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Gideon 5d
I hope you are cleansed one day.
After your life fades away.
I know you won’t change overnight.
Because after decades,
you still ignore my plight.
I can only hope you will be purified.
But not in a way that is dignified.
No, you must be burned and smote by fire.
Because only flames can cleanse a liar.
You tell yourself you’ve moved on,
but I see it in your eyes.
You walk into strangers’ rooms,
looking for something of hers,
and you come out empty,
losing pieces of yourself
with every step you take.

You lie to your skin,
tell it she’s gone,
but your body knows the truth
it remembers the way her name felt
in your mouth,
how her hands fit into yours.

You’re hiding,
running from something you don’t want to face.
Go back to her.
It’s not too late.
Stop pretending you’re okay.
The truth is, you’re still standing at the door
you promised you’d leave behind.

Go back.
Malia Dec 2024
Can I tell you a secret?

Sometimes my jaw hurts from
So much.

The room is filled with voices, the din
Of a kitchen in the back of an echo chamber
And none of them know the way I ache
Because all I do is

They don’t know—
They don’t know that I go home
From this constant, grand performance.

They do not know I am a liar.

I touch the fingers of the girl in the
Glass as I wash off the makeup and
Study the acne scars underneath.
but actually fr my jaw hurts from smiling too much. stop making me laugh goshdarnit.
Bree17 Dec 2024
i looked him in the eyes
and watched as his tears fell
leaving behind a pit in my chest
and a pain i couldn't tell

oh i wish i could go back
and unsay the things i've said
and keep the pain and agony
trapped away within my head

so instead i did the next best thing
and promised what i cant
planting there a seed of lies
a beautifully tragic plant

and yes it left a sour taste
as the words left my tongue
but it's better than that hollow pain
that was sitting on my lungs

i looked him in the eyes
and watched as his tears fell
and sold him lies priced as true
the best truth a liar can sell
i feel horrible, but at least he isn't so sad anymore
Caesar Nov 2024
Eight mouths
Seven eyes
Two ears
Nine dimes
Bet on the devil
Sweet and horrible
Wearing a halo of horse skin
Trading daffodils
For a soul
Trading secrets for a dime
Thrown all but into a hole
Secrets climbs
Spilling out
scorching the skin as overflows
A cloth weaved of thorns
Pricking and brushing my burns
Soft and buttered with lies
Sweet as chocolate
Seemingly flows off your ‘8’ mouths
A moth to a flame
How to lie
Guilt ridden
Faster than a raccoon digging up trash
Caught chewing on its on lies
Walk the halls
Eyes seem to never be the same
Color changing
Tears wilted
Rose plucked dry
Leaving only your thorns
Once beautiful
Broken and of so painful
Pain is mine now
To much of your own to handle
Overflowing and overbearing
Guilt ridden
I’ll flee too
Scared of overthinking
Injuring the garden around me
Messy poem, tired. More coming soon hopefully… this definitely ain’t another vent poem..
mjad Nov 2024
compulsive liar
like a faucet with water
on and off
a lifetime later
didn't mean to leave on the water



Ejiro Oct 2024
I am a liar
a pathological liar to be exact
you can perceive me in many ways, shapes, or forms
but in the end of the day
the way you view me will just be simple act
that I have created just to make you put your trust in me

I can say that I'm an "angel at heart"
but unfortunately for you
I can make you see the world as an ongoing hell
were the people that you love are just two - face demons that want you to forever rot in everlasting eternity
and I'll be the angel to save you (blind you) from those two - face demons

I can also say that "I can never hurt a fly"
but if you were a hopeless fly fluttering around my line of sight
I can easily trap you inside a jar
or cocoon you inside my hands
or maybe I'll just squish you slowly with *******
then I'll make you perceive it as a home(prison) for now on

For I am a liar
and you will find out eventually
so, if you were to sit me down and ask me
"Why would you put these lies in my head"
I would say
"Because why not"
everyone is a liar, but some liars can deceive more than others
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