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on  display in a glass box my heart beats
showing nothing but pure intentions.
a person approaches looking at my heart
admiring, watching, waiting.
studying, listening, stalking.
what makes it race?
what makes it calm?
you leave.
come back please
i see you again this time with a bag
my heart races just seeing you
what could be in the bag?
roses, candy, wine?
perfume, stuffed animal, a ring?
as you unzip the bag the glass box starts sinking into the floor.
my whole heart out in the open for you
beating loudly to show you how much i love you
the box stops.
the heart keeps racing but this time in fear.
hammer and nails.
the box tries to cover the heart as fast as it can
but remember... its made of glass
smash! smash! smash!
my box my wall destroyed
my heart next
thump one nail thump two nails thump thump thump
my heart shattered
barley beating
content with the work
you leave
I'm left alone
iron walls come up
thread trying to put my heart back together
faint but there my heart beats
a person approaches
ky Jul 2023
You never loved me;
you loved the idea of me.

The idea of having me as yours,
as someone pretty to say "I love you,"
as someone who was always there
to talk to, to complain to.
Someone to think of.

But now that you have her,
you don't need me.
You never needed me.
You needed someone, anyone,
but I wasn't going to let that someone be me.

You never loved me;
you loved the idea of me.

And now you love her.
(the idea of her)
Pinelle Bikouta Jul 2020
Ever been kissed with no meaning,
Yet had everything seeming,
As if it were all alright?

I got kissed like it was nothing,
And yet to me it felt like something,
And lately that's been haunting my mind.

It's like my kisser had nothing felt,
Yet it felt like he needed no one else,
And that's why lately I'm not fine.

We know the sun is for the day,
And night is where the moon lays,
But the love behind that kiss felt like sunshine at midnight.

I lay here and feel broken,
And I swear that this was spoken,
But I'm repeating that I do not feel right.

I got kissed by someone I thought I loved,
But to love wasn't enough...
Because in the end it felt like I wasn't even liked.
ALARY Mar 2020
Early morning
When little birds' songs are heard
Blinding sunshine pours into one window
With the smell of coffee
I smiled as I tasted the bitterness
Suddenly remembering you for it still lingers in my heart

I wanted you to love me as much as I did
But as WE, US
Was all in my head
I am just someone you need to fill your void

I said "I love you"
You responded "I love you too" with hugs and kisses, yes, neither it was warm nor cold
It doesn't feel right

No matter how much I love you
Your heart doesn't belong to me from the start
Your eyes didn't light up to my presence
Blinded with love I still continue to love you
I was alone in this fairytale of mine

It was then you no longer needed me
You rejected me, you denied me
It was easy for you to let go, easier for you to forget, for I was a nobody to you
I am the only one carrying this love
I am losing my mind that maybe
There can be YOU and I

My heart became numb
Unloving you is the hardest thing to do
If I could unsee the videos in my head
I'll erase all my memories of you
So I can't remember you
I know I can't be with you
Your smile nukes me, obliterates logic, burns my bridges to sanity,
Your eyes, deep depths of the ocean, my covert escape from reality
This feeling it seems so wrong, but feels just about right
Some moments of ecstasy, some days spent feeling contrite
The heart so very forgetful of the past, the pains and the ache
These dreams made of brittlest of glass, bound to crash and break
It takes me further away from the truth, my wild running imagination
Dropping these anchors, my words may need to weather, storms of tribulation.
After a few days of high flying, I'm back to where I was, Ground Zero. Course correction to hell. Normal service resumed.
i'm sorry that i'm not enough
i'm sorry you thought this was love
i'm sorry my walls are too tough
i'm sorry i threw down the glove
i'm sorry my edges are rough
i'm sorry when push came to shove
i'm sorry was never enough
FrankieM Feb 2019
Contrary to popular belief
You don’t stop loving a man after he hits you
If anything it just leads you to wonder
Why did I deserve this? What did I do wrong? This is my fault, I should’ve seen this coming.
What can I do to fix this? How could I make myself better? How can I prevent this from happening again?

Contrary to popular belief
When he says he won’t do it again, he doesn’t actually mean it.
It’ll only gets worse.
How far can I go? Why does she stay?
I have her wrapped so tight around my finger and my fingers so tight around her throat.
Why does she love me? Will she believe me when I say I love her, that I will change?

Contrary to popular belief
Things will only change for the first couple days.
He will apologize.
Why do you love me? How did I become such a **** up? I had a rough childhood, I don’t want to end up like my father. Couldn’t you see how you provoked me? What would I ever do without you? Could you please forgive me?

Contrary to popular belief
You will forgive him with a lump in your throat, this time is no different than the last.
Things will never be the same
You’ll step more lightly when he’s near, breathe more quietly. You’ll feel the same fear you felt when he first pushed you against the wall every time a door closes too hard. You’ll still lie to everybody about the bruises.

Contrary to popular belief
You can only lie to yourself for so long
You don’t really believe he’ll change, but you’re afraid of change anyways. You’ll settle. I know the real him, he didn’t mean to hurt me. His anger just gets the best of him sometimes, but it’s not his fault. He’s really sweet, I swear. He loves me.

Contrary to popular belief
He doesn’t love you
When he struck you your best interest was the least of his. He knew he did wrong.
He doesn’t understand the severity of what he’s done, nor does he care to. History repeats itself.

Contrary to your beliefs
He never loved you
A rough draft. Unfortunately I could go on. Unfortunately I’ll have to.
Lara Ozdemir Dec 2018
you love me, you love me not
how many times do you command
pulling me in and out
while you strum the strings on my heart
i ask only since i’ve wilted
struggling not to give away my life
Inspired by exs’ whom I endured many heartbreaks from a naive period in my life
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I want you to be something you can never be;
Something you could never feel, deep inside of me.
I want you to see something; something you could never see.
Something you could never dream,
That’s always been inside of me.

Something someone said,
Stuck in my mind and affected my head.
Something someone should have been,
Fades away with apathy.
Something you will never be,
Is truly into me.

Now all I can do is learn to hate something.
Something or anything; nothing with integrity.
No dislike of apathy, for it has no reaction;
All I hate is all I love, for all it has is what I need.
Passion, reaction, satisfaction;
You used to give me all of these.

But you will never be anything,
When we could have been everything!
We chose to be nothing real.
We could still chose to be something,
If only we could remember how to feel.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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