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Tiana Mar 2020
Maybe you're amusing,
Maybe you're funny,
Maybe you're beautiful
And maybe
You are too irresistible;
When you can't stop gushing part II

(P.S. Tried to write from a boy's point of view)
Tiana Mar 2020
Even though,
I don't know how you'll look like,
I don't know how your voice will be like,
But I know
The sight of you will be like
a ray of sun in winter day,
The voice of yours will be like
the melody which I'd always want to play;
Words from the one who hasn't found his/her soulmate
Tiana Mar 2020
I hope that you would find someone
who'll love you like me,
And someone
who doesn't share my destiny;

I know I'd be broken to see your arms
around someone
who isn't me,
But I doubt if I'll go through that breakdown
Considering how soon
I'll be only a memory;
Words from a sad soul 😢
Tiana Mar 2020
She was crazy and wild,
Just the way he was irritated by her
He would be at peace
whenever she smiled;
Cute love 😍
Tiana Mar 2020
Your smile is angelic,
Your scent is sedating,
Your voice is melodic
And only for you
I get this much poetic;
When you can't stop gushing
Tiana Mar 2020
These feelings are confusing me
day by day,
And maybe that's why
I'm trying to find reasons
to stay away;
Emotions of a confused mind
Jedidiah Wolbaum Jan 2020
When the ripples of the past mar the image of today, and the fragrance of a past bloom embitters a current aromas broadcast.
Then what could have been, that never happened, can be blamed on nostalgia and fervent contrast.
For a new bloom will never perfectly reflect the past, neglect not this seasons bloom, searching for that of the last.
The past although sensual is intangible, cling to the present knowing it could leave you just as fast.
First attempt at poetry... honestly sounded cliché to me. Written as a reminder to let go of the past so you can grasp what you have now.
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