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Daniel Magner Jan 2020
The moon wanes, translucent power grows dull,
senses pulled back beneath a layer,
sticky apathy encasing,
chambered in gloom.

It waxes,
the beams gleam stronger now,
feeling returning,
bubbling, burning.
How bright this glow!

Catch it quick,
grab a jar before it darts
and sinks away into the lagoon,
where the stench and vile waters
swallow it back up.
Daniel Magner 2020
Daniel Magner Jan 2020
I have a hidden chest,
full with sorcerous wonders, a trove.
In a hallway, down a staircase,
through a maze chalked full with traps and danger.
My way to keep it safe
from prying hands,
the coin-filled eyes.
My prize, my treasure.
Is it better to keep under constraint or let it free?
How can I share it with the world,
and keep it all for me?
Daniel Magner 2020
Christina O Jan 2020
Somewhere along the way
the pen fell out of my hand,
and the words got lost in my head.
Creativity still bubbled in my head,
but on paper it all fell short.
Maybe with new adventures that have just passed,
and more adventures planned ahead,
I’ll discover my words once more.
And fill the pages of my book.
The love for writing is never truly gone.
I wrote this poem in 2018 when I was in a sort of creativity slump.
Mrs Timetable Jan 2020
Would you stop writing because all the best words have already been said?

Would you stop reading because all the deepest poetic things have already been read?

Would you stop enjoying food because all the best recipes have already been created?

Would you stop painting because all the best masterpieces have already been painted?

Would you stop giving because there’s nothing left to give?

Share all the words, thoughts, visions and beautiful things that give you a reason to live.
Endurance can be difficult. We need each other. I’m enjoying what I read here on HP.
Alvin Agnani Jan 2020
I often try to hide the tears that

   ­                           o

   ­              When really there is no reason.
                                  For to

             ­                                             y

                 ­                                               when reading a beautiful poem -
                                                     is even more wonderful than dreaming.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Let us lose ourselves in the poetry we create
Big Virge Jan 2020
Articulation of Thought ...
Is A SKILL … Fa Sure … !!!!!
And A TRUE Art Form When It Is Performed … !!!  
It's A Style That's Born From Taking Your Thoughts …    
From A PRIVATE Place Like Say Your Brain …    
Then Expressing Them Like SKILLED Craftsmen … !!!  
Whether On A Page Or On A Stage …    
Or Like Craftsmen Through The Things They Make ...  
To Articulate Through The Things You Say ...  
Can Entertain As Well As STIMULATE Brains … !!!!!  
STIMULATE In Ways That Some Might Say ….  
Could Influence Or Make A Difference …    
To Women Men And Our Children … !!!!!    
And Give Guidance To Those NOT BLESSED … !!!  
With ARTICULATE Thoughts That Pose Questions …    
Like … What is War … !?!  
And WHAT Is It ... GOOD FOR …. ?!?  
Does It Help The Poor … ?  
Does It Have A Cause … ?  
And If It DOES …  
Does It Help Humans … ?!?  
Thought Waves THAT … I …    
Do Not Promote Hate … !!!  
Or Try To … Segregate … !!!  
But Question Much In Todays' Systems …    
That SEPARATE On The Basis of Faith … !!!  
And The Basis of … RACE … !!!  
Those Employed By Those Who Voice …    
Their Wish To STAY AWAY From Us ….

...... " DARK SKINNED Boys " ...... !!!  
Well That's Their Choice But Listen Up OKAY … !!!!!  
I'm A Man With A BRAIN Who … " Articulates " … !!!!!!    
I'd Be HAPPY To Escape Your … " Slavery Chains " … !!!!!!  
The Rules of The Game …  
May Have Slightly Changed  
But Basically ... REMAIN THE SAME … !!!!!  
BOTH Black And White Plan To DIVIDE .....    
To Get Their Slice of The DEVILS PIE … !!!!!!  
Those Who CONTROL Remain …. " Unknown " …. ??!??  
Somewhere Underground ….. ???  
Are They Human Trolls Someone Must Know … !!!!?!!!!  
Articulation of … " THOUGHT " …  
Seems To FRIGHTEN Their Clones ... !?!  
Who Run Around Town …    
Doing What They're TOLD … !!!  
Like They've ALWAYS DONE … !!!!!  
Articulation of THOUGHT …    
These Fools Have … NONE … !!!!!  
So YES … They're DUMB … !!!  
NO Brain Functions Or Common Sense ... !!!  

Whose Thought Process Defends Bloodshed … ?!!!?  
The Type Who Live For VIOLENCE … !!!  
And POINTLESS STUPID Arguments … ?!?  
ARTICULATE Ones Are USED To Speak …    
While Those With Guns And Weaponry …  
Appear To Run The World To Me … !!!  
Just Watch … TV … !!!  
They … CELEBRATE Them … !?!  
From Cowboys To REAL LIFE Hitmen …  !!!  
Knowledge Is POWER … So They SAY … !!!  
But A Bullet To The Brain Puts An END To That Saying ... !!!!!  
What I'm Trying To Say ...    
Or ..….. " ARTICULATE " …....  
Is … Articulate Brains Seem To ENTERTAIN …    
Which Seems A Lil' Bit Strange At The End of The Day … ?!?  
When There's So Much MORE … !!!  
They Could Do To … GET PAID … !!!!!  
Like EDUCATE Through Artistic Displays …    
Or ARTICULATE Thoughts And … " Edu-Tain " … !!!!!!!!    
I'm Smart Enough NOW To … " KNOW The Coup " … !!!  
Articulate YES ... But AVOID The Truth … !!!!!  
Then People Will Choose To ….  
………. " Follow You " ……….. !!! ? !!!  
Otherwise ENFORCE And Be BRUTAL … !!!!!!  
Then Power Becomes Your … " Personal Tool " … !!!!!  
To Confuse And Abuse … Then DIVIDE And RULE … !!!!!  
If You …. Articulate ….    
But DON'T Bite Your Tongue …    
And Choose To Spread KNOWLEDGE … !!!!!!  
And Words of … WISDOM ...  
You May UPSET The WRONG Someone … !!!!!  
See When I Started This Piece …    
It Was Meant To Be … FUN … !!!!!  
But REALITY'S Bite …    
Has Bitten And STUNG … !!!!!!!!!!  
I Believe In Being TRUE When Airing Views ...    
And ARTICULATING Thoughts That Give You PROOF … !!!  
of ... What's At The CORE of THE TRUTH And MORE … !!!!!  
Well THE TRUTH Is … THIS … !!!!!  
New Age Racists Have Got The People SCARED …… !!!!!!  
of ARTICULATE Crews Who DISSECT The News …    
And Are Prepared To …    
And NOT BE SOLD ... And Then Be BOUGHT … !!!  
This Poem Is …    
Bound To Well … " OFFEND " ... !!!!!!  
Those Who KNOW They're IGNORANT … !!!!!  
Because It's Born ….    
And It's Words Are Drawn …    
From A Mind That ... Exhorts …    
.... " Articulation of Thought " ....
It's a beautiful thing, that we could with a lot more of right now !
neth jones Jan 2020
paper thin rice skin

a grateful day turns over

papyrus scribed hand
Sabika Jan 2020
He performs an act of deformation
Because while the world seems to be
In a period of stagnation,
Out swarms his imagination.

The process of distortion is meditative.
Something natural about using
Force on an object stubborn yet

He casts it on fire.
Bends it
Pulls it
Throws it
Kick it!
Hit it!
Scrape it!
Tear it!
and see it destroyed-
Created into an imagined image.

His urge completed,
He marvels at his god-likeness
To bend objects at his peril
Taken out of its feral
In a process as natural and
Disruptive as
An earthquake or a tsunami.
And yet,
He bares no blame or shame for
Mimicking life in the dead and gone.
Mark kenny Dec 2019
Staring at what seems like an unknown face
Trying to depict what looks like an unknown phrase
Checking my head aching it for an unknown place
Where I can settle and the words will flow freely
Am not just a cypher who writes words freely
Sometimes all I see and hear are only my words
Waiting on those  that will become my words
The pain behind the scribble is not just my words.
Aching mind and soul all because you are always on the verge of productivity
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