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Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"And people say that the Palace is
the heart," Lyn murmurs, looking
around the town. "The heart of
Aurelinaea truly beats within the

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Quite so, My Lady." Esshi nods in
agreement. It rings true; Aurelinaea
Palace rests and grows out of the heart
of the large island. It is even whispered
that there are secret passageways long
lost, that only the royal family know.
The towns are pulsing with the lives
of hundreds of thousands. From the
Palace, there is one street, a vein,
thick and wide, that leads down to
different parts of town.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
And like a heart, one vein connects
to many; thick and thin, wide and
narrow; several pathway, with
and without wooden fences, are
made of three colours; red stones,
yellow stones and green stones.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
All of them are winding around,
leading to several coloured houses,
gardens, markets, docks, grand
angel fountains that rests upon the
mosaics, bridges and the canals.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
The air is full of many smells, perfumes
and fresh flowers, fresh cakes, cookies and
breads, fresh produce and fish, fresh cut
grass and the sea. Smiths hammers away
at their swords and armour, people laugh,
children run and play around, cats meow,
dogs barks, seagulls cry and people laugh,
sing, talk and eat as they sail on the canals.
Building on the visuals.
Strange what one stumbles on when they're writing for a project.
I was looking at a diagram for the human heart.
Gotta hit the hay, the second week of my course
resumes on the morrow!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Her opalescent wings unfurl under the
clear skies, glittering beautifully under
the golden glory of the sun
As she opens her jaws, lances of flame
covers the green, ravaging life with scalding
kisses of red and orange and purple and gold
Her breath has grown hotter over the years -
now able to melt steel and stone, flesh and bone
But her eyes, molten suns are always wet with
affection when she looks at me
Her claws are curved, sharper than Damascus
steel, the shade of deep obsidian.
Her tail long and spiked; a dangerous whip
Her scales drinking in sun as she watches
me dip my feet into the sea. From it, rises smoke.
Like the water, its's rising and receding into
A clear blue and it seems so vast and endless
Just looking at the horizon makes me feel so

My head is hurting so I just let my imagination wander...
Thank you so much for 236 followers!! It means so much to me!
Lyn ***
Hello Daisies Sep 2018
I've been fighting this for so long
Kept telling myself it was wrong
I couldn't let it in my mind
I kept running and leaving it all behind

Today I let in
The reality i call sin
The magic i believed so strong
Is dying off after so long

I guess thats growing up
Drinking too much and throwing it up
Sadness starts to sink through
But this time I've accepted it to be true

I'm unsure if this is losing hope
Or gaining strength away from the *****
I held on to romance and stars so tight
But i awoke today realizing it isn't right

Am i letting go of my child like innocence?
Am i letting this cruel world make me repent?
Well that's just how you make it in this life
Let go of your fantasies and let in the strife

Go to work for full time and lose your personality
Because noone cares about your dreams outside of reality
I think I'm giving up running away from the truth
That my wonderland was  only for my silly youth
I wrote this while hungover, been having some feels about growing up realizing life will never be how i dreamed as a kid and the love i wished for is far out of my reach. Still scared to let go of the innocence in my heart but i have to grow up i guess someday might as well now
Outside Words Sep 2018
tiny elves in my backyard on my stoop -

running out from between blades of grass,
they shouted in unison with a burly crass:


“sorry sir, soup is not for elves; mommy said!”



“but, I’m just a kid and mommy discourages it!”

i said in my biggest voice, for the 900th time
as they threw up their arms, like I’d committed a crime!

running around in a mass,
they ran back, with such sass,
through the leaves in a big hurry -
on a hunt for soup they scurried...
© Outside Words
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
EᔕᔕᕼI ᑕOᑎT.
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"I guess you're right," Lyn sighs.
"Though, I will take this up with
the guards. Seeing how it was very
easy for us to sneak out."
'I wonder if they will even notice
that their Queen is missing...'
chuckles dryly, her hands on her

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Try not to be too ******* them,
My Lady." Ainhara chuckles
while walking to them, an old
wicker basket with lids hanging
from her slender arm.
The wind blows and her dark
green skirt ***** in the winds
around her legs, as did Esshi's
and Lyn's.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
She is gently rummaging through it.
"The coins should be enough for
all three of us. Now, are you ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Lyn says as she pulls
up her face veil, and her ladies do
the same. The day is bright and hot,
but the opaque veils are light.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Ainhara leads the way, walking
through the forests, Esshi and Lyn
behind her. Out of the forests,
they follow the path down into
the ever bright, bustling, colourful
Aurelinaean town.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Sneaking away from my own palace
and guards..." Lyn mutters while
looking at her palace from the forests.
The high walls drinks in the sunlight,
the white flags of Aurelinaea
She, Ainhara and Esshi had changed
into common garbs, swapping silks
for cottons.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
The young queen's hair is packed
in simple bun, wrapped in a cream-
cotton headrail that drapes over her
head and wraps around her
shoulders.  She is now in a plain,
long cotton brown skirt, a white
blouse with string, a black
cummerbund around her waist
with matching flats.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Esshi is wearing the same,
but her skirts are a dull red,
her headrail a pale orange.
They had snuck past the guards
and climbed over the high walls.
Ainhara is tidying up the rope.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Reminds me of when I was younger,
remember?" Lyn faces Esshi who
smiles and nods before turning
to her palace again. "I just hope my
mother doesn't send for me."
"It'll be fine, my lady. It is just
a brief escape."
As promised, The Masked Bard story continues! ^^
Here are the parts to the others, should you need
to reread. Don't worry, when this is completed, it
will be a collection!
Thanks everyone!
Lyn ***

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Tally Cat Sep 2018
Rabbit, Rabbit, worn and weary at my parlor door
Come inside, sit by the fire, we’ll let tea spirits pour
They listen as we sip, they’ve never heard a rabbit howl.
But you’ve loved a wolf, and the wolf loved you
A rabbit who was on the prowl

Your lover wore the beast they made, of comets, dirt and fur
You drove fast cars
You fell through stars
You think it would all become a blur

Oh the places you two ran, the places you two crashed
A rabbit who danced through constellations
You two birthed solar systems when you clashed
You tell me of what you saw, the gods and their creations
The secrets that you made together, the heights you did ascend
And how this journey came and went to find its timely end

Because you lived an urban fantasy, in a world like a dream
Fantastic creatures in it teemed
Fantastic deeds and fantastic feats
Fantastic, eerie, dark lit streets.
For all its wonder, much like your lover,
It had as many teeth

And this is where a rabbit learned to growl
Grew sharp claws to disembowel
And on each other you left your marks
Be it lovely or be it ******
Both felt trepidation at the threat of sparks

So Howl, rabbit, who offered up your beating heart
Howl rabbit, who loved the prowling bard!
Tell your stories, weep into your cup
Nostalgia rocks you in her arms
Howl at those old once blazed skies
Howl about all of those pretty lies
Howl, divine heart break of harsh goodbyes

A thousand suns set on that day
The dream is done, or so you say
The things you crave, the things you made
These things you’ve done will never fade
The fauns of man have made their war
In the ballad of a love that is no more...

But you’re not a rabbit, and they weren’t a wolf
This was not a dream
I was there, and it was despair,
The story wasn’t as pretty as you made it seem
I’m glad it’s done, that you’re both free
I hope you did enjoy the tea
But make no mistake, I know your habit
They weren’t a wolf, and you’re not a rabbit
ok okay Sep 2018
Tip toe past my bed
Don’t wake the demons in my head
They only wish me a painful death
Don’t worry
I’ll pretend that they don't exist

They tell me to end it but I refuse to listen
These demons don’t leave until you're submissive

Been tying slip knots in my imagination
Creating a fantasy from my own frustration

Come a bit closer and I'll tell you a secret
These voices speak truths which shouldn't be spoken

I will wait for the day when I can see clearly
Maybe I’ll wait for eternity
TheMystiqueTrail Sep 2018
The spider on the wall,
in the web of a fantasy,
spinning dreams of guile.
Spider is the black hole of my solar system –
a monstrous mass ready to warp me
in its delusion.

Light surpassed
darkened thoughts of deceit
like a flitting meteor.
On its many unseen wings
it sails faster than the meteor.

Light crashed into the spider
dozing in the web of hallucination.
Its barbed hairy legs
singed in the boiling bubble of light.

The light’s swift hands
pulled me out of the black hole,
diffused in me
it's springs of glory.
I became light’s soulmate
to birth more lights
to tame the black holes
of my solar system.
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