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Aaron LaLux Sep 2018
Everyone’s looking for an escape,
a virtual reality with alternative facts,
virtual because it’s almost reality,
except it’s reality without all the commitment,

and within,
a virtual reality we can augment,
what it used to be like back in base reality,
and we can ponder on where the time went,

& when  I say time,
I’m referring to the time in reality spent,
because after all reality is the only thing real,
and the experiences within them are the only thing you can’t invent,

see the truth is the only thing that exists in actually existence,

yeah sometimes truth is stranger than fiction,
ask Buckaroo Bonzai,
ask Stephen Hawkings ask Steve Jobs and,
ask yourself why you’re alive,

why you put up with the pain,
why you put yourself through,
why you still hesitate to act on instinct,
when you know there’s nothing to it but to do it,

everyone too scared to speak up,
but everyone wants to be a hero,
there’s not much purity to speak of,
and evil seems to wear a halo,

hey bro,
or sis,
or whatever label,
you label yourself with,

there’s not much untainted land left,
there’s not much clean water,
the days are getting shorter,
and the nights are getting longer,

the hearts are getting colder,
but the earth is getting hotter,
plus these days reality is such a pain,
it often doesn’t seem worth the bother,

maybe the rebellion can’t begin,
because maybe it’s already done,
but then again maybe it’s only getting started,
and maybe the games have only just begun,

and if this is the case,
then you know it’s already on,
but just one question before we begin,
are you Ready Player One?

∆ Aaron LaLux ∆
Brandon Conway Sep 2018
My god, your beauty is bright
I can see the halo radiating
though the clouds at night
my heart hastily pulsating

whenever we're in the same room
my eyes only gravitate towards you
I recognize that lovely ambrosial perfume
when you glance, my cheeks take a different hue

I have immortalized you through my poems
but I rather spend this mortal life
basking in your lissome arms
a drop of you cures all my strife

I want you in the flesh instead of dreams
but any thought of you is okay by me
look how the moon thinly beams
highlighting my idiosyncrasy

You move my pen, dear
and you don't even know it
to you I owe this writing career
and I am scared that I might blow it
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"My Lady, you need to have a break."
"I can't afford to have one."
"Yes you can," Ainhara insists. "And
you will."
Lyn arches a brow. "Last time I checked,
I'm the queen here."

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Ainhara chuckles, "You are, My Lady,
and we are your most trusted friends
and handmaids. And as your friends,
we're telling you to have a break! And
I know the perfect thing to do. Esshi,
bring out the common garbs."

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Esshi looks at Ainhara confused before
realisation hits her and she runs to the
Queen's closet.
"Ainhara, what do you have planned?"
Ainhara looks at her Queen's confused
face and with a cheeky wink and smiles
says, "Your freedom!"
And finally, part 10!
What better way to end this than with a cliffhanger? ;P
Because of the hours of my course, I won't be able to
update this series for a few days.
I'll be posting shorter poems, but I'm only doing my course 4 days a week
and I will let everyone know when I'm about to continue this story.
Thank you so much, I truly hope you're enjoying this series as much as I am!
This story has nearly done!
Be back soon! Wish me luck for tomorrow!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
EᔕᔕᕼI  ᑕOᑎT.
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"You do that and your mother will make sure
you have nothing but kale meals for a
month or three!" Ainhara snickers. "She only
wants you to eat more healthy meals."
"She's the one who likes the green devil,"
Lyn snaps. "I don't have to!"
"You seem to forget, My Lady," Esshi
points out, "Mothers know best!"
She can tell the young queen wants
to retort but she begrudgingly nods with
a small smile.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Alright," Lyn groans, "I'll eat it."
She dips her spoon into the soup, lifts
some kale, lamb, potatoes and broth,
blows away the steam, eats,
chews slowly.
"Hmm!" Lyn smiles and eats happily.
"It's actually not half-bad!"
She looks around. "Don't tell her I said
that. She wouldn't let me live it down."
"Your secret is safe with us, My Lady."
Esshi giggles as they watch her eat.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"If there's more, you two should have some."
Ainhara cut a slice of freshly baked honey
-bread and places it by her mistress' side
while Esshi makes some fresh Jasmine
Pearl tea.
"I thought you were not hungry!" Ainhara
teases. Their Queen had the grace to flush.
"It certainly helped... Compliments to Bael
and his team! Thank you, but now, I need
to get back to work. Letters to respond to,
gathering my things for the morrow-"
Mothers, right? Looool
Enjoy part 9!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
EᔕᔕᕼI  ᑕOᑎT.
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Lyn sniffles as Ainhara gives her a
handkerchief which she uses to
wipe her tears.
"Thank you, guys," Lyn whispers,
giving them a weak smile.
'Well, at least she smiles,' Esshi
Ainhara has a bright smile. "My lady,
your lady mother gave Bael orders to
make this soup for you. She instructs
that you eat this."

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
When Esshi pushes the serving trolley
to her Queen's side, she lifts the gold lid
and Lyn looks at the soup; steaming
kale in a beefy broth with chopped
peppered sausages, lamb cubes,
onions, garlic, mint chopped potatoes
and carrots.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Kale, really? I hate kale," Lyn whines,
gently pushing the bowl away. "I don't want it!"
Esshi and Ainhara look at each other and smile.
'Still acts like a child when her lady mother
commands she eats her vegetables!'
giggles Esshi.
"Your mother says you must eat it, My Lady."
Ainhara chuckles. "It will help with reduce
your stress and help relax your body."

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Lyn sighs and mutters under her breath,
"I hate it when she does this! She knows
I hate the smell of kale! I swear, I'm going
to outlaw the vegetable!" She held hers
nose up and huffs at the end of her
statement, making Ainhara and Esshi smile.
'At least she is in better spirits now.'
thought Esshi.
Kale, ugh...
It's eeeevvviiiiilllll!!! My mom actually tricked me into eating it one time (don't ask how or when) and as much as it pains me to admit it...
I actually liked it.
Anyway, enjoy part 8!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
EᔕᔕᕼI ᑕOᑎT.
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"Ainhara, Esshi..." she says weakly.
"We...we have brought you some meals,
My Lady-" Ainhara says.
"I'm not hungry," Lyn shakes her head.
"Share it amongst yourselves. I... I
really don't have the strength to eat."
"If you do not eat, how will you have the
strength to write?" Esshi counters, earning
a weak laugh and a deep sigh.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"My Lady, we know you are worried
Aurelinaea and about the morrow," Ainhara
takes a step towards her, " but I assure you,
all will be well."
"More and more people are coming in,
I'm struggling to find good homes for them.
And tomorrow, marks the beginning of my
10-week studies." Lyn murmurs. "I'd be
lying if I said I wasn't terrified. I don't
want to be a failure. I want to believe that
I am good enough, but..."

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Lyn covers her face with her hands and
begins to whimper, her body shaking
slightly in fear. They hear tears hit the
papers below her.
Ainhara and Esshi frown and place hands
on her back.
"My Lady, please don't cry. You are a
wonderful ruler," Esshi cooes, "you will
find homes for the newcomers. Aurelinaea
blossoms more with under your rule!"

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
"And with your bookish nature, you
will surely do well in your studies."
Ainhara adds. "You did say you wanted
to challenge yourself and this is a sure
way to do it. It's normal to be afraid but
once you settle in, it will all be well.
Just remember to enjoy the ride."
Letting my emotions flow and go...
Part 7!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
They enter the Queen's chambers.
So much light, yet sombre and silent.
Ainhara walks to the bedroom door;
rosewood with carvings of lilies, angels
and wings, and knocks, "My Lady?"
When she did not hear a response,
she knocks again. "My Lady, it's me
and Esshi. May we come in?"
"Yeah, come in..." comes a hoarse
voice on the other side which worries
Esshi and Ainhara both.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Opening the door, Ainhara enters first,
Esshi pushing the serving trolley behind.
They found their young queen sitting on
my iris-purple kimono robe
She is not in her grand-bed; also made
of rosewood with a cherry finish. Intricate
carvings of lilies and nymphs are on the
posts, the headboard even the cream marble

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
The canopy curtains shimmer, cream-gold,
diamonds in the winds. Her rose-silk sheets
and pillows of creams, golds and browns are
covered in papers and open notebooks. Turning
their heads in the right corner of her room is
their young queen, sitting on the stool,
leaning on her hand-painted writing desk
with two large drawers, four small drawers
with golden handles; a gift from King Paul.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Upon it are some small inkpots, gifts from
Queen Kim. She is even wearing her second
favourite kimono-robe, made from white rose
-silk with peacock embrodiery with matching
slippers; gifts from her mother.
Surrounding her are several letters, opened
and sealed. When she turns to face them,
they can see her smile is weak and touched
by fatigue.
Enjoy part 6!
How I'm feeling here in writing is exactly how I'm feeling in real life...
I'm excited, scared and emotional, knowing my course starts tomorrow...
So I chose to write it all out...
Lyn ***
There is a six sided utopia’s that exist within everyone
You may not know it but it has been with you since the beginning
Such a wonderful place free of worry and conflict is gone
In there, no one is above you, only you are reigning

What is wrong and right is dictated by the person residing
Your consciousness is the only thing that exist, the proof that you are living
Not even your shadow found, the place is full of nothing
The loneliness you feel in here isn’t a curse but a blessing

A place without a trace of happiness there will never be a trace of misery
A place without anyone to love is a place without a vestige of fury
Here there is no companionship but solitude it is graciously giving
Without anyone to leave there is no sadness in parting

Within yourself you can learn to find joy and happiness
But you shall never find it when loved ones leave, only bitterness
The world within the six walls is a much better place
For in here there is no one to judge you no matter the ability, personality, face and race

Reality is full of cruelty, sin, deceit, death, pain and strife
This is an unbeatable game, the game we call life
No one can be blamed when people give up playing
This is such a harsh reality, I’m just saying

In this three dimensional utopia solace is what people seek
All types of people from fierce, cold, serious and meek
They come to ease the pain, cease the grieving and put sorrow to an end
They come to forget regrets and think that their mistakes never happened

This six sided heaven is found within our minds
In here only freedom reigns, no laws that binds
When all is ruined and gone, when the battle has been lost
We retreat to our boxes, our fates to destiny we entrust
I am a dreamer of wonderful worlds
Where stories of sorrows remain untold
Where joy and happiness are found on every chapter
And my life is a book that brings you laughter

I woke up, and now it’s time to live my life
It is a journey filled with cruelty and strife
And here, I am a coward who hides in his shell
My dream is heaven while my life is hell

To change my road is what I require
But the current have forced me the way
To bare my heart is what I desire
But I fear what others will say

How can I face this treacherous current
If all I have is weakness
Where can I find this worldly strength
If I’m blinded by my own meekness

Woe is me for I have forsaken living
To forget my pain, sorrow and misgiving
To escape this torturous reality
I yearn for my fantasy
From the heavenly embers the phoenix rises.
It opened its scarlet eyes and saw the world blanketed in darkness.
Its cries reverberating in the dim valley, paternal love it sought.
Woe is the phoenix for not a creature came and all it did was for naught.

With tears in its eyes till sunrise it waited.
Filled with indignation the phoenix flew.
For it realized that as a newborn it was cheated.
With only the support of itself the phoenix grew.

Time passed peacefully in the valley.
The phoenix' wings have now grown fully.
Then the phoenix’ adventurous spirit was suddenly ignited.
With newfound courage the phoenix soared, clearly it is excited.

It was fearful yet ecstatic for the world full of the unknown.
The phoenix said farewell to the place it once had grown.
It desired to wander the world hoping to meet with its kin.
The phoenix is very lonely and hoping for one’s happiness isn’t a sin.

Many beasts quickly hid when they saw the phoenix near.
When they saw the flames blazing they can only shiver in fear
Sighing with regret for it wants to make a friend.
But fate has been cruel and fear was its desire’s end.

It traversed thousand of mountains
And experienced countless rains
It hoped and prayed fervently to the glorious entity above
To grant its wish, to experience love

To be continued...
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