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Lizzie Bevis Feb 6
When first I met my cat, Timmy,
he was all whiskers and purrs,
a lovely soft kitty;
So, I brought him home
without a clue
of what my "precious"
little kitten would do.

He has a scratching post
and toys galore,
I fed him, I played
and I brushed his fur.
Yet somehow this
was his gratitude;
My sofa was shredded
and my cushions were chewed.

The cushions sported
a modern flair
Of hanging threads
pulled everywhere,
and the armrests
bore his signature,  
a tattered masterpiece
made by this furry inciter.

He sat there
all regal and proud,
surrounded by stuffing
pillowed like clouds,
He gave me a look
sat amongst debris
As if to say,
"Oh, it wasn't me!"

Oh, foolish me!
I should have known
when bringing this
cute little kitty home,
that cats don't grasp
the word "expense"
they lure us in
under false pretence.

Yet, still I love Timmy
and all his flaws,
but, he shall now
endure monthly manicures;
and although my furniture
has seen better days,
it really did need
updating anyway.

©️Lizzie Bevis
You see that cat in the photo, yes?!
Meet Timmy, but don't let his cuteness deceive you!
Big Virge Aug 2021
Now When It Comes To Poetry...
Most Peeps’ Prefer To Read...
Poetry That’s... “ LOVELY “...
As Well As BRIGHT And SUNNY...
Well My Style of Poetry...
Deals With What Many...
See As..... UGLY...... !!!
And CRIMINAL Like BUGSY... !!!
NOT Quite Like Malone...
But Y’all Know That My Style...
Is... GOOD TO GO... !!!
Because I’ve Got Rhymes...
That... Flow And FLOW... !!!
That Sometimes Do Talk...
of How The Good Times Roll...
But... NEVER Resort...
To Refusing To Show...
That Humans Have Shown...
That We’re Gonna Pay Tolls...
For Making BAD Choices... !!!
When It Comes To The Voices...
We Choose To Make Moves...
In Ways That CLEARLY...
AREN’T... Nice And Snuggly... !!!
So What’s With This Need...
For What's... Light And Fluffy... ?!?  
In Poetry Written...
About How We’re Living...
From Gender To Women... !!!
When Roasting’s FORGIVEN...
And Is NOT Forbidden... ?!?
In Verse Built For DISSING...
That’s Clearly HARD Hitting...
And Quite UNFORGIVING... !!!
Due To... Opinions...
That Give Criticisms... !!!
That Are NOT...
... “ Light And Fluffy “... !!!
Well To Me Something’s WRONG...
When People Think ******’s...
What Makes Poems COOL...
And Good To Be Used...
On... Radio Shows... !?!
Instead of The JOKES...
Now Running Countries... ?!?
I’ve Said It Before...
ISN'T Poetry’s Cause...
To Feed Something MORE... !?!
In Its Subject Matter...
Than Frivolous Chatter...
And Poetic BANTER... ?!?
Who’ll Stand Up To Those...
Who Wear Police Clothes... !!!
Who BREAK Peoples Hearts...
And Leave PERMANENT MARKS... !!!
When They Leave Lives SHATTERED... !!!
Isn’t THAT What This Art Form...  
Is... ACTUALLY For... ?!?
Is Critical Thinking NOT Cool Anymore... ?!?
Because Light And Fluffy Is Now What Is Poured...
Into The Psyches of Those Treading Lightly...
When It Comes To The Dummies...
Now Making BAD CALLS...
That Are HURTING Us All... !!!
When Their Plans ENFORCE...
... COMPULSORY Orders...
And PREJUDICED Laws... !!!
The MAJORITY Clearly...
DON’T See The Shortfalls...
And Future PITFALLS...
of Things That May SERIOUSLY...
Leave Freedoms FORLORN... !!!
Because of This NONSENSE...
That Seems To Be STOPPING...
Free Speech From Being RAW...
And A Critically POWERFUL Force... !!!
That Inspires DEEP Thoughts...
Instead of Fuelling WARS... !!!
But This CANNOT Happen...
If Critical Talk Is Simply Cut Short...
And NOT Heard Anymore... !!!
Because of OFFENCE...
That It’s Likely To Cause...
Well These Words MUST Be Said... !!!
What Kind of WEAK Thinking...
Leaves Conscious Thoughts SINKING... ?!?
When It Comes To This World...
And How It Now Turns... ?!?
This Pattern DISTURBS...
When It Comes To The Verse...
That's Fed To The HERDS...
Who DON’T Seem To Like...
... DEEP REALITY Rhymes... !!!
Because Their Faith's Placed...
In Political Games And Religious Faiths...
That CLAIM... " God Is Great "... !!!
But Then DISGRACE His Name...
With How They Behave... !?!
And What They’ve Embraced...
That’s Been Hidden Away... !!!!!
Until Those ABUSED...
Were BRAVE And Spoke TRUTH... !!!
I Hope That These Words...
Will NOT Go UNHEARD... !!!
Simply Because...
They Speak About WRONGS...
That Have Gone On For TOO LONG... !!!
And... CONTINUE To Do... !!!
So To ALL of These Crews...
Who Run Online Groups...
That Now Apply RULES...
That RESTRICT Certain Issues...
From Being... Perused...
These Words Are For YOU... !!!
There Is Much MORE That’s UGLY... !!!
Than There Is... Stuff That’s LOVELY... !!!
That’s Seen In This World...
That DOES NEED To Be Heard...
As Well As... Observed...
From Political Vibes...
To Those That Incite...
Some People To Fight...
When They Hear Words of Rhyme...
So It's Really NOT WISE...  
... To Try To DENY...
Verse That Speaks About Life... !!!
To Keep People ONSIDE... !!!
Everybody CAN’T LIKE...
What Another May Write... !!!
Maybe Should Be DENIED... ?!?
Because What You Will Find...
Is That Within Mankind...
Everything Is NOT NICE...
And CLEARLY NOT Lovely... !!!
So STOP Restricting Lines...
Like Those of This Kind...
Because Poetic Vibes....
CANNOT ALWAYS Bring Smiles...
And Be... “ NICE “...  
... “ Light And Fluffy “... !!!
It's a trend I see becoming more and more prevalent when it comes to the art of poetic expression. It's all good when music surrounds to soften the lyrical content, however, when it's just the words, it doesn't seem to be quite as welcome, so this poem looks into why that may be, and more....
Winnalynn Wood Mar 2021
Am I really here, or even real?
Are the people around me just glittering spiels?

Bending and yawning as an aching willow
Opening and weeping on splayed soft pillows

Fluffy and delicate, once never to shed
By and by warm an unkept withered bed

Vowed never to have been slept in
But a lowly spirit swelled within

What once was lost, could never be found
The root sprouted from trodden ground

A dwindling, pebbled little path
Swept away in a minute flash

Gone goes the summer and the sparrow groans
Never again is that reverence to be known
Perhaps a love misplayed might cease to be shown
on a gentle breeze
fluffy dandelion seeds
did saunter around
LC Apr 2020
whenever their words are sandpaper
that aggressively rubs her heart
and forms stinging cuts,
her hands always reach for
her soft, fluffy, warm blanket.
as it envelops her in its warmth,
her heart heals the cuts
and becomes soft again.
#escapril day 23!
You make me want to write a poem
But at the same time
At the same time you make me speechless
xin Jun 2019
his lover is like a galaxy

with the way his tears glisten with constellations;

and when he smiles (but rarely so),

there would be starlight in his eyes.

his lover is like a rainbow,

showcasing a myriad of colours and emotions,

and he can never quite get enough of them.

his lover is like dawn and dusk,

like the soft pink sunlight that often warmed his heart,

and the dusty twilight skies

that held countless stars.

his lover is warm cotton sheets,

soft robes and cooling breezes.

his lover is comforting hugs,

tiny kisses, and whispered declarations of love.

his lover is everything to him;

most importantly,

his lover is his home.
he feels the most at home in his lover's arms
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