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Day Oct 2015
is what i need,
just a hint,
**someones listening.
everybody wants to be heard
Thomas Maltuin Oct 2015
A water drop fallen down
to vast dark pools to drown

A dead brown leaf staying put
crumpled smashed underfoot

No wind to carry you away
stagnant broken here you'll stay

Blending in your world surrounds
passing by in leaps and bounds

Quivering shaking trembling not
overlooking your trivial lot

Blues so vibrant reds so pure
crying bleeding heart so sore

soul refusing brittle tempering
broken omitted needs remembering

tiny teardrop fallen down
vast dark oceans made to drown
ryn Sep 2015
Hidden star against the dark backdrop of night.
Not seen...
Not heard...
Struggling to assert existence with waning light.

Stifled are the stories dying to be told.
Eclipsed are the emotions
within collapses and folds.
Cloaked is the voice
that screams in silent anguish.
Disenchanted is the will
that once spoke of flourish.

I see you black star...
Know that...
You're nearer than far.
Dig deep...              
Past the charred, crumbling skin.
Dig deep...          
Into the beating heart within.

Know that...
You're better than any of them.
Any of us.
Time will only reveal,
what the sky sought to despicably conceal.
Your true calling.
Not as the quiet sentinel
that no one sees...
but a cosmic gem.
For those who are constantly being overlooked, misjudged and wronged in any way.

I see you...
Inspired by Radiohead's "Black Star".
Brandy Nicole Jul 2015
Nobody understood
the torture you observed,
what you lived.
A broken home
Mother sold you in
exchange for a quick high
Father saw you as a
substitute for your mother
In and out of psych wards even they thought you weren't sane enough to save
Years pass thinking life's f*ed up
Now your here
a picture of your dear mother
Selling your own,
now for that same high
In and out psych wards
look at you now..
A lost cause, on trial for ******
Nobody understood you needed love never hate
Shadow Paradox May 2015
She was on top of the world

But when asked how it felt

There was no answer

Because she was hanging

On the noose of the misunderstood
Cat Fiske May 2015
I wonder how many people we've overlooked,
and never seen,
just something short and sweet
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
Judged by irrationality
Hidden in accidental oversights
Feeding the dragon that leaks molten lava in salty streaks of regret
Empty wasted emotion
Saving ourselves from ourselves
Saving you from me
Worst case scenarios never included you punishing me at the sight of my weakness
You only love me beautiful
Love is a profound type of collective psychosis
Looks like strength but hides the truth
The truth that certainty is the truest delusion
On my best day, in the best possible scenario, I am still invisible
Open and still transparent
Full and still forgotten
Insightful and irrelevant my thoughts pour out unheard
In my demon's shadows lives the truth of my vulnerability
I am weak because I love you
I am a warrior because you love me
I am strong because I love you
I am a lamb because you love me
Spilling my unseen secrets
My evil self-talk, my mantra of honest lies
The purr of a kitten unsettles a soul beginning to believe it mattered
Pain dismissed in the peaceful snores of a tired moon
The sun shines in hope on the remnants of dream
On the nightmare of forgotten, overlooked, inconsequential truth
Empty apologies and the familiarity of beloved anguish
Herald the realization, that words don't matter
Truth or lies, faithless faithful, and a newfound silence
Invisible save for the ash lines that tell the tale
Of how I begged forgiveness for sharing my tormented and twisted mind
Only to be interrupted by the sounds of your peaceful slumber
To be everything to your everything
and realize I am still........nothing at all
To Him, poetic license, I know I am your sun.  I know who you are. But sometimes..."because we love, we hurt."
PrttyBrd Feb 2015
In the darkness of night, or by the light of day
Waiting for hours with nothing to say
When wonder turns worry and knowledge to doubt
The truth becomes lies and silence to shout
The louder the cry the more muffled the plea
Lost miles away from where we should be
Open and honest and ugly and raw
Without wasting time with the hem and the haw
Memories fight oversights hidden by masks
Begging a thought is a torturous task
Still waiting for a hint or a clue or a sign
That the strength of a heart beats the power of mind
Majse Dec 2014
But how could I miss out on
How truly beautiful you are
All this time
And I never even considered it once
The dark hair
Green eyes
The way you complimented me
I'll re-consider it now
Marnelli Abian Mar 2014
A love where you’re









Is nothing.

The worst kind of love is where

You’re waiting…

For that one message

For all these not to happen

All over again.

— The End —