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Megan VanKo  Dec 2015
Megan VanKo Dec 2015
The feelings engulf you
The feelings betray you
The feelings destroy you
The feelings blame you
The feelings bring you down
The feelings **** you
The feelings end you
The feelings keep you
The feelings stay forever
The feelings are killing you right now
The feelings are laughing at you
The feelings embarrass you
The feelings harass you
The feelings bring the worlds pain on you
The feelings make you nobody
The feelings make you feel stupid
The feelings never leave
The feelings Never leave
The feelings NEver leave
The feelings NEVer leave
The feelings NEVEr leave
The feelings NEVER leave
The feelings NEVER Leave
The feelings NEVER LEave
The feelings NEVER LEAve
The feelings NEVER LEAVe
The feelings NEVER LEAVE
The feelings drive you insane.
BZQ Oct 2014
do you want to know how does having feelings for you feel like? well baby, having feelings for you is like playing the piano for someone who can’t hear. having feelings for you is like that moment where you start to dance and the song ends. having feelings for you is like hitting repeat on my favorite song and forgetting the words every time it starts over. having feelings for you is like playing roulette with all the barrels loaded. having feelings for you is like having amnesia, waking up every day unable to remember why there’s a hole in my chest. having feelings for you was like finding out there’s no milk after i had already poured a bowl of cereal. having feelings for you is like drowning without the water. having feelings for you is like being locked in the dark while getting told to “look on the bright side”. having feelings for you is like knowing what a funeral feels like without ever going to one. having feelings for you was like being reminded of the first time i ever accidentally let go of a ballon as a child. having feelings for you is like unconsciously reaching to put my arm around a dead lover in my bed while asleep. having feelings for you was like spending years next to a hospital bed where you were in a coma you chose to stay asleep in.
- bejal
Bardo  Aug 2022
The Real feelings
Bardo Aug 2022
Feelings are funny things
I used think feelings were the sweet feelings you felt when you were very young
When you were little
(Before the emptiness came)
These were what feelings were... to me.

So it used to baffle me when I got older
After I'd gone through some traumas of my own in life
And suddenly I found much to my dismay
That I no longer felt anything inside myself anymore
Only an emptiness, a numbness, a nothingness... a void
Those lovely early feelings had now all gone
I knew...I knew there was something wrong

But then I'd hear some people say
"Oh, I feel this way or I feel that way... I feel happy, I feel sad, I feel...
And I'd think to myself What! you still feel something inside yourself
Y'know Me! I don't feel anything anymore
All my old feelings that made me who I was they've  all gone
And I have no idea how to get them back again.

But then I'd think
Y'know when you say you feel...say you feel lonely or depressed or calm and confident
Overwhelmed or in control... whatever!
all these different emotions/ so called feelings
But these aren't.... these aren't the real feelings are they
Not like the feelings you had when you were a little child
Their just... aren't they just words describing mental states where/how you find yourself during the day
You feel sad probably because you're thinking sad thoughts
Or you feel happy because you're thinking happy thoughts
But sure I could do that
Yea! I could say well I feel... I feel hungry
Or I feel a bit apprehensive about something that's coming up
Or maybe I feel excited because I'm going out to a show somewhere
But these... these aren't the real feelings are they though
Not the lovely sweet feelings you had as a little child
No! Their not the same.

Y'know when a child comes into the world they start as a clean slate
They have no words at all to begin with
Yet even then they have these incredible sweet feelings inside that make them feel so happy and so special
It makes them feel like they own the whole world
Maybe... maybe their a symptom of the Divine. I...I don't know.

And I'd say this to someone sometimes and it's like they'd look at me kind of strangely
As if to say "What do you mean... when you say... the real feelings!
It's hard to write something about the aloneness from whence you come, trying to articulate your own experience, something that's very subjective. I've written quite a few poems now about the emptiness within and the sweetness long ago. And the Quest to return to that Paradise of old LoL.
Chuck  Jul 2013
Chuck Jul 2013
Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable

Emotionally my feelings are poetically ineffable
This is a variation on my 10 word poem called Ineffable. Ineffable means too extreme or great to be described by words.
Sharina Saad  May 2013
Sharina Saad May 2013
Feelings are within you
In your deepest heart and soul
Feelings are felt and seen
By those who only feel for you

Feelings unheard troubles the mind
Feelings unread torches the softest heart
Feelings unvoiced torments your soul..
Feelings uninterpreted, unanswered...
Killing you.. killing you softly , suicidal love..

Feelings are words unspoken
Feelings are invisible touches
Feelings are unseen caresses..
Feelings are shared dreams unfulfilled
But feelings are continuous...
Reflections of heart, life, love and soul...

Hidden feelings ... pathetic souls
Blinded kisses... numb and cold..
Unveil... unveil...
Let the magical love be revealed....
RobbieG Nov 2021
My feelings hurt 
my feelings ScReAm
in pain
My feelings long 
for SoMeOnE to 
come along 
My feelings have 
been through alot 
My feelings never 
have forgot 
The past, the worst,
or the best memories 
My feelings are sore 
my feelings are tired 
My feelings lost 
their voice 
My feelings just want to 
Are you the one 
my feelings whisper 
inside my head 
when my feelings 
are grabbed 
Her voice
her smile 
her lips
her body 
her personality 
her demeanor 
her story 
has my feelings 
going crazy 
inside my body 
"Is she the one?"
My feelings ask 
I reply disappointed, 
"Im not sure yet"
but my feelings 
still keep
y i k e s Mar 2014
i have feelings
you have feelings

... we all have feelings!

some feelings stick
other feelings are magical
and some feelings even connect with other feelings

... how magical!

feelings are meant to be shared
like a gigantic 64 pack of crayola, the ones with the fancy sharpener

however, some feelings hurt
like a nail going through the layers of skin, causing blood to pour out

so always, be careful of your feelings
not everyone will share them, or want to be aware of them
feelings can cause misery, and joy

be careful with them!
Carl D'Souza  Feb 2021
Carl D'Souza Feb 2021
I feel
so many feelings
all the time.

I am
a feeling being.

I need
to feel
to understand
the meaning of my experiences
in comparison to my needs and aspirations.

my feelings
happen intuitively
and prior to careful evidence-based reasoning
and so my feelings are not philosophically reasonable
and so my feelings are dangerous
if I use my feelings to define what reality is.

I protect myself
from unphilosophical unreasonable feelings
by never enacting my feelings,
by never reacting motivated by feelings;
rather I use my feelings
only as information
that I am having feelings
and so my needs and aspirations
may be affected in some way
by my experiences
which led to my feelings;
then I reflect
on my experiences
to philosophically reasonably discover
how it is most useful for me to feel
to achieve my optimal joy an happiness.

— The End —