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It has been long
Since I's last here
A lot has changed
Too much I fear

Once upon, then ago
Nothing but sorrow
Since that time before
Waiting for tomorrow

Concealed in me
Was locked away
Till the monster inside
Could come out to play

Dont believe for a moment
As if you know me
Look a little deeper
No longer cease to see

Write 1000 words
Each one a different sound
Meaning behind each and every
Sinking beneath the ground

Another paragraph
Yet another rhyme
Heart and soul empty
Reached the end of time

No sense to be made
You couldn't understand
Don't listen anymore
Adhere your *reprimand
MG Aug 2016
I was drowning and couldn't get up.
He was part of what held me under,
I was part of what held me under.
I pushed him away so far so he could be better with out me.
My toxicity.
I didn't think I deserved his love
And I knew he would be better off.
I ran away into the darkest corners of my mind.
And I'm still here.
But he's not.
He's better.
The Better I knew he could be without me.
What I wanted.
So why am I mad that he's doing Better?
Because We were supposed to be Better together.
But I gave up.
I gave up.
The second
There comes a time when all seem lost,
Dissolving in darkness all else is forgot,
When every speck of light seems to fade,
I know you are the one, who made me this way,

So maybe I don’t have the best life,
And maybe I live in fear,
I know that I have ****** it all,
Now I must simply pay the toll,

For your forgiveness I’d plead,
Friends at least,
I miss you laughter,
And your playful smile.
I’m not sure what to call this, I wrote it in a few seconds so it’s pretty ****.

please leave a comment and tell me how i can improve and maybe a name?
You said you can’t believe me,
You said you lost all trust,
You said I left you,
When I tried to save us,

I’m sorry for the **** I done,
It wasn’t worth losing you,
I still miss you tons,
Now I feel broken,

You broke me too pieces,
You know I still miss you,
You said all trust is broken,
Even when I said I wouldn’t lie,

I know I lost my heart,
You stole it I’ve fallen apart,
You have my heart from now till forever,
Just please forever or at least forgive me
look, this goes to my ex,
i know i done something stupid, and i know you can't forgive me, i was stupid to do what i done, i wasnt thinking, i was stupid, i miss the times we had, i miss holding you in my arms, i miss you all
Nicole Jul 2016
Friends ain't **** but hell waiting to happen. And even tho you're gone, I'm doing just fine
You were like a chain wrapped around my throat
Tying me back to the places I hate most
And now that we're done
My mind can finally rest
No more kissing ***
I'm taking my life back

It seems so long ago
We were nothing but close
We never had a fight,
Cause we both hated our life
And now that I'm trapped between my dark and her light
You think I'm not good enough to keep in your life

So *******, it's not your fault
**** me, what have I done
*******, for not giving a ****
And **** myself for giving up on this quick

But the time has come for us to say goodbye
You'll still be in my heart, if you're not by my side
6 years later
What have we become
Desensitized to life
Cause we're so ******* numb
From trying to escape
The same hell we came from

So *******, it's not your fault
**** me, what have I done
*******, for not giving a ****
And **** myself for giving up on this quick

So now he's got your back
Yeah you're doing just fine
But you cannot forget all the pain left behind
I know your secrets
I understand your past
I can tolerate your anger
And I saved your **** life
Well I guess you saved mine
A million times too
And I never would have guessed
I wouldn't be lost without you

But I'm dead, I'm ******* dead
I owed you my life but you gave it right back
and now that you left,
I'll just take it myself
Ending this fight
with my own ******* hand

(I'm so sorry)
**** me
(I didn't want this to end)
But you don't even care
So I'm better off dead
This is actually a song I wrote for a metal band I was in. It's about a huge fight I had with my best friend of 7 years. We resolved most of the issues now though.
Meridian O'Neill Jul 2016
When you looked at me last November,
I swear to God I saw the devil in your eyes
but I ignored him the way you ignored me for the next month
And that day I got into your pickup truck I thought your eyes grew pure
but you had me fooled and they were as menacing as ever.
I told you about the people who have hurt me and
the first time you ****** me you came too fast
and you were so embarrassed but I didn't care.
You got dressed too quickly and
the second time we did it you kept asking if I was okay,
if I needed you to go slower.
Eventually you had me bent over the sofa in your living room
screaming, "Oh my god"s and breathing into the cushions
and your phone kept ringing and ringing but we didn't care
And one time you bought me breakfast and
pulled two fold-able chairs from the bed of your truck
and we sat on them by a lake and talked about the universe
and I should have known God was warning me when my ankles got covered in ant bites and when I told you, all you did was put the chairs back in your truck
The first time we ever took a shower together you took time shampooing your hair and when it got in my eyes you laughed
I knew you were a fallen angel but holy **** if I could do it again,

**I would.
I thought humans learnt from their mistakes?
Perhaps I'm the exception to the rule?
One would think you'd learn not to put so much trust in others,
In the end.... They'll abuse it.

When my best friend turned around and stabbed me in the back,
Hacked into everything I knew, everything I owned and used it all as blackmail against me, I thought I knew how it felt to Hurt
To feel genuiene Anger towards someone.
I of course was wrong...

Now, couple years down the track, I put too much trust into someone I now know I should never have. He turned around and stabbed me in the back and broke me. I though I knew how it felt to be Crippled
To feel like everything inside me Shattered
Single handedly ruined me and my life, shattered my trust in people and when there was no one there to support me... I fell deeper into the abyss. I sought refuge and support from the people I still held trust and faith in
They too abused my trust in them and broke me further, By now my pieces are too small to fit back together.
A shattered mine and a crippled soul but...
Everyone has problems. Everyone is hurting right?
I shouldn't complain, shouldn't tell you my problems because they're not your problems and why would you want them?
That's absurd

No matter what I say anymore, it is with an ill will
No matter what I do anymore, it is with an ill will
No matter how I feel anymore... it carries with it an ill will...
I am nothing but what people tell me I am
I can't begin to list how others make me appear anymore than I can begin to list how I appear in the mirror...
There is no thinking positively
There is no "It gets better"

When you're me...
...Even the saddest of emotions turn to anger.
I'm at that point where anything and everything hits me
Double faulted left right and centre
Made to live up to needs and wants that cannot be returned and im surprised I still manage to talk to anyone.
No where is a safe haven anymore, I am...
All on my own in this
Julia Mae May 2016
wanted you to see
your detrimental effects
wanted you to experience
the ways in which you were hurting me
wanted you to say, 'i'm sorry'
and mean it
wanted you to see
that destroyed me
MelancholicPanda May 2016
Today I had anxiety.
I tried to hide it away,
But you caught on quickly.
You allowed me to cry on you.
I rarely ask for help.
I'm sorry.

Today my dad had a seizure.
I didn't tell you about it.
I just wallowed alone.
You were having a good day.
I didn't want to ruin it.
You thought I was mad.
I'm sorry.

Today I acted strange.
I woke up feeling sad.
You couldn't cheer me up.
You thought you did something.
I sliced myself this morning.
I became ashamed and couldn't see you.
I'm sorry.

Today was a tornado of pain.
My grandpa is dying.
My grandma is getting better.
My dad is dying.
My brother is stuck and is suicidal.
His words were,
"You'll find my body hanging in that room".
I'm sorry.

I started at my box cutter.
Contemplating death.
Thinking of slicing my skin.
Bleeding out the pain and letting go.
Then he started crying.
I texted you.
I'm so sorry.
I regret it.

I told you my thoughts.
I cried my heart out.
You did your best to comfort me.
But then that time came.
You did what I knew you would.
"He" came home, so you gave up.
I couldn't reach you.
I was left alone.
I cried in the dark.
I'm sorry.

That scarf you gave me,
Would make a good noose.
I no longer exist or matter when he's around.
I'm another person with another problem.
I'm another burden just like I thought.
I'm just ruining your happiness.
That's what I do.
That's why I can't have a good friendship.
I can't be a good friend.
I can only destroy you.
I'm sorry.

You're all I have.
I'm sorry.
Julia Mae May 2016
and just like that
i knew that i was never going to see you again
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