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Stela Mar 2018
Sitting on the rooftop of the house and feeling the wind on our skin

Watching the beautiful waves and the sky when the sun is setting down

Drinking cheap wine and smoking my fav Marlboro cigarettes

Talking about our miserable lives and the movies that we love

We laugh while the sun goes back to sleep and the ocean becomes quieter

The colors are beautiful but not as much as your eyes and the way they shine when you look at me

You grab my hand and I can feel the warm blood in your veins

When you pull me closer my heart feels like it’s going to explode

Your skin is against my and i can barely breathe

And finally you kiss me ,finally I'm yours

Nothing matters anymore, nobody saw this …

Only the sunset and the ocean , but they had already gone to sleep …
Timothy Mar 2018
you've been good to me
you've shown me the way to be free
I want to give something in return
so I wrote this poem that I've learn

You are the instrument of my song
To the beat of your heart as it play along.
I've never been this in love before
but I know that you are someone I wont fall for.

You are the song that plays in the background
before I knew it, you're all ready there,
and I was dumbfounded.
you are the instrument that lives in me....
you are my inspiration that drove me here..
I feel blessed that I've known you
because without you

I will never be a writer of expression.
dunno if I did it correctly.
your thoughts?
Ps. just playing around with words again. do you mind translating this poem for me to understand what the hell did I wrote.
Seeker Mar 2018
im so ******* in love with you
you make me so genuinely happy
and confident

i could go on
and on
about you

you hug me when I'm sad
you hug me when I'm happy
you kiss me when you see me
you kiss me at night and in the morning when the sun is kissing your skin
you tell me you love me
you tell me you're lucky to have me
you are so passionate
you are so intelligent
you are so funny
you are so kind
you are you
and i love you

i am respected
i am loved
i am happy
i am calm

we may get mad at each other
we may want to yell
but we always end up in a hug

this poem is all over the place
i don't know if i would even call it a poem
its just my brain
splattered onto paper
with no form
and put up on the internet

some things don't have structure
and sometimes we don't either
sometimes we are adventurous
sometimes we make plans on the spot
and sometimes we just go with the flow

i love you
I've never loved anyone like i love you
you make me want to be better
not because i don't feel good enough
but because i feel empowered to keep doing my best

you're amazing.
you really are
and i can't believe its been a year.

a year of dating
which has gone by so fast
but i feel like I've known you for years.

you're my best friend
my partner in crime
my boyfriend
my soulmate

i love you so ******* much
you have no idea.
Dolores Lo Mar 2018

He has made me lose control.
His hands, roaming, searching for something on my body.
He searches every inch of me as if he is searching for his most valuable possession.
He is the hiker and I am the mountains he has come to explore.
Goodness, his hands.
They are so big. They make me feel small.
They’re soft in touch, rough in texture. They are experienced hands. He is the keeper of my life.
So much power in those hands.
His hands hold my life.

His eyes are two glasses filled with wisdom.
They are all knowing. His eyes know me- they know the world.
When he isn’t holding me with his hands, he’s holding me in his eyes.
His eyes are the iron shackles, I am the prisoner.
They hold the moon and the brightest stars.
I crumble underneath his gaze.
They make me weak.
They’re so full of power and desire.
His eyes hold me prisoner.

His love is like a river.
It keeps flowing and flowing.
I am the earth, he is my source of water.
I need his love to stay alive.
Without it, I am as dry as the summertime desert.
I am thirsty. I am parched.
Not even the Pacific Ocean can quench this thirst.
His love is the only resolution.
His love quenches my thirst.

His soul is a sacred burial ground.
He absorbs everyone yet, remains his own.
His soul shines brighter than the sun.
He holds the galaxies inside himself.
He is the mother,
the father,
the wise man,
the new born child.
He is the world.
He is us.
Kewayne Wadley Mar 2018
I've been lazy.
Listening to one side over and over.
In constant rewind, traveling to a better time.
I realized so much more.
Flipping the tape over.
Following the sound of your voice.
I smiled so much.

It's not that I preferred one side over the other.
Finding error in my mistake.
In truth I thought things would never change.
The world finding convenience.
Music forever changed.
The click of a tape being ejected now shared between us both.
Lazily laying.
The voice in my head singing along with yours.
A long feeling that starts as brief.
Enjoying song after song.
Exclusively living in heaven.
To sit with my headphones and listen to the only tape that reminds me of you.

Our endless conversation.
A fear of the tape jamming.
Since then I've become lazy.
Before and after buying batteries.
In constant fear that any moment the cassette player will eat the tape.
And I'll forever lose your voice
BrownChild Mar 2018
Thank you..
Thank you so much for walking out of his life or letting him walk out of yours.
Thank you for the opportunity to love him.
To do things with him that makes him smile. (Because god.. if you seen his smile you'd melt)
Thank you for hurting him,  because he learned how valuable and special our relationship is.
I will do all the things you failed to do for him,
I'll be there for him.
I'll prioritize him.
I will not make him feel as if hes just an option
I will give him the time and affect he desires (even when he doesn't ask).
I will love him. I will love him so carefully and so hard.
I want take what he has to offer for granted.
Ill do everything in my power to keep him by my side.
I will support his dreams, ill motivate him to chase them
I'll be his partner.
I'll be the woman you couldn't.
but what i wont do is make the same mistakes you did.
I will not ever let him go.
this is for the girls who fail to cherish what they had when they had it.
Bella Mar 2018
I love you
I mean, I love the thought of you
The idea of you
The look of you

I'm not, in love with you
Not for now
Not yet,
But I want to mumble it under my breath
It just wants to slip through my lips
To fly out
You mesmerize me
And give me butterflies
And I love you
I really do.
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