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jewel 56m
A series of numbers in which each is the sum of the two proceeding numbers. This is different than Pascal’s triangle.
The formula is as follows: Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2, where n >1. It is used to generate a term of the sequence by adding its previous two terms.
Solve the following examples.

1. flowers
    little people in dresses
    dancing in the ballroom
    the world is on fire;
    we bend faster
    when the wind howls
2. hurricanes
    the ocean is quite
    i let myself
    the sky rips
3. pinecones
    in the bed underneath
    a mother
    her children gather
    snow for breakfast
    breakfast in bed
4. spiral galaxies
    the naked eye
    beholds the beauty
    of hands we no longer see
    we are drowning in light
copyrighted, poemsbyjewel (2025).
Meliah 4d
She poetically talks about how we are two asymptotes
As we got infinitely closer
We got infinitely farther away

Or maybe we are parallel—
Maybe we never really met
But forever are bound going the same way

“If only I could make you forget.”
As if forgetting would do anything
But have me make the same mistake again

Maybe we are a tangent line
Only meeting once
Then disappearing forever

Or maybe I am i,
Imaginary, irrational, impossible—
A unicorn in the margins of your notes,
A number that doesn’t exist,
Except when the equation demands it.

You called me that once,
A unicorn,
Something too rare to be real,
Too strange to hold onto.

But even imaginary numbers have value,
So tell me, if I was never real—
Why does the math still haunt you?
"The universe and math are intertwined
From one, meaning of the other derived
Things add up in the end they always do
So what’s to say of me and you?

Of life and love I profess little knowledge
And disaster, most certainly, at any involvement
I am grown at heart, yet adolescent at mind
Forever fearful of and adept at wasting time

Be reminded I bear you no resentment
I just have a hard time finding contentment
My motives are senseless, my motion so tense I dispense with my friends just to find time to rest
So it seems that we’re diametrically opposed
I’m distant, while you wouldn’t let your friends go

I am meant to fly, always airborne in my dreams
I am whimsy and caprice, you are steady nurturing
I am the rain turned to hail by a cold winter breeze
I am (un)sentimental, with bipolar tendencies
I am inconsistent, with infinite possibilities

I am, I am, I’m a narcissist at best
I am interesting, but do not deserve your interest
“We accept the love we think we deserve”
The best movie quote I think I’ve ever heard
It’s not science, or math, or empirical
It’s honest observation of the human soul

My love is tender yet impatient, both elegant and graceless
I know little of your love, but just enough to not embrace it
When it’s mind over matter I fall back on the heart
And truth is, I knew I would hurt you from the start

I’ve no shortage of words to offer you
Everything and anything will I do
Not for your forgiveness but for you to forget
I’ll say anything to get myself out of your head
And I know my words added up to a different path
But you should never trust a poet, cause they can’t do the math"
Yllu Minaré Mar 14
We saw each other more often
frequent as the primes in 1 to 10
Mending each other’s boredom
widening our degrees of freedom

Ranted on things under the sun
Noted our signs, roots, and sum
We took turns airing problems
Shared proofs for peer checking

Did sanity check on our numbers
Whether in life, music, or games
Exchanged secrets and dreams
Reciprocated emojis and DMs

In the end, we skipped one thing
An asymptote we avoid touching
Assumed “us” was undefined
Then met our limits and resigned
Yllu Minaré Mar 11
Math is where we first met
I observed you from my seat,

Occasionally glancing at the door
Thought you were cute and cool

Oh no, you caught me staring!
Then... things took a weird turn
Suddenly you started reeling
As if having diarrhea and burn
Like a fish out of water, uneasy
While miming weirdly at me

Your eyes pointed at my paper,
Then a series of stupid motions
I had to lip read; you said “answer”
You gestured to copy my solution

Oh crap! Stop goading me please…
My emotions, bordered love and hate

Infatuation, now, transitioned to regret
You ignited an inner battle I can’t take

My grades here weren’t that high!
God, I’m no good with numbers!
I tried protesting, but your eyes…
They were pleading… I surrendered
Gideon Mar 8
When the line of one idea ends,
does the line divert into new ideas?
From one idea, do a couple, a few,
or several more split into existence?
Does one idea grow into new ideas
like a flower stem dividing into
several stems, letting more blossoms
bloom into beauty and brilliance?

When a circle of an idea starts,
does it overlap with past circles?
Do the overlapping colors and
textures create something new?
When the spark of a new idea is lit,
does it create a flame of creation and
craft that ignites, burning up projects,
releasing plumes of chaos in its wake?

Does your geometry have enough poetry?
Mica Wood Feb 28
One fifth of my day
was spent on precalculus.
I want to die now.
Time I cannot get back
Well since we dont have enough math knowledgeto fully solve it we need one of the futuristic mathematical stuff using logic and intuition like they did back in prehistory to discover current maths. I believe the whole mathematical system works by following the golden ratio meaning everything will end how golden ratio ends. Which means RH could possibly end at complete 0 or ½. Why? Bcs it would fit to the golden ratio and also golden ratio is everywhere. Also as t takes up space it will have to end at some point and the largest 0 we could get is 0

Well math and philosophy need ro be together in order to discover new mathematical approaches and to advance maths. I know it wouldn't be approved but it can be used for more futuristic mathematical stuff making math knowledge expand with this idea
Just sharing my idea, not a poem. Recommend websites where i can share my theory
What's the probability of probably?
Is the square root of attraction,
You and is the variable me?
You're wicking me out,
All my facts start to feel like fiction,
And 2+2 is starting to look more like you.
Haven't written anything new in a hot minute. Been focusing on her.
Milo Jan 16
My mind’s fracturing into repeating patterns
Patterns of life and words I do not know
People I have yet to see
Breathing in equations and out various numbers
Numbers with no meaning
Sparse and erratic

Splintering sentences and irrational answers
Products that cannot be expressed
Quotients that can never possibly be fathomed
Decimals to infinity
Never repeating
But repeating that same set of numbers
1 through 9 in every shape and form
Spiraling into the abyss

Unifying everything
Yet moving so fast
So far
That it all falls away
Quantum mechanics
General relativity
Are nothing in the face of this infinite knowledge
Infinite numbers
Infinite death
Death to these hands
Death to these atoms
Death to every particle of light that collapsed from a wave
Death of the universe

Death of me
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