mind becomes imaginative
Fantasizing everywhere.
As I turn stranger to my lover.
Written during pandemic
Nitin Raikar Oct 2024
Admist the raging pandemic
Scurrying Souls
Overwhelming Contagion
Omnipresent Fear Psychosis....

Ahoy! Ahoy!
Rises the Phoenix
Epitome of Resurrection
White Armoured Warriors
Scalpels Drawn, Vials loaded
Bracing for the unseen
Adrenalin pumping
Awash with indomitable grit...

Sacrifices galore
Saviours to the Scourge of Humanity
Silent Sentinels
Of a defining epoch...

Veni, Vedi, Vinci....
Magi Candelaria Sep 2024
Mother Nature shouted… Enough! Enough!
You need to slow down, be still, be quiet.
I need to breathe.
You are so ungrateful for all the gifts I have given.
I am exhausted and need to rest.
She had tried to get our attention before; earthquakes,
Tornados, locusts. Even the tsunami had little effect on us.
So she unleashed Pandemia and the world was silent.
The world was silent for days.
The days turned into weeks, turned into months.
The foxes came out to play.
Blue returned to the sky.
The fishes returned to the rivers.
Will we remember to be thankful?

   — Magi
GRIS Aug 2024
In the quiet of the empty streets,  
With shadows long and wide,  
A friend appeared with wagging tail,  
To stay right by my side.  

While the world was full of worry,  
And days seemed dark and long,  
Haru brought a gentle joy,  
A love both pure and strong.  

With every bark, a hint of hope,  
Each wag, a silent cheer,  
Through every storm, we found our way,  
With Haru always near.  

Now as the seasons slowly change,  
And the fear begins to fade,  
I know the love we shared those days,  
Is the best we ever made.
George Krokos Apr 2024
I just don't seem to get enough of Your love
which is a matter I need to remind You of;
life in the world is not the best at this time
there is so much going on that's like crime.

The pandemic unleashed is still causing pain
though some people are finding ways to gain;
it seems human ingenuity comes to the fore
as channels are opened up for some to explore.
Written in early 2022.
VG E Bacungan Jan 2024
In this hollow white space
Its been two five seven days.
The sky dusks again.
Written 23 November 2020

Original Commentary: Wrote this one earlier when I remembered how long I've been away from home. This COVID pandemic is draining for both the physique and the psyche.
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