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The nur-see tain't weetchin'

Shh, don't look around
they don't see if you don't look around...


That one,
is okay, he's mowin' the lawN with his hands,
and smiling...


wait a, no, wait, no, wait, no, wait...



I've got to cup my *****, cupping my ***** makes me feel safe.

wait, no, wait, no, wait, no wait...


Cody Haag Nov 2015
You can learn a lot about a person just by looking at their hands.

Is the skin picked off, do scabs and blood surround the nails?

Are their fingernails bitten down so much that small slivers of blood show atop each one, where nail should be?

These small indicators can point toward anxiety, and troubling lives. You should always remain respectful, because you don't know what a person is going through.
dazmb May 2015
A white poem
A pure poem
A poem that reaches the dirt
underneath your fingernails.
Angie S Feb 2015
She’s drilled holes into her temples
And tried to pull out memories with her bitten fingernails
She’s recited everything she’s said and heard
Into a ***** toilet bowl every night on the hour
She’s weeped a million times over
From her eyes and from her wrists,
But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget--

And now the scars left over can’t scab
The phrases are written in morse code on her body
Her will has been evicted along with her soul
And she’s become zombified, a living piece of parchment
From which she’s tried so hard to erase the words
But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget--

The sound of a voice tears hers apart every day
And the words they form she’s come to despise
So she’s taken up book burning,
Making every letter ever aimed at her head run for their lives
She’s even made her own name take off, and now she’s
Desperately pleading for eternal silence to be her savior
But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget--

So when you see her in the hallways, she pretends she’s invisible,
Pretending that her presence won’t have any meaning to it,
Pretending that she’s not important enough to be noticed,
Because her motto is fake it
Until you make it.
But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget--

And the ones that have told her she’s not good enough,
That she’s better off dead and no one will care,
They laugh at her and then they forget.
They come back around the next day to laugh at the same joke.
She looks in the mirror and tries to laugh like them,
Laughing so much, she begins to cry,
But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget--

So when you hug her and tell her it’s alright,
That you love her and tell her she’s worth more than life itself,
Sing it to her, so she won’t forget.
The thing about remembering is surviving with painful memories, and cherishing wonderful ones.
This poem, believe it or not, is ALSO one I'm considering entering for the school poetry book as well. Please leave feedback on this one as well as the other two I posted before this! Thanks!
C E Ford Jan 2015
Nothing broke my heart quite like that time I read what you wrote to her.

It was from two years ago, but it still managed to strike quick like a bullet, even though the barrel was dusty.

If history repeats itself, then I'm the same lips you craved on different person.
You said so yourself. You can't breath new life into old love. Your lungs will collapse before hers start.

You've never been good with words, but I didn't know you weren't good with laundry.

Your words were still wet with her tears before you gave them to me.

You should have left them on the line a bit longer. Maybe the lye of their syllables wouldn't burn my face when I try to bury it in your shirt.

Do you realize what you say when you scream I ******* love you from your rooftop?

Who's ears will they reach first, hers or mine? Because where I hear a promise, she hears and echo as bitter as the wind on that rooftop.

That's why my hips curve in all the question marks I could never ask you.

In two years, will you mail someone else the screams from your piece of sky?
Will your heart still beat in time to that ******* song that you always play when we're in your car?

I'm tired of seeing blood under my fingernails because metaphors and ethers and ink marks can't stitch you up fast enough.

You need patience, but all I can give you are poems about winter, and the spring grasses that follow, no matter what.

You need guidance, but I give you comparisons of how the moon moves the sea, but gets jealous when she kisses the shore.

You need love, but I offer you poems that flow like water and taste like someone else's mouth.

My river songs can't fill the canyons she's left in you.
JadedSoul Aug 2014
Finger nails gnaw
Bare flesh rips
Blood spills
Over sorrowed hands

Now ribs crack
Then give way
Fingers tunnel
through flesh
Past bone
Then curl

My hand pulls back
Raising up
Towards the heavens,
I hold my beating heart

Dying breath
Grasps it firm
Piercing it with
Thorny spike
And sets alight
My wretched body
robotical world Jul 2014
Fingernails cry against my skin
and pinch
and pull
and drag
a desperate attempt at some kind of self induced rescue
and a melodramatic autobiography
little blurb from one of my works in progress
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