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I know not my worth;
I am worthless.

I live only for pleasure;

And nothing worth less.

I know not my goals,

For one who has none,

No purpose or privelege,

Only but fun.

I know not my sins;

I'm sure there are many;

And to all my kin,

A drink for a penny,

Of thought; enough

Or to raise up a cup;

Forgotten, besotten,

Yet still I wake up.
A little bit of depression and honesty mixed in one. It's all true.
else Sep 18
These white lights shine too bright for my

poor dead eyes, and the man’s ramblings, he

held my eardrums hostage. Then came a sudden squall, she

engulfed me in one heck of a waterfall.

Faint moonlight peeked at the end of a musty, darkly lit stairwell we

saw each other and laughed at our equally drenched clothes, our

wet hair. As sewer rats, we scurried to rescue potted plants, we

whipped *****, thuds on white walls, with sticks and knives and all. We

rolled on the floor and nearly got concussions, sprained ankles. I

remembered how to fall again, to do it all in one fell swoop.

I know my body was mine, but now it is also yours, so we

danced, barefoot, twirled in our arms, caught each other, ate our

mother’s mooncakes while the storm rages on somewhere, outside. We

smiled, mouths full with black sesame, white lotus, egg yolks, our

laughter echoing under this gentle white light, upon this warm wood.

This conversation spins nothing, but this means everything to me.

We walk under the damp, stale, starless sky, remnants of the squall. You

suddenly proclaimed that all stars have gathered for me,

and it is my stage, my game now, so I

went home smiling despite it all. You

don’t know that this mid-autumn night was all I ever dreamed of.
Happy mooncake day :D
Lily Sep 18
Sometimes I embody him

Mirror his malicious mannerisms

Deliver venom via pantomime

Sometimes his shadow looms over me

Sending threats my way

Even when he isn’t there

My conscious knows what to say
Lily Sep 18
As the liquor passed down my throat
And my face remained stagnant
I felt a sense of warmth in my chest
It wasn’t just the drink
It was a sense of pride
Maybe I was good at something.
I was really good at not letting go
I clung on and on
All I wanted was to be with you
I knew it was selfish
I also knew it was truth
You were all that mattered
And if something mattered then I mattered
If something stayed then I would stay
If you thought I was good
Maybe I was good at something.
Francie Lynch Sep 17
Mammy died years ago,
So I'm older than her now,
Though I never feel this way.
But I'm younger than my father was
Years after his delay.

I'm an aging Granda now,
But I seldom feel this way;
When in my memories,
Where they truly lie,
I'm still their son today.
Mammy is  an Irish term of endearment for Mother or Mom.
apricot Sep 17
Tears fall down my face  
Heart heavy with sorrow  
Memories linger close  
Aching for tomorrow.

Gone too soon  my dear  
Leaving me alone  
Life will never be the same  
In this empty home.
My uncle died almost 6 years ago, and it was his death date recently so I wrote this for him.
Fly high, Uncle Gus
Se pare ca știi totul
Și doar a predica
Nu văd ce rost are
Aici prezența mea
Când ce rezultă-n mine este numai sânge
Dat pe dinafară pentru a te unge
Pe răni tu, înțeleptule
Ai țipat destul să-mi tai urechile
Furia ți-a ajuns dincolo de cer
Și cântecul ți-e plin numai de "disper"
Si gol de "ajutor"

Însă nu e "gol"
De "spune-i tu pentru mine"
Ca și când ar fi ok să obții
Tot ceea ce vrei fără sa îți ții
Singur șaua vieții
Se simte incredibil și-mi pare impecabil
De bine plănuit, căci nu ești responsabil
Dacă nu merge bine, doar n-ai spus tu ceva
Erai prea ocupat cu a te alerga
Cu furia cu mânia și mândria ta

Toți sunteți furioși și intitulați
Să aveți dreptate, să nu vă schimbați
Toți sunteți titani și restul sunt cei proști
Se pare că sunteți destul de inimoși
Să vă iubiți pe voi suficient încât
Să vă protejați de orice v-ar provoca mai mult
Perspectiva asupra realității
Asupra iubirii sau a maternității

Iubirea mea nu pare
Să aibă loc aici
Și nu-s vreun salvator
Ca să vă scap de frici
Mai ales atunci când clar ca din topor
N-ați sugerat niciunul că vreți vreun ajutor

Suferiți că vă place și asta-i adevărul
Pe care-l văd eu, nu *** sa fiu eroul
Când refuzați puternic orice implicare
Care să vă fie puțin provocatoare.

Nu vă doriți salvare, ci numai validare.

Sclavi ai vieții voastre, ah cât e de trist
Dar păreți comfortabili în lacrimi și abis
Și când am încercat o mână sa vă-ntind
M-am topit și-am plâns, era mult prea acid

De libertatea-i munte, îmi sunteți plini de mare
Și-am să vă mulțumesc, căci nu e de mirare
Că busola mă îndrumă pe altă cărare
Și vântul dintre pânze îmi zice așa tare

"Ești doar eroul tău, și orice chemare
Ce vine dinspre ei, doar cere ca atare
O respingere simplă, fără vreo formă
De sentiment de ură sau țipete de normă "

Nu vreau sa vorbesc cu nimeni despre nimic
Și am s-o țin simplu, nu am s-o complic
Dacă îmi aduceți acest zgomot în casă
Sper să mâncați bine, dar nu la a mea masă,
Am sa vă anunț că nu e pentru mine,
Și am s-o zic repetat și dacă tot nu-i bine
Sau nu are valoare încă ce vă spun,
Sper să fiți iubiți, dar pe al meu drum
Nu vă mai *** permite vreun fel de access
În realitatea mea sau să îmi abuzez
Iubirea și răbdarea când văd așa de des
E loc doar de-un om, și drumu-i deja mers
De mine.

Așa că baftă voua,
Și cu bine mie.
Sau poate e pe dos,
Nu vreau sa stiu,
In fine.

Karma Sep 30
The Dove, it flew,
Passed those it knew
Whom lived to hunt its hide.
Creatures give chase,
Each with great haste,
The Dove, it lost its stride.
It meets its end.
It missed the bend.
They hear the fledglings cry.
They need not chase,
They meet the base,
And the Dove loses its pride.

With the Dove dead,
Its fledglings fed,
To creatures of the night,
Covered in red
They rest their heads
Completely in delight.
Its spirit fled
By death it’s led
A story not so bright.
Its legacy said,
And sin it’s shed,
The Dove had lost the fight.
Anna Jackson Sep 15
How easy it is to throw a ******* smile,
Say some normal words while your brain runs a mile,
How your feet keep walking and your hands keep moving,
Yet everything inside you decomposes into ruin.
To laugh a happy laugh and make a funny joke,
While your stomach twists and turns and feels it’s going up in smoke.

Last week was fine - what has happened to my mind?
I was enjoying life and sunshine - why now can’t I stop crying?
It consumed me less before so why so much today,
Why’s my heart now breaking why’s it ruining my day?

There’s no rhyme or reason to this crazy thing called grief,
It calms down for a moment then picks up like a stray leaf,
It takes it time to come and then it hits you all at once,
So please excuse me for a minute if I’m failing this front.
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