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Rick 5d
not good enough to be in your band
or join your basketball team
but good enough
to spectate or be your water boy
not good enough
to pass your classes academically
but good enough to receive a passing grade
for participation that helped me graduate
so I’d be out of your hair
not good enough
to break bread with you at the lunch table
because our parents made different salaries
but good enough
to be put down when you needed a laugh
or to feel better about yourself
not good enough
to answer back when I needed your help
but good enough
to be a nostalgic crutch when you need someone
to lean on
I’ve only been good enough
to stand in front of your machines,
to fill out your paperwork,
to sweep your floors
but not good enough
to advance at this job or in this society
and now I’ve found myself conquering the world
despite your predictions, despite your conjectures
despite your criticism, despite your disparaging remarks.
I have made myself who I am today based on the indifference
towards your humiliation, your rejections, your rebukes
so, if you see me on the streets and I don’t say “hi”
it just means you weren’t worthy of acknowledging
and if I give you the sharp eye and spit in the trash can
it only means I’ve forgotten about you completely
and that is good enough for me.
Ces Sep 2020
A tight, hot knot
strangles my insides
Constricting my chest
crushing my heart
until it shatters...

"Not good enough"

Such thought, accursed!
A loop of torment
Placed by the devil
Inside my head.

When will this self-flagellation
come to a halt?
Raven Blue Jul 2020
I'm looking at myself in the mirror;
Just staring at myself with curiosity.
Realizing how good enough I am at what I do.
Then thoughts keep coming to my mind;
"I'm actually not useless."
"I'm amazing."
"I'm a great person."
"I'm passionate to what I do."
"I'm good enough."
"I'm worthy."
"I'm not perfect, but I'm thankful to myself."
We are all amazing for who we are.
Andrew Choo Dec 2019
What does it mean to be enough?
To have the right stuff?
To look good and feel tough?
Am I weak or am I strong?
Does anyone long to be with me?
Stick with me?
What's wrong with me?
Who do I belong with then?
Do I belong with them?
Are they the right ones for me?
When do I get to write my story?
Can I right my wrongs?
Do I have to write some songs?
Belt out at the top of my lungs?
Are my skills dung, like doo doo?
Am I just **** at what I do?
Is it true what they say?
Am I always blue or am I yellow?
Are we all racist or just prejudice?
Can I be a soldier and a pacifist?
Can I be selfish and an altruist?
Is there a list of things I can't be?
Well, I can tell you,
There's a lot that you can't see.
Some days, it's hard to breathe;
I don't wanna eat,
I just wanna grind my teeth;
I wanna find some meaning;
Hold a meeting with friends...
Oh, wait... what friends?
Am I in the right section?
Do I have enough connections?
Am I enough?
Enough with the questions.
Jayantee Khare Apr 2019

your pride tries to optimize
my persona, to suit your needs,
and if it doesn't, you criticize...
Yet, you're good enough...

your prejudice makes you
suspect even my good deeds,
and you demean me for them too....
Yet, you're good enough...

your control freakiness
makes you restrict me
even if i act right...
Yet, you're good enough...

your self centeredness
wants me to fit in the standards,
you define and ever-changing ...
Yet, you're good enough...

the veil of your hatred
doesn't let you see
my love and concern for you...
Yet, you're good enough...

Sometimes people have personality traits, difficult to deal with, but still they are good enough. Better to be grateful for their positive side
Amanda Francis Dec 2018
What if the princess was in love with the beast all along?
astro eyes Nov 2018
you are

only just



on a cake


Theshygirl Oct 2018
Nothing I do
Will ever be good enough,
Will it?
Not for you,
Not for anyone.
And that gut-wrenching realization
Crushes me to pieces
Every ******* time.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Would that the words would
come easily to me.
For me to be able to express
myself, to be a strong and proud
and confident bard...

Would that I could feel more
secure in the power of my ink
to not feel dread or shame or
depressed for now keeping
my ink flowing upon the

Would that my soul would fall
into the arms of the true moon
that sees my soul...
I know that I am flawed.
I fear that one day my mistakes,
my past will catch up and drag
me down into a hell where others
loathe me...

And while my wounds are fresh
the ghosts that I have locked
behind the doors, the ones that
one time that I had loved and
let go for my own stability will

I can admit my faults,
but it hurts when my mind leaves
me floating in a dark sea; calm
with no light, no shore, no soul
in sight...

Would that I can believe
that indeed

I am good enough...

Scratching at my emotional wounds...
Still finding it hard to write...
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