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Imarie 4m
Like stars they burn and burn away
Leave me in cold empty day
This path I chose feels like a winding snare
Has led me only to despair.
Noonie 23h
Te veel, te weinig,
Alles of niets.
Waar uitersten elkaar ontmoeten,
Het midden bestaat voor mij niet.

Dieper dan diep,
Starend over de rand,
De donkerte in,
Voorbij mijn grootste angsten,
Waar alle muren zijn gevallen.

Vind me daar,
Waar ik helemaal naakt ben,

Te veel, te weinig,
Alles of niets.
Ik ga helemaal—
En anders niet.
I was once in pieces,
Kept together by lousy glue,
Always thought it was meant to be,
But it was not true.

What once was is gone.
All of my feelings for you fell,
It was a great, endless struggle,
And I went through hell.

Now there is somebody new,
Two hearts being held together
Not by some temporary glue,
Held by a weld, Forever.
Julie 2d
How do I know what is right?
How do I know when to act
when to argue
when to stay silent
and when not to

How do I know when to do it
and when to not

How do I know
when the right time to fight is?
How do I know what is right?
Does the feeling in my gut tell me?
Or the tears in my eyes?

"It will get better," they say,
but what if it doesn't?
What if I stay like this
until the end of my days,
trying to figure out,
what I should have already known?

And when you ask me how I feel,
I just answer
"A lot"
How do you know if it is right?
I hate this pill,
I hate these meds,
"Don't forget! Don't forget!!"
If you don't take them,
You're a disgrace to this earth,
Such a terrible person you are a scar on this earth.
But if you remember, like you can never,
That capsule will absorb all feeling.
It's not my heart that doesn't work,
It's these stupid medicine measurements.
Why do I have to either go through hell,
Or put everyone I love through it.
How is that fair?
I guess it's not.
Life *****, but I don't want it to end,
I'm still waiting to feel reality,
When does this wear off?
Will I ever stop being an actor,

And just be me?
Meds never work in the way they sell them to
Fill the room temperature of my lungs with your kiss's breath –
room temperature wine; compared to your lipstick, and a fine silken
complimented red dress. My compliments to the night, two bodies
twinned into each other, close to the hip’s side. We started off a feast
of sides; you took a piece of my heart – served on a platter. And by
your worth, you must cry diamond tears that cut your face; I tasted
all of your scars.

In the dark, we kiss in the warmth of our love, that it grows a spark –
the elephant in the room; how could I ever forget what you always
meant to me! You split my lips; opening myself to you as I told you
the deeper parts of my story – we are at the same level of building
this close connection, waiting on this storey.

You murdered my soul; killing parts of my time just to spend it all
on you – piercing me into silence from my core; the cause of you
smothering me in the heat of love. Nay, I dropped onto my feet
galloping after your love, crying after it in a whinnying neigh.

I’m a horse in love.
The atmosphere surrounding us after our first kiss, felt so heavy —
Her energy is thick, her smile is as smooth as the finest silk,
The desire of her eyes burns me, peering deeply into my eyes.

I'm blind in love...

Yet, I still hope to see our future together —
I hoped as much, but that hope has become a past pleasure;
I still treasure those dear moments we shared: it was fun to smile,
A joy to love, and a dream being lost in that enchanting fantasy,
Of hoping patiently, someone could be your potential future wife.

I'm no longer blind in love...

For she helped me find a piece of myself, reshaping the rhythm —
Of my heart, to remind me that I never once lost its spark,
Oh, the joy of having loved, the sorrow of having lost;
But the greatest gain, was holding onto the feeling of love itself.

Thank you, for it was you who opened my eyes!
Aurora 6d
If you find yourself
feeling your wounds
or trying on old clothes-
you should run.

If you find yourself wandering
around the halls of your dusty heart-
you should redirect
your attention to more pressing matters.

If your brain is stumbling
through fields of poppies
and you find yourself
you should hit the eject button.

Exploring the kaleidoscope of human emotion
is illegal under federal law.
Watering your own self,
potted plant that you are,
is a waste of company time.

parachute away from the place
where your nerve endings tingle
and get back on the wheel.

Clock is ticking.  
Don’t you have better things to do?
5 minute stream of consciousness babble
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