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It’s a simple rule: Why things don’t go
as they should.
The bad drives out the good.
The internet, cities or democracy--
everything becomes dominated
by the dumb, the vile and the lazy.

Instead of community, the web
is **** and hate.
Time can’t run backward; there’s no recourse,
It’s too late.
The bad apples poisoned the tree.
You, out there, ruined it all for me.

Democracy has become mob rule,
and the mob prefers a tyrant, a demagogue, a fool.
City Hall is occupied by panderers and jerks.
Public office for them is just a way to get some perks.
A crass madman on Pennsylvania Avenue
doesn’t represent me–but maybe you.
That’s what the mob wants–someone just like them.
And when it leads to disorder, collapse, mayhem,
they invent a paranoid conspiracy theory.
But it’s not complicated. We made insanity easy, and free.
Now we have the rule of the dumb, the vile and the lazy.
And we call it democracy.
People aren’t equal. We all forgot this truth.
We let the mob take over. I guess we needed proof.
Proof that the old adage is as true as ever.
Have they ruined everything good forever?
It returns!
Not a minute too late,
For I was getting worried,
It wouldn't return today!
But boy staring at a blank screen,
It really made me think,
Maybe I need something than this?
Idk if this happened for any of you but for me HP went down from about 2:20 to right now. Dunno why but I happy it's back online.
Tye Mar 4
Wind cuts through the window,
Where I sit alone,
Staring into the bumps of paint
Splashed on my wall.

The computer, in its eighth month
Of continuous operation,
Plays the voice of a stranger
Who I’ll never know.
But, gods I wish I could.

We could dance through the streets,
Feel our bodies scraping together,
Each breath in the air
carrying a bit of you into me.
Wouldn’t it be so wonderful?

Now, here we are.
Back at the computer.
Plastic and glass as the threshold.
You in your world,
And I’m just me.
I guess you can't really have a haven anymore,
These days everyone is angry,
They want to rip it up into internet war.

Can we lay down arms?
Can we still find peace in places like these,
I don't remember this much random slander in 2024,
But I guess things can change fast in three months.

Hold your fire!
Stop the rounds,
Artist are dropping dead all around,
Rodger is an Echo, silent in the wind.
Someone dropped by,
Just to attack Hall and Truth.
When did the keyboard war reach these recesses?

You can't have jack anymore!
Not true, you could have it,
Had you not thrown it at the wall.
I never thought I'd be the one begging for calm,
Critique turned from a reward,
To an assault on anything on a page.

Paying an arm and a leg,
To get a political letter to the front page,
Just to ridicule any feedback you receive.
This went from an escape,
To a constant shock and turn around.
So can we just drop weapons please,
And focus on every ounce of love we pour into hp.
This will not be relevant to certain writers, but to the ones it is I beg of you, leave it alone. All the instigators, they're scared people looking to scare you for a release. If you stoop to there level you just empower them. Poetry is a tool, not a weapon and there is no place for random rumors, ****** comments, aggressors that don't write, and anybody who believes they can say exactly how somebody should and shall use art. I am tired of reading my favorite authors just to see random people lying in the comments trying to defame them. And I am ashamed to even share a generation with these kind of people, to all young poets here and that are to come, be the best you can so we can prove some of us are mature enough to not go right to cyber slap boxing anyone we disagree with. Peace for writers on HP.

Apologies to anyone mortified/angered/saddened/scared/disgusted by this, it's just on my mind and I am tired of it.
neth jones Feb 26
The world makes flights   white flakes of code
snow  like knowledge   alights on the ground
to become a muddy fusion
You yelled,
You pointed fingers,
You slap boxed a computer screen.

You broke things that aren't yours,
You challenged Truth,
Now you're a memory,
Yet another 404.
If you let your anger burn hot as possible, you'll run out of candle.
Whence comes daylight,
Comes night far after.

There is no place,
Polished to the pristine.

Even the places you love,
Harbor the unclean.
Even darkness resides in this wonderful place.
Jim Vaughn Jan 14
Various contentions commandeer the gossamer
threading of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it amateur
free loading and buffering to the hammer strikes
of daring digital darlings
raising stakes in the race
to the bottom

All our ever present neurons
raining clusters of chemicals into challenge videos
and lip-sync contests fray under the drip
of toxic positivity and special guests
with arcana wit and a pithy redress
to the hectic tempest control
of foreign fingers

These chance tragedies and reality puppet shows
commune and presume to know better than best
in show
about the circumstance of happenstance
when the fickle turn away
to gaze fiery into a rabbit hole
curated for those who
skew chaotic

No cogent tightrope margin tricksters
will condone the manic viral feel-good fixtures
hanging from the yellowed wind chime
keys which only lock up fever rituals
with dancing flame and ridicule
made wholly manifest from
distant voices

Suburban haze arrangements rot eternal
while withered updates wax nocturnal
in feeds of fomented fragility
lost among our endless
search for an end
of searching

Planned spontaneity burns borrowed minutes
festering in the better world we prohibit
and all along the symptom was
buried with the cure
as we the ill incarnate
toiling with clicking tongues
red from cherry picked plights,
block windmills
and declare defeat
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