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Lexi Harwick Feb 2019
Through all of it, I never thought
That you'd do that to me.
It hurts that I gave you faith and love--
Things you could never receive.

I know you had good intentions
At the very start.
You wanted me in your life
And a place in my heart.

Although now you're gone,
There's still a place for you in mine.
The only thing to fill the hole
In my heart will be time.

I hope that you're happy,
Even if it hurts that you've moved on.
I just want the best for you
Even if you're gone.
Desire Dec 2018
Your sins
- forgiven
Christ is
XXII. Risen King
Six-word poetry challenge for the seasons.
Adam Nov 2018
Two hearts unite
Love shines bright
Darkness overcome
Two become one  
His love will reign
Forever the same  
A heart once empty
Now filled with light
The Spirit has come
Through the sacrificed Son
All sins forgiven
The battles been won
Amya Sep 2018
This day foward and forever more
I will mount this mask
That will be my lore
No more reaching out when i am weak
When you look for answers
When you say your prayers
All you will see is the mask,no more pain
Sha Jul 2018
I forgave you in my prayers, in my heart.
To make room for the essentials.
I kept faith.
Gave up unnecessarry baggage.
I kept love.
Let go of unlabeled emotions.
I kept forgiveness.
Finally, I forgave you.
hannah Mar 2018
I knew as soon as I seen you I was in trouble.You held a shotgun and a smile. How was I supposed to run away from You, when all I want to do was run towards you?
How am I supposed to hide from the one thing I want to keep close by me? How was I supposed to fight you, when I couldn't even stand to see you hurt? I stand there as you smile and then I understand this is what  you want from me.
If my death is all I have to offer you, then who am I to complain if you take it. After all they say that death is the sweetest when one is with their love one during the last moments.
When you tell someone that you would take a bullet for them, that still counts if they are the ones behind the gun.
MfP Nov 2017
Blessed beyond measure
Filled with gladness beyond compare
For everything in my life is a treasure
More than answers to a prayer
Thankful for this life
For this time that I was given
As of most days were filled with joy
For a sinner had been forgiven
With God by my side my transgressions
Thankful for His power
For His essence full of light
For His beauty full of grace
For His love giving my eyes sight
To look up to his face
Finding peace in his presence
Finding hope in his mercy
For I was just a peasant
Of the grace
That will be forever present
In this place  

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