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Anya Sep 2018
I’ve always wondered
Where is the cutoff
Between an introvert
And an extrovert

Does my shyness categorize me as intro
The fact that interacting with people
Tires me out?

Or does my seemingly endless capacity for talking
Penchant for loneliness
And people pleasing nature
Classify me as an extrovert?

The line is between those who,
Would rather spend time with others
Or instead in the company

I personally though,
Think people
A balance
I want to live.

I want to savour the taste of adventure on my lips - as I take a breath
in the first air of June,

I want to throw my eyes into the sky until I'm soaring - through
Cloud and Sunray,
on the brim of Sea and the edge of Horizon.

They'll take me in,
with a warm welcoming wave of wonderwhy
and I'll question the day -


that I was scared to step outside.
Taji May 2018
I, The extroverted wallflower
Want you to see me,
While you look right past me.
I, The extroverted wallflower
Want to stand out
While I blend in.
I, The extroverted wallflower
Want you to close your lips
And talk to me.
I, The extroverted wallflower
Want to be alone
In a room of people  
I the extroverted wallflower
Want you to know who I am
While you know nothing of me.
I the extroverted wallflower
Am privately open.
I, The extroverted wallflower
Am neither here
Nor gone.
It’s an interesting existence
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2018
Sees Green light at every turn
No, use of break

Sees Red light on every turn
Frequent, use of clause

Sees Yellow light most often
Controlled release, actions

No one stays
Either pure pessimist, or
Pure optimist their whole life
As, traffic lights

Every Journey needs,
To make the ride smooth.

That’s why it is,
There, in use.
Theme: Servicing Center  |  Human Behavior
Kiara Feb 2018
You can hide in that extrovert all you want,
but I can see the introvert doing what introverts do best:
hiding inside.
Samyukta Jan 2018
And it was love
When the extrovert's actions
Perfectly coincided
With the introvert's thoughts!!
AD Snail Dec 2017
On this day I shall be vibrate.
Shining bright and uncaring;
Not minding ones hateful words.

I shall be strong and independent.

I'll talk a little too loud,
And act slightly more proud.

I will be happy and pleased today.

Then tomorrow will come,
And that day will become today;
But on that day I shall be grime.

Unable to stand the slightest of sound,
Startled and afraid, sick of being drained.

I will not be able to handle the day,
And all the things that await,
So I shall stay in bed and cry my life away.

To concerned now of the hateful talk,
Unable but wishing to change everything;
Every single little detail of me.

This today, is to loud,
But now its all in my head;
Where the monsters await for my dread.

Today, will always change,
But I will still be here for the next.
Dirty Word Nov 2017
There once was a painter
He painted so much
The painter didn't talk so much
He painted over words

There once was a painter
He talked so much
The painter didn't paint so much
He had finally died
After an illustrious career.
lei Nov 2016
i want to wave a hand,
but i can't.
i want to say hello,
but my throat stays tight.
it's hard for me
to do something i really want to.
looks and sounds incomplete but i can't bring myself to add because all i have to say is in every letter there.
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