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Jacob Reilly Nov 2018
Heart of glass... slipped and shattered.
Brynn S Nov 2018
When they ask you how you got that scar,
What will you say?
A beast
A monster
A fall
Or an accident
Oh yes an accident I was
I ripped the routes
And disgraced the victim
Every truth has two sides
Yet you’ll never learn
All ends meet at the the fault line
A place of the mistake
One of haste
One of poor taste
Aren’t I the one who infuriates you
Drives your bones into each other
Grinds teeth of ivory
Yes I am
It is my fault, though...
There’s fault in you as well
Julian C Jaynes Nov 2018
Some would say love is a fiery passion
I simply say it is love
Passion is different from love in its actions
These ideals generate different reactions
Love prompts a gentle, sweet sigh
Passion, it thunders, much to love’s detraction
Passion is often mistaken for love, and
When it burns out people frown
And assume that love slips through fingers like sand

It’s an awful structure
That’s bound to rupture
So we must nurture
Love’s own true structure
Love can change

It goes up and down and all around
But never away

It is quite strange

Sometimes you’ll frown
Then turn around, and once more be gay

Love isn’t loud
It isn’t proud
It sits and stays
So long passion
I found a mission, so go away

I’m found, completely, sweetly in love, and
I’ll never stray.
My first posted poem in years. Literally. If it’s garbage it’s garbage, I don’t care. I’m just happy to write again.
shiv Nov 2018
and when i smoulder out
trapped beneath the ruins of my skin
all i can hear is the rumble of applause

because you mistake this ruin for reality
and you call it beauty  

and you think that it is gorgeous
the way i bleed out on the floor
gasping for a breath that wont reach my lungs

in a symbolic attempt to show
humanity to be as bright and dangerous
as its greatest fears
EmperorOfMine Nov 2018
Hello Dear…
There's a lot of pain in my soul.
I don't feel like I can be seen, hence being a ghost.
I'm not calling the seen those who gather attention.
I've never been able to hold the necessary attention that is love.
I'm tiny.
Little to ńöẗḧïńġ...
But I'm something.
I mustered up courage deep inside me, somewhere in my shadow...
I pulled it out and coated it with what I thought was hope.
But whether it was or wasn't, it overpowered that courage.
It escalated until it had no other option but to fall.
When it fell, the choices were already in motion.
A result was ready to explode...and cause casualties.
...Or just one casualty.
I guess a ghost can see the future.
Its shadow can do more than foreshadow.
I opened up a door for courage...
But I let out a demon called melancholy.
I made a mistake...
And it led to another heartache.
I never knew that I was my own weakness...
Not until I was bitten by the Gloom Bug.
julianna Nov 2018
I wish I could go back and say sorry
I’m still young, and back then I was even dumber
Forgive me for things I’ve said,
Because hindsight is 20/20
But most of all,
Forgive me for things I did
And maybe the guilt will go away
tayarose Nov 2018
In time you will faded i say to myself
but i fear that i made a grave mistake
that i won't forget you, you'll be stuck in my heart, stuck in my mind
i fear that you were the love of my life , I just let you Go
I never should have left, Because I don't think i'll ever stop loving you
Jordan Ray Oct 2018
Isn't it funny that no matter how much good you give to the world, it can all be undone with just one mistake.
Just a little thought I had!
abs Oct 2018
i guess i guess
we weren't at the same place
i guess i guess
freshman year was meant for mistakes

i guess i guess
i'm sorry
i guess i guess
i wasn't ready
i guess i guess
i didn't know what i wanted
and neither did you
i guess i guess
we weren't at the same place
i guess freshman year was meant for mistakes

i guess i had a lot of things
to say to you
i guess i hope this helps too
i guess i wanna say
i still like you.
i really like this one too ugh
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