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Evil is a man in a suit who has no face.
He wears mine, he wears yours -
He keeps them in a book
To select ego-mask disguises.
He is the man who runs the trains.
He is the man who strikes the deal.
Who stares back from the mirror?
External devils are poor scapegoats,
Useful fearmongers for the preacher-kings.
Look within. Delete your disguise.
Evil is a man in a suit who wears your face -
Do not let him control your hands.
Man Feb 13
It's more than simply what you typed,
What you spoke over the phone;
It's how you've done it
Down to every detail,
From the face you made
To each little keystroke.
The trends, the habits, & routines
By which you live your life by;
Tagged with geolocation & time.
Nowadays, there's even more devices
Like the phone or speaker or television;
Like satellite, transmitter, receiver.
There's a tag on your ear
By which you're known by-
It's just not what you go by, chattel.
A Berlin monastic church of blood
shed by true witnesses to freedom’s love:
These few who stood against the flood
of hate from tyrants they rebuffed.

Not far from here, these martyrs were killed
for facing down the brownshirts’ might,
in hopes that all would someday be filled
with the will to live for love’s delight.

Here Mary sits with her holy child,
carved of warm wood, set on cold stone.
She bears an expression, calm and mild,
with nothing around them: alone.

Her robes are daubed in palest blue
while her hair with a golden crown is wed;
her baby son wears redder hues
that foreshadow blood he and his martyrs shed.

This blessèd Mary’s calm defies the fear
decreed by despots in past and present years —
Softly, she whispers her granite will: Defy
all tyranny ’til hate’s tides subside.
Inspired by this Madonna and child statue:

It is to be found in a Catholic Carmelite monastery church in Berlin. It was built in the 1960s to commemorate Christians (both Catholic and Protestant) who were martyred by the Nazis, such as Alfred Delp SJ, Bernhard Lichtenberg, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Helmuth James von Moltke, and others, as well as victims of the Nazis in general.
Skyler M Jan 8
Pinpoint the subsurface crack,
Stare until my vision goes black.

We must be complete maniacs,
Eating our own dental plaque.

Here's a toast to the next generation,
They'll solve what's wrong with the nation.

Survived our own cremation,
But will we survive damnation?

Teeth rotting out of our mouth,
Won't let the dentist into the house.

Ignore all of the deep seated doubt,
Despite pain that screams so loud.

What's the solution for this?
We'd rather live in ignorant bliss.

Obey the laws, stay off the lists,
There's a crushing boot we'd rather kiss.

The leather taste masks the decay,
Step out of line and we will all pay.

Stare horrified at the widening gaps,
Watch our leaders take lazy laps.

As we stand and ignore the collapse,
Instead we rip apart the lower class.

Using dental tools to pretend,
We get it and we comprehend.

How we have come to descend,
Yet still, we're unable to amend.

The rich stand inside golden gates,
Pointing their fingers at the baits.

Watching us fixate on our tails and give chase,
By the time we're broken down, it's too late.

By now, it's too late,
We'll watch and meet our fate,
The tooth decay much too great,
Gave in to the ouroboros of hate.
Liberalism, its pursuit of keeping institutional order, no upsetting the status quo, and most of all; let the rich get richer.
Skyler M Nov 2024
A baby was born today.

A baby born after decades of growing,
The father, a heartless oil tycoon.
The mother, an unflinching beaurocrat.

Orwell rolls in his grave,
Marx rolls in his grave,
Mandela rolls in his grave,
Malcolm rolls in his grave.

A baby was born today,
Born of greed and exploitation,
Into a world primed to love its beady eyes.

What's to happen, I cannot say,
We have always warned of this day,
Call it a product of our errors,
For that's what many warned.

A baby was born today,
It grasps for the finger of its mother,
Taking ahold and ripping her flesh away.

It hates us all.
Despises our flesh.
Flinches at our pulse.
Curls its lip at our humanity.

A baby was born today,
And we will all pay the price.
It's not the end of the world.
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
Ils consomment des chiens chauds, hot dogs
Comme vous
Mais ils ne mangent pas de chiens
Jamais, jamais
Ils ne mangent pas de chats
Ils ne mangent pas d'animaux de compagnie
Jamais, jamais.

Les immigrants mangent des sangliers
C'est du ‘Griot piqué’
Ils ne mangent pas de lapins
Mais ils mangent du ‘Tasso épicé’
Et bien sûr, ils mangent des hot dogs, des chiens chauds.

Les Haïtiens mangent et boivent de la Soupe Joumou
Dans laquelle nagent des légumes et bien sûr des carottes
La cuisine haïtienne
Est très, très bonne
Les immigrants consomment de bonnes viandes
Comme vous.

Arrêtez d'être raciste
Arrêtez d'être fasciste
Vos ancêtres mangeaient des chiens
Pas les immigrants, pas les Antillais
Et surtout pas les Haïtiens
Arrêtez cette haine honteuse
Pensez à votre sort
Au dernier rendez-vous
Les immigrants mangent des cochons frits
Comme des milliards d'Américains
Qui aiment les tartes aux pommes
Arrêtez les mensonges, arrêtez tous les mensonges.

P.S. Traduction de ‘They Eat Good Hot Dogs’.

Copyright © Octobre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de nombreux recueils de poésie.
Haitians do not eat dogs or pets
MetaVerse Sep 2024
Adolf ******
Was a lot littler
Than most Aryan brothers
And their mothers.
Man Jun 2024
Believe, obey, fight-
Tow the party line!
It's a quick battle,
One waged against your own interest;
It's a sad case,
To watch men spit in their own face.
It's family, God, & country
And no room for the self.
Don't you care about your race?
How will you protect it?
What about your religion?
Enshrine it, defend it, spread it?
Of your state-
Bolster, boast, expansion?
Your God?
Your country?
Your family?
Francie Lynch Oct 2023
They flip like flapjacks,
Sizzlin' on heat;
They flip like a light switch,
The rats,
The finks,
The stools,
The snitches.

How many will get told tonight:

     Y'll sleep wi da fisches.
      That'll school you alright.
Always use good lures.
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