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Eu te amo com todo meu coração, 
você simplesmente é uma benção.

Obrigada por tudo que você me deu
e que sempre me entendeu.

Obrigada por tudo que você me ensinou,
por tudo que você me mostrou.

Obrigada por sempre estar ao meu lado, 
e por nunca me deixar abandonado(a).

Obrigada pelo carinho e pela companhia neste caminho.

Obrigada por secar minhas lágrimas e depois de cada chorinho, 
deixar tudo de novo certinho.

Obrigada pelo seu amor que enche o meu coração de cor.

Obrigada por segurar a minha mão
e também cuidar do meu irmão.

Obrigada por me abraçar, me beijar e me cuidar.
Você me mostrou o que significa “amar”.

Obrigada pelas brigas.
Elas me disseram que apesar de tudo somos amigas.

Em dias nublados você precisou lutar,
mas depois da tempestade o sol sempre voltou a brilhar.

Obrigada pela sua coragem e seu esforço durante esta viagem.
Já notou que isso é uma homenagem?

Obrigada por ser você, por ser linda, maravilhosa, inteligente e forte
Tenho uma mãe fantástica e já nasci com sorte!

Dizem que não há amor maior do que o amor de uma mãe, e é verdade.
mas esqueceram que uma filha pelo amor da mãe cresce em paz, gratidão e liberdade.

Não existe pessoa que merece mais estas minhas palavras do que você.

Hoje sou uma mulher jovem, bonita e inteligente.
mas o que disso tudo eu seria sem você presente?
Pois tudo que eu sou, eu devo a você.

Obrigada mamãe.  

- gio, 13.05.2018
And they
danced and sang in jubilation
although all was not well
they were grateful for every morning
their eyes were greeted by the sun
and that alone was reason enough
for celebration
Jorge Mar 2020
You're gone
Not here
Left me there,
To deal with this fear
Never saw this day coming

I'm too blind to accept
You're not here anymore;
I drove you
Away from my heart.

Not intentional but I did
Hurt you, yes
Regret, I do
Now it's just me.

I'm alone out here,
I miss you
I miss us
This feeling; just not right

It's like we don't exist anymore
It's just you
It's just me
You do you,
I do me
Not cute but life

This hole left here,
You pierce and pierced
Am I alive?
I guess I am
Without amygdala I must

But wait
Here, my heart
Take it
Just take it
I damaged yours
And that's just it
You deserve it
Now you're probably gone
Inspired by my father figure after I nearly lost him.
Serendipity Feb 2020
For what my father did to me,
at the very least
was not
what his father
had done to him.
Tiana Feb 2020
It wonders me
That how she understands me so well,
But sometimes it also bothers me
that her reasons are always right,
The reasons I don't want to easily accept;

It amazes me
How good she is with her patience,
The patience with which she works
To make our lives smooth,
Care for us despite our attitudes,
Keeps herself sane amongst difficulties
and never ending evil moves;

Once she was also someone
Who didn't know what 'difficulties' mean,
But today life made her that someone
who'd do anything just to keep
her family's life 'easy-going' ;

Sometimes it makes me angry
That how she is trapped in her
web of love for us,
How she sacrificed worldly greater choices
for the sake of our happiness
is simply unjust;

But she has my admiration
For how
She embraces her husband's family
as her own;
How sacrifices and compromises
became her structural bones;

She has done so much
Endured so much
Loved so much
That we can't repay her in a lifetime,
All we can do is at least be grateful
to that woman who saves our lifelines;

If I were to write about her life
and the amount of things she sacrificed,
I'm afraid words will fall short
To describe the amount of hardship
she endured ;

I've seen all the seasons gracing her life,
I've seen her through thick and thin,
I've seen her selflessly caring;

Though her inside burned alive
I've seen her putting on her best smile
Just to make our happiness worthwhile;

I've seen her loving nature and humanity,
I've seen her respecting opinions
without holding any grudge,
I've seen her boldly siding honesty
Ignoring criticizing whispers and
the comforts she deserved;

And I'm grateful to the Almighty
For sending me to her,
I hope I'll be able to give her every
happiness she deserves
Because she is my mother
The biggest blessing of all
I've got;
A few words for my mother
Kevin Hayes Feb 2020
I used to wonder why the darkness wanted me so bad.

Probably because my light is something it never had.

Feeling off balance stumbling but glad.

Because blessed are the few who are granted this path.

Theirs for you would have been a short order.

If life was easy god wouldn’t hear from many supporters.

So keep your head high in the midst of all sort of.... bull.

You’d be a fool not to keep running the score up.
BLUICK Feb 2020
Those days when you look in the mirror
I want you to know that you're more than beautiful
Those days when sadness whimper
I want to stay and remind you that you're wonderful.

You blend in every colors
In every kindness that you shower,
You unify all the words
In every feelings of the letter.

You are a person that never judge
Doubt never cross the pureness of your heart
You are a person that never grudge
Wickedness refuse to manipulate your mind.

You are the warmth that holds me
You are the hues that cheers me
A saturated rays of perfect imperfection
And that's the true beauty that you own as a person.
True beauty can't be seen for it is felt.
Those insecurities and imperfections is a part of who you are,
there are people who loves you for that. Love yourself guys.
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
“I am taking you out of your house.” She said,
“you haven’t left it since Monday!”

Looking at her I knew what she was doing
Pulling that classic look of, "stop being a little *****”

I gave in and let her take charge
As it is my nature

“Look around you, how can you not be happy?” She said
:driving to a diner:

Inside with coffee, cream in hers
She continued, "You want to die, yet I have cancer.”

She stared with such disdain

“You’re too old to be acting like this, look at yourself!”
We both drank our coffees

I smiled
As she said, ”You’re ungrateful.”

Soup, more coffee, and a BTL no mayo

She drops me off and parts ways with a hug

She’ll out live me, I know it

This is dedicated to my mother. She saved my life that day. Love you mom.
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