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Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic …
17/F/Somewhere Beautiful    ♡ stay. forever.
28/F/Scandinavia    Just a short girl - Instagram: thefullmoonflower


Let the flow of wealth surround me
Fill my heart with love and peace
Let the energy more freely
Flow through me and never cease

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the sounds of wealth keep ringing
Let my words run clean and strong
Let my cells rejoice in singing
With this happy wealthy song

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the streams of wealth flow to me
Let me share this flow with you
Let my mind see ever clearly
All the tasks which I can do

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the feel of wealth stay near me
Give me confidence to dream
Let me resonate so dearly
With God's never ending stream

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free

Let the truth of wealth fulfill me
As I seek the higher way
Sharing love with friends and family
Counting blessings every day

Flow with vibrant love and wisdom
Flow with all I ever need
Flow with harmony and friendship
Flow til I feel ever free
This is Prosperity Poem 25 at and you can see it displayed on a background here
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I sing this one every day, and knew I wanted to improve some lines.  So I made some changes and added a new stanza.

So it's one of my longest poems, and dear to my heart. The part in the middle about my cells singing - always gives me a boost.  I really believe it's contributed to my health as well as my wealth.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now These Words Are No Joke... !!!
... Sometimes It's True Ya Know...

It’s Best To Go With The Flow...
Even When Things Go... SLOW... !!!

You Can’t Be Quick To Let Go...
of Desires You Hold...
That Are Part of Your Soul... !!!

It Can Be A TOUGH Road...
When The Flow Goes COLD... !!!

And Takes You To Zones...
Where What Becomes Shown...
Are Things Like Black Holes...
That Are Dark And Unknown... ?!?

That Can Take CONTROL...
of What Makes You Whole...

So Sometimes You’ve Gotta Ride...
Through The TOUGHEST Times...

Where Clarity Sways...
And Isn’t Clearly Displayed...

Because Some Flows Take...
Some Time To... Gestate...

Or In Other Words GROW...
And Go To A Place...
Where Directions Flow...
To Where You Want To Go... !!!

But Be CAREFUL Though... !!!

Because These Are Zones...
Where Arrogance Blows...
And Can Leave Ya BROKE... !!!

And YES Believe That I KNOW...
What I'm Talking Bout' Yo... !!!

But Going With The Flow...
Has Helped Me To Achieve...
And Write Poetry That Speaks...
On Life’s... REALITIES... !!!

That Flow Like This Piece...
That’s Right... Kind of NICELY...

Because I Flow With Beats...
In My Ears CONSTANTLY... !!!

Because You’ll See Me Flow...
With Some Bose Headphones... !!!
As Well As Others That Play...
In... POWERFUL Ways... !!!

Now I’m Really Not One...
Who Likes To Drop Names...

But That One Belongs...
And Flowed Okay...
So Deserves It’s Place...
In This Piece of Wordplay... !!!

Because It's... TRUE...
Bose Is A Brand That I Do Use... !!!

But I've Flowed With Loads...
of... Different Brands...
That Flow With The Stamp...
of HIGH QUALITY Clans... !!!

Like The Type of Mans’...
I Choose To Roll With...

So I Don’t Flow With Clicks...
of... IGNORANT Kids...

Or Mans Who Plan...
To Deal In Terrorist Stands... !!!

But I Do Flow With Rebels...
... Unwilling To Settle...
For Lies That The Devil...
And His Friends Now Peddle... !!!

So I Don’t Flow With Guys...
With Government Ties... !!!!!!!
Who Seem To Flow With Lies...
Pretty Much ALL THE TIME... !!!

Or... Corporate Guys...
Or Those Lawyer Types... !!!

Who Flow With BIG MONEY...
... So Tend To Act Funny... !!!

I Don’t Flow With UGLY... !!!

Other Than My Face...
I’ve Had Idiots Say... ?!?

But That’s Okay...
Cos’ I’ve Had Pretty Ladies...
Who’ve Wanted My Babies... !!!

But I’m Cool Nowadays...
And Now Flow FAR AWAY...
From Where These Haters Play...

Because What They CAN’T CLAIM... !!!
Is That They Use Their Brains...
In The Way Mine Creates... !!!
That Now Claims Some Acclaim...
And Has Been Said To... AMAZE... !!!

Because Their Domain...
Embraces What’s FAKE... !!!

Just Like All The Claims...
That These Fools Love To Make... !!!

I Mean For Pity’s Sake... !!!

Can’t They Just Flow With Snakes... ?!?
Cos They Don’t Behave...
In... HUMANE Ways... !?!

They Flow Like They’re INSANE... ?!?

While Me... Oh YES...
I Now Flow With...
What’s Called COMMON SENSE... !!!

Well MOSTLY... More Or Less... !!!
I’m NOT Always CORRECT... !!!

But When I Write Poems...
I DON'T Flow With Nonsense... !!!
Or Flow With What’s BROKE... !!!

What My Poetry Shows...
Whose Now SLOWED His Roll...

So Just...

... “ Goes With The Flow “... !!!