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Zack Ripley Dec 2020
You keep pushing me aside
Because you're afraid I'll ask
What's on your mind.
The thing is, I'm not going anywhere
Because I care
SquidInk Nov 2020
you broke it
you broke your promise just like you broke my trust
im tired of trying and hoping that you will change
you broke it
i find it funny that you think im the one being selfish
i continue to trust you
as you take more and more advantage of that
it hurts that im losing you to something like this
i put my faith and trust into you
i feel like you wasted my time
you wasted my energy
because i used it to try and help you change
there's obviously no change
you told me again just today that you've changed
but as time passes i find out more and more how you haven't
in fact, you've gotten worse
i hate getting yelled at for confronting you
i hate that you confide in my sister for advice
i hate that you make the choices that you do
i hate that you hurt me more and more every day
i hate that you think that its okay
i hate that i haven't given up yet
i hate that i push people i love away to be with you
i hate what you're turning me into
i hate the names that you call me
you say that you were just joking, but it actually hurts
i hate the new things you have tell me every day
because 9 out of 10 times they're bad
i hate that i hate so much about you
i hate that i feel anything but love and enjoyment towards you
i used to worship you
i used to think that nobody was more perfect for me
you wonder why i haven't worked to get ungrounded
its because being grounded gives me an excuse
an excuse to say no to parties and bad ideas that you have
its so much easier to say that im grounded rather than i don't want to
im sorry that i feel this way
im sorry that i tried to fix what was going on with you
i should've recognized that it was "none of my business"
so here's to me being sorry for caring<3
all i have to say
Jésu Jackna Feb 2020
Un amant ailé

Soleil éthéré d’été
Laissez-moi être ton Icare
Même si je tombe sur la mer
Blessez mes faibles ailes
Brûlez mes yeux du cristal
Pour avoir du plaisir de vous regarder
Seulement une fois dans l’aube

Tomber amoureux, ce n’est pas un canular
Mais comment peux-je dire si vous me trompez ou pas ?
Serez-vous capable de me susurrer des illusions ?
Serais-je capable d’être le guignol de tes mains ?

Larmes d’or
Dessous kilos du sel
Personne n’écoute le son des souffrances invisibles
Néanmoins, comment pourrais-je demeurer dans vos oreilles ?  
Quand l’air, c’est l’eau
Et quand mes veines ont des poissons,
Toujours cannibales,
En nageant dans le liquide sanglant.

Serra ici le vide n’est plus un chose à craindre ?
Serra l’amour qui donne l’heure obscure ?
Alors, on paralysera et tombera sur un dimensionnelle lagune ?
Sans savoir où ou qui je serais
Malgré une existence n’est pas une réalité
Sans vous, les flammes, dans mon cœur avare
Carson Campbell Mar 2019
Dear J.

You say you never cry
but your eyes are always red
you say you love life
but would rather be dead

You think no one loves you
(although it's not true)
You think no one cares
but I still do

That's why I was scared
Scared enough to pray
when you didn't come to school
that Valentine's day.

Please stop saying
that nobody loves you
turn around my dear because
look, I do.
This was about when a friend of mine didn't come to school one day, and I thought he had ended it. of course he only had a cold and came back the next day, but I was genuinly worried. If someone is having self worth issues, please tell them you care and don't want them gone.
Tristan Brown Apr 2018
I have many problems in life
What to eat
What to wear

But my main problem
My main problem is that I Care

I care about my car
But I don't care about me
I care about my grades
But I don't care about me

I care about my parents
But I don't care about me

I love and care those I call my friend
But I don't care about me

I care
But I don't care about me

My car can't care about me
My grades don't give a **** about me

My parents have four others
To care for before me

My friends have their own life
And people to care about

And this I understand

But I don't understand
Why each and every day
I put myself through Hell
And I don't know if I'll make it back

And I do that for all these things
These people
Because I care

I care that they make it through
I care that they are alright

So I care for all of these people
But I don't care about me
Jamie Rose Sep 2017
"I am worried about you"
      "Don't be I'm fine I promise"
"Please just talk to me"
      "I'll text you tomorrow"
"Okay.. I love you"
     "I love you more"
That was the last conversation I had with my best friend before he attempted suicide. He lives across the country and is currently getting help in a mental hospital. If you're thinking about suicide, please stop. Someone cares about you, I promise.
Laying in bed. Starring at the ceiling. Each beat of my heart is a thunder crack inside my head. I can feel the blood pumping through my eye, even though I can't see out of it. The swelling has half blinded me. My face, numb yet I can taste the blood filling my mouth. My knuckles, possibly the only pain I can feel. Cracked and bleeding. This isn't enough pain for what I've done. But I can barely lift my own fist. Slowly fading. This is too familiar. I don't deserve this pain. I deserve so much more, I deserve to be hurt so badly there is no healing. No coming back. I need to be hurt more. Or else She'll never feel safe.
I need to show her I'm trying. I need her to feel better. I need to be mutulated.

— The End —