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Emma Pals May 2019
How can I want something so desperately,
And it seem so right,
But seem so wrong?
E McNamara Mar 2018
I loved Him
Like the moon loved the stars
I studied him
Like the stargazers
A masterpiece

Please be mine
Never to be mine

Two planets
With different routes
Desperately wanting.

I destroyed myself
For you.
So that my meteors
Would go closer
Than I ever could,
I’m yours for good
m Feb 2018
i so desperately want to fold into myself
want to burn myself and make something of the ash
i feel like a great almost completed puzzle
expansive and vast
dull pieces
but still connected
now one piece has been taken from me and has been replaced
replaced by a misshapen mess in the guise a puzzle piece
and as i desperately try to shove it in its previous spot
i scream
and push my hands across the table
disconnecting the pieces in my plight

i can never be complete again
i’ve changed so much since last year. I dont even recognize my own thoughts anymore.
Alienpoet Jul 2017
Woman, your beauty hides your brilliance
You have to be resilient
To survive in a world stolen by men
Even when you are the closest thing to god.
Woman, you are maligned
Hidden by religions veil
They tell the tale of Eve throughout time
The sinners tale
Original sin another story to enslave
Don't they know a mother's wisdom can save?
A man from falling fruitless from a tree
Hanging desperately.

Art thou
Thy soul
Of souls
O to thee?

Or that
Tide thus
So, most
Beams o'er



O, Yes!
My Bride-to-be,
Spinning fiercely
Like a dervish in
This galaxy!



My flames! My core!
Held together by my
Own attractiveness, I
Assure, I need not thee
Tis myself I do adore!
Fantastic mysteries
I keep thus pure!

Woo me to Love?
You seem assured
Of your Self as well!
But you must make
Haste to hence take
This, my body, O!
Heretofore to meld.



My lust forsaken
Broken, taken!

See how hot
These fires
Thus burn,
All my Love
To you I turn!



Be gone!
Be gone!
My Love
Must be earned.



O what woe!
And melancholy!
Ease my malady,
Be my Lady!



Perhaps one day
I shall, but as of
Now, I turn
Thee away.



I shall do
My utmost
To burn
So close
So perhaps
It will be so.


Rigel silently

*Sigh, you
Persistent thing;
I wish to cradle
You, soon too.
This is a satire dialogue of love unrequited between two fiercely burning, vainglorious and  divine celestial stars Rigel and Sirius desperately falling in love, not admitting it.

Written and imagined by ~ Jamie L. Cantore & Impeccable Space Poetess ~ as a divinely sweet, hardworking, inspiring collaboration. Let there be light! Life! Humour! And our creation! All rights intimately reserved. ;):-)

Thank you so much, Jamie, your a dear poet to me<3 lmpeccable Space poetess.

Hope that You~fellow readers have
enjoyed our little celestial story.
Thank you for reading and commenting
"Thrilled Tokens of Desperate Love"
Alexa Dark Nov 2014
They told me I love attention
Well I guess that's partly true
I love  your  *attention

— The End —