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I'm just another note, in your symphony.
Grab me by my throat, have me trembling on my knees.
You're just a chain smoker,
I'm a Pack of Cigarettes.
I cross the line & lean over, nothing I regret.
You tighten the strings, make another sound.
Play a rhythm, and just keep smoking around.
And with every noise, your eyes they shine brighter.
Cause the only hand you need is the one with the lighter.
Now your buds are on the ground.
You wonder what went wrong?
Your chords were right, & so was the tone.
I knew karma, couldn't harm her.
But, this time it's going down.
Cause what goes around...
...must come back around.
- **Aks, Chainsmokers & Symphonies.
Please stop.
ShamusDeyo Jan 2015
The Back Beat of the Bass, In a Bourban infused bar
Smooth to the bend of , The blues note Guitar
Saxman whail's to the, Smoky Slow blues Singer
And Drummer riffs off , A High Hat Brush Stinger
The Pianoman lays down, A Slow soft tune
As the Vocals Stir the mix, In a soft **** Croon
People dance so close, It Shuts out the World
Lost in Love, Lust, & Bourban.....
Bartender sets up another Round
As the Crowd of the room, Soaks up the Sound.....
Toker's Blowin'  Smoke, Hid in the hall by the Johns
The Bars Mood Sways...As the music Carries on
A Patron at the Bar, Orders up another beer
And the Dancers Float, Across the dance Floor
The Glow of Neon Spills, Colored Red Lights....
A Soft **** Setting, For a Memorable Night
The Guests all begged and, Pleaded for an Encore
So the band fired up... Just one more
All on A Saturday night.....JMF 1/31/15
R&B; catches a person by the Soul and never lets them go

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
cypress Jan 2015
I'm just going through the motions,
each day is the same.

The work day drags on,
unfinished and cut off.

I stand at the door of my house,
hoping for some change.

I greet my cat with love,
refill her water.

I procrastinate at playing guitar,
pushing away my dreams.

I'm fine.
I'm fine.

I'm lonely.
I'm fine.
i need to get this off my chest
I started playing guitar when I was 14.
I didn't take it very seriously until I was almost 17.
That's when I made time for at least an hour of guitar a day.
Now, six years later, I literally play about eight hours a day when I can.

My exposure to playing music before guitar was the Piano, but I rebelled when it became forced. That's just how I roll. I'm grateful for that musical icebreaker, though. I want to get back into playing keys. For now, I'm focusing on making the guitar into even more of a playground.

I use a 150-watt Ibanez Tone-Blaster head on a 4x12 cab. It's on the clean channel with the levels at 5 and the Overdrive on, with a gain of about 4. The hue is cranked, though. Gotta love that brightness.

I have a Boss ME-70 multi-effect pedal.
I must say, those types of things are great for sampling different sounds, or having watered-down versions of lots effects available at any time. But, if you find one tone you really like, you're best off buying or building the individual pedals to provide you with a higher quality version of your preferred tone.

Anyway, I have the hall reverb at about 5, and some 'classic' overdrive set to 5 for level, tone, and gain. That's all I need. I sparingly use light chorus or uni-v, or maybe a wah for certain parts. I believe simplicity is best in terms of effects.
Although, tasteful delay makes an alright solo into a ****-dampening solo.

I have many axes:
1 nylon 6-string
1 acoustic 6-string
2 Washburn electric-acoustics; a 6 string and a 12 string
2 B.C. Riches (Beast, Stealth)
an LTD KH-602 Superstrat
an Ibanez 'Artcore' series semi-hollow electric Jazz guitar
then, I also have a Roland Ax-Synth keytar.

In my opinion, guitars sound better tuned down.
So, naturally, I tried out drop-D, which was cool.
Then, I wanted all the strings to be lower, so I tried Eb-Standard.
I liked that. There was more body to the sound.

Of course, I tried playing in a drop-style tuning from there and discovered Drop-C#. This tuning stole my heart for a while. That is..
..until the voluptuous redhead D-Standard came along,
arms linked with her **** black-haired sister: Drop-C.

Tuned a step down, bends and vibrato are much more wild beasts.
However, this lower tension will trash your harmonics and stuff,
so I play 10-52 strings: 10, 13, 17, 30, 42, 52. Typically called 'LTHB,' or Light-Top Heavy-Bottom. This helps to keep the tension more similar to as if it were strung with normal strings in standard tuning. That translates into more overtones, which, in turn, means better tone.
More overtones means more pinch harmonics, too. Aww, yeah!

I need to get my hands on a decent electric baritone.
Maybe I'll just make one.

Oh, and another thing:
I just got some brass nuts. ;)
Just thought I'd share, should anyone be interested.
I'd like to note how much more lyrical this came out than I anticipated.
A love song**

Your blue eyes
                  F                G
And your raspberry lips
Your beautiful thighs
                F         G                   C
And the sweet taste of your kiss

Your hair
         F             G
Feels just like fur
And your existence
                   F                G        C
Makes the rest of the world a blur

  Am                   F         C
I never want to let you go
  G                   F              C
I just want to hold you ti-i-ight.
In my arms
              F     G       C
For the rest of the night

You're so handsome
        F              G
And talented too
And your smile
                 F              G                   C
Makes it clear that it is me and you

Your hands
           F           G       C
Takes care of me so well
And I can't help
        F          G                           C
That I'm enchanted by your spell

  Am                   F         C
I never want to let you go
  G                   F              C
I just want to hold you ti-i-ight.
In my arms
              F     G       C
For the rest of the night
By my  boyfriend and myself

| c |f g | c | f g |
| c |g f |

| c| f g | c | f g |
| c | g f |

| Am f | c | g f | c |
| Am | f g | c |

| c |f g | c | f g |
| c |g f |
| c | f g | c | g f |
|c | f g | c | g f |

| Am f | c | g f | c |
| Am | f g | c |
Janielle Mainly Jan 2015
Tell me about a fellow, who played the guitar or something similar,
How he starved playin' night and day,
The way he didn't have enough to eat,
Tell me about his technique,
If I were to try it, you'd keep me quiet wouldn't you?
You say he died young but lives on through the unique melody he brought you and I, but back in those days he was told to play a different way, the same thing would happen today! I tell you,
The same thing would happen today...
Many musicians are recognized for their greatness years after they die.
Sombro Jan 2015
Tucking you under my arm
Fonder than a child's embrace
Your wooden limb channels breath
From my chest to my fingers and into space.

Cold at first, but we warm together
My hands through what could be called hair
The black teardrop falling between us
As we share each other

Let's take all the air about us
And shake it like the mountain's rage
Let's take the ears of all around us
And whisper whatever we want.

It's all we're here to do.
I have an acoustic guitar!
all i got's a rusty truck
some dreams and my guitar
out of all them three
not one will get me far

the truck don't run
the guitar's out of tune
the day just must get better
it's only ten past noon

i'm building bridges out of sand
with water and some glue
i'm building bridges that won't stand
unless they're built with you
i'm building bridges out of sand
that may not last the night
i'm building bridges out of sand
and with you i'll build them right

my roof is always leaking
my boat won't stay afloat
i'm tone deaf and i stutter
i can not hold a note

the truck has rusted floorboards
they've rusted clear on through
the thing that makes me keep it
is it's where i first kissed you

i'm building bridges out of sand
with water and some glue
i'm building bridges that won't stand
unless they're built with you
i'm building bridges out of sand
that may not last the night
i'm building bridges out of sand
and with you i'll build them right

with your voice there beside me
a new truck and new guitar
the dreams won't seem so distant
we'll be closer to the stars

a good and strong foundation
and belief in what i dream
with two hearts it is stronger
with two hearts, we're a team

i'm building bridges out of sand
with water and some glue
i'm building bridges that won't stand
unless they're built with you
i'm building bridges out of sand
that may not last the night
i'm building bridges out of sand
and with you i'll build them right
Sombro Dec 2014
I love the way
I make you squeal for me
And I don't even have to feel bad about it.

I love the way
You go red when I approach,
But then you're always bright red.

Your neck is so long and
The lines on it make
You so much more approachable.

Your delicate features
Are functional
And I know how to use them.

I love the way
My hands feel like liquid over you and
You moan at my touch

I love the way
I picked you
And I pick you every day.

We make sweet music together, or
At least,
Some day we might.

For now we can just copy
Other music.
It's not what you think! It's a poem to my guitar. Yes, I really love it that much. Interpret that how you will ;)
Bunny Dec 2014
His freckled fingers tickle silver chords;

His blessed talent flourishes brightly.

hands like fireworks blazing music soars,

I’m always desperate to hold them tightly.

Michael’s smile illuminates the sky

As handsome gestures strum the universe.

With lips quiet, he is one charming guy!

I pray that we will nevermore disperse!

Yet outside aura does not compare to

His beating heart within to share the truth.

A helpful man and open to pursue

One silly lady with love and “I-do.”

Delightful he is outside and inside,

How honoring it is to be his bride!
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