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Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
The aroma is so earthy, floral, spicy.
After adding three pearls into my teapot,
I sit back and watched. Soon enough,
colour bloomed from the Pearls; turning
the clear water the shade of dark brown
-red. The scent reminds me of the Imperial
Dragon, smoky and powerful.

Ainhana pours me a cup and after blowing
the steam away, I gently sip. The taste!
The sweetness of floral, the strokes of caramel,
the spices of the Dragon's secrets, and the
tendrils of apricots. So powerful, so unique
and indeed, brothy!

"The Dragon's Pu-erh Pearls are indeed fantastical,"
I happily sigh as Ainhana nods and she is stunned
when I pour and offer her a cup.
"My Lady-"
"Drink, Ainhara. You do so much for me already,"
I chuckle and she slowly accepts it. She works
so hard, it is only fitting that she too relaxes.
"Hmmm... wonderful!" she beams as we talk
about life, about happiness, about the future.
Repost of my reposted repost...
Come on, HP!
Lyn ***
Robin Lemmen Aug 2018
romanticize our problems
until they are colored in pink and purple hues
baby blue mornings filled with you
fantasize our perfect life together
what if reality is the fake
coffee, music, and solitude can be found
any Saturday safely in your arms
awoken by kisses soft and gentle
until clothes end up getting lost somewhere
dancing around the living room
in our pajamas, without masks on
I wish this was still true
but this is not reality, this is not truth
this is me romanticizing past loving
like dreaming of Paris in the rain
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
I stand in front of a baroque mirror; grand,
gold, gilded with leaves, grapes, dolphins
angels, swans and shells. So wonderful, and
proud on my chamber wall. And in it, I see
myself  in a fitted dress, velvet, and of the
deepest plum kissed by gold-jacquard; a
single, heart-shaped Tanzanite suspended
from the girdle belt;  the skirts trailing
behind me.

I marvel how the light hits the embroidered
florals with pearls and diamonds; they sweetly
glint and wink, sending shards of the rainbow
around my room. Around my slim throat,
a pendant, a coin with lace doily pattern,
and amethyst at the core the size of
a robin's egg.

Across my forehead, a golden diadem
decorated with filigree, beaded with pearls,
delicate gem tendrils and patterned with
lotuses and lilies, the symbol of my proud
Aurelinaea. As I tuck a black curly ringlet
behind my ear, my earrings twinkles,
tear-cut, Tanzanite, with gold filigree.

"My Lady has had a long day indeed,"
my senior handmaid Ainhana smiles
and waves her hands, her menagerie of
handmaids begin to help me undress.
Removing the jewellery, removing my
diadem, unlacing my dress and
removing my corsets and heels.
"You must be relieved that it is over."

"Yes I am," I sigh as a handmaid presents
my iris-purple kimono robe which I slip
into. Another maid presents a large bowl of
rosewater while the other held a silver tray,
upon it, a milk-white towel spun from rose-silk.
I proceed to wash the make-up from my face.
The delicate aroma fills my nose, as my skin
feels cleaner, feels purer. As the waters drip,
I use the towel to wipe my face and pat
the rosy drops down.
Re-upload of my first poem, just broken down into three!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
"Remember," Ainhara says to the young maid,
"that towel is to be hand-washed only. Do it
with care as rose-silk is costly. Our reign queen
deserves the best but she is also frugal."
"Yes, my lady."

As the maids leave, I walk out to my balcony,
curious of the sights beyond. Passing the small
seat and table, I take it all in. My Kingdom is
blessed by the softness of the evening sun,
from lands to sea, my high walls to the docks,
all is coated by an orange-gold glow.
"Would you like the Jasmine Pearls again,
Sweet Queen?"

"No," I say, "I'll have the Dragon's Pu-erh
for the evening."
She nods, bows and leaves my chambers.
So much done, yet so much to be done, still.
"The crown is light, but the burden is heavy,"
I remind myself as the warm zephyrs blow.
The seas look so calm, as do the docked
argosies. The walls so tall, so proud, so
new. I am proud and happy for it all
standing, I welcome both old and new.
Even though there are time I do not know
what to do.

'Let me relax...' I turn around. The seats are a
mix of obsidian and bronze with filigree
style moulding that make the back of the
seat; the same with the small table with a
vase of lilies. Upon the seat's lap, a round
seat-cushion on which I gently sit.
My mind seems to run amok with
thoughts so I close my eyes and let
the sounds calm and distract me.

The calm seas, the bird's songs, the gentle
bustling of life below, the flapping flags
above, the heavy steps of patrolling guards
on the walls, the neighing of horses, the wind
blowing, the leaves rustling and now the
opening of my chamber door and light
footsteps - ever so familiar.

As I open my eyes, Ainhana is by my side with
a silver tray of hot water, my tea-cups and foil-
wrapped Pu-erh Pearls in a tea caddie.
"And so Aurelinaea's Phoenix will will drink
from the Dragon's fermented Pearl Moon!"
"Indeed." She places the tea on the table.
I pat the seat next to me and she graciously
sits down and I peel the foil from the Pearls;
seaweed green, yellow streaks with hints
of burnt umber.
Second part of my free-verse!
Lyn ***
Harry Roberts Aug 2018
I Fell In Love With The Fire (.)
I Always Try But I Never Tire,
I Won't Confront The Purest Liar (.)
Sat On The Point Of A Churches Spire.

I Won't Listen To His Hate Speech (.) I Think Of Comets 'Cause I'm Out Of Reach,
He Bristles When You Question (.)
'Cause These Thistles Have No Answers.

Prickling Up But Steadily Firing Missiles Up,
Tickles My Gut Preaching Biblical Love,
These People Are Vessels That Jesus Won't Touch,
Whilst Holding Their Crosses It All To Much.

I Won't Drink The Holy Host (.)
I'll Char That Flesh Like Toast,
I Won't Feast Upon Your Doubt (.)
Because The Beast Knows I'm About.

Satanic Child So Demonically Wild,
I Set The Scene & Keep Them All Riled,
4 Sets Of Talons But I Had Them Filed,
Compared To The Devil I'm Certainly Mild.
Harry Roberts - The Clumsy Anti Christ © 18/08/18
Harry Roberts Aug 2018
The Crows Caw,
Its A Close Call,
Hidden In A Ring Of Toadstool,
Had To Run Before The Roads Fall,
Against The Fey We Fare Small.

Gutted The Planet,
The Unseelie Planned It,
Flames Of War (.)
The Reptiles They Fanned It,
The Truth Is Much More (.)
But Who Here Is Candid.

Volcanic Eruption & Spiritual Disruption,
Cosmic Consumption & Intelligent Destruction.

The Fey With Their Way
Make The Earths Axis Sway,
The Night Takes The Day
While We Humans Pray.

The Crows They All Caw,
Mourning Shrouds All Fall,
Warning Clouds Will Not Stall,
But I'm Safe With The Toadstool.
Harry Roberts - Toadstool © 17/08/18
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018

My silver Knight,
shining with angelic splendour has sailed
towards the outer regions of my Kingdom
to lay waste to all my enemies. My heart in
hands, my hands are clasped, brought alive
with love, with light, with prayer.
Please, come back to me.
As I think of arrows piercing his breast,
or swords, or warhammers or even axes
I cannot, will not ever dance to the songs
of war.
A fire that claims souls, the earth that drinks
blood, a sight that makes my stomach turn
To see men fighting for a cause or no cause
at all. For war rapes all of happiness and loved
Oh! Begone tortuous thoughts! Revolting facts!
He will return. He will return!
For my nation prays with fervour, but all have
bleary-eyes, no more than me. He's gone to brave
the dragon's dawn - of men branded, fuelled by
the flames of war, riding into the fields on their
snow kissed mounts, roaring and clashing under
a broken sky; the kiss of steel, blades that dance
between life and death and give any and many
the kiss of Eternal Sleep.
The harp of his silver tongue plays soft, gentle and
true. Hand in hand, we walk through fields, of my
dreams divine! The ambition, the care, the charm
glowing in your eyes to be something more.
To you, I was a muse to climb and soar though the
heights, and you spoke so highly of my golden
sapient quill.
My heart, heavy, full of woe
As sleep has not come smoothly to my face,
my body, my heart, my soul.
You promised me, 'I will return to you.'
  'I will return to you,'
how your voice hung so sweet in my ear,
ripe with love, vibrant with hope, certain as the rising light
Please do not fade away, I could not bear it!
Please don't fade away!
Bring unto me that gold and joyous hour!
Fair the storms and roars; overcome the shores,
slay and return to me from the dragon's dawn,
unscathed and with a smile on your handsome

A continuation of my 'Silver Knight' poem!
Lyn ***
Jabin Aug 2018
Living through the night.
the sweetest dreams
keep me awake.
Whispers in moonlight.

Subconscious streaming,
to be made whole.
Tales of heartbreak
happiness screaming.

Light, fantasy stroll
taken by duress.
Dragged through the swamp land,
washed up
on the dreamscape knoll.

Eyes bloodshot in stress
staring at today,
all the lovely words
like a rose bush dress.

Petals floating affray,
and slice at the heel.
Trailing uncertain
A tragic ballet.

Dancing feet reveal
her strength,
and the future glares.
But I know she's strong,
like well crafted steel.

Though it isn't fair:
She reaches her hand,
touches my fingers
I wake with a scare.

My soul, she commands.
floods over terror.
Crying out, I choke,
"Don't go.
Stay in our dreamland."
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
For I will stroke a myth and
kiss a legend.
Based on an old poem I wrote a while back.
My head fricking kills right now...
But I've always been fascinated by myths and legends;
been reading it since I was a child and my love for it has only grown.
What captivates me is how the line between myth and
truth is wonderfully blurred.
So much history, so many stories, so little time.
I can see myself reading myths and legends from
all over the world till kingdom come!
Lyn ***
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