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CK Baker Feb 2017
late night by the holland sill
white framed and frilled
alongside the meadow
down by the grand
where cat fish
and cow pies
and silly yellow bees
make their stay

there are swings now
and empty barns
(with quiet corners
and broken walls)
echoing chambers
that speak of the past
...and little dogs
not big ones

the plaster cracks
and wheat sways
from a warm west wind
it’s about time
for that late afternoon pour
you know how it cleans the soul
old percy would say

and flanders
(the holder of those pigs)
who fed us good
with sow and milk
as we plowed the
dusty fields
into the
hot summer sun

i can still hear the screams
of river shore dreams
the grand slams
and flints run dry
the barks
and breaks
and bends
a world past
with forbes
and dolls
and crab apple trees

think i’ll take a trip
up the back lane
they’ve cut the brush
and opened the line
Ronjoy Brahma Feb 2017
रेगि-रिगां आगरनि समायना दखना
नोँ जेब्ला ज्राब दोन्ना गानो जेरबायाव सारि
अब्लानो आयआ जोबोद बोराबो
सुरिदार आरो लंफेन गान्नानै
राव आरोबाव हारिमु नेवसिना
नोँनि आखला सानफा-एफा सिमा बारदोँ
महरा गुस्लायदोँ आरो गोसोआ लोरिदोँ
बिनिखायनो आयनि मेगनाव मोदै
असमियाफ्राइ बुरैसिन जोँनि आयआ
अनजालि नोङो आयखौ दासोगाब
बयनिबो हिंसाइनाय आरो सुसिनाय
जोबनो गैयै दुखु आरो दाहा
बेसेबा अलखदजोँ जुजियै जुजियै
जोँनि आयआ दिनैबो थांनानै दं
रोजा रोजा फिसा गोमानायनि उनावबो
बेखायनो माबा गोमासि गोमासि
दिनै जोबोद बोराबसुलि जाबाय बियो
आरोबाव नोङो आयखौ दासोगाब
जोँखौ लानानैनो आयहा मिजिँ दं
बुफ्रुख' हायै जारिमिन गोबानानै गोरबोआव
असमिया सिख्लानि गोदै राव लानानै
आयनि मेगनाव हाद्रि दासार
आयखौ आरोबाव लाजि दाफोनां
अनजालि नोङो आंनि खोथाखौ ला
मानोना बियो आयनिनो बाथ्रा
आरो आं नोँनि खोथाखौ मानिगोन
जाहाथे आइया आरोबाव बोराबा
जेरै रावजोँबो लाजि फोनां जाया
बिनि थाखाय जोँ सानैजोँ गोरोब लायनांगोन
जिरि जिरि बोहैनाय दैसानि दैजोँ
जोँनि आइया देलाइनानै थानो हाथोँ
जखायसे जखायनै सान्नो हायै
आयनि बैसोआ बुरैलांब्लाबो
बिनि गेवलां मिनिनाय मोखां आरो
खुसि गोरबोआ सोमखोर जाथोँ
जेराव जोँ सानैजोँ गोबानानै थानो हायो
दाउसा फिसाया बिमानाव एब्रेनायबादि
जेरै अनसुलि आइनि आखायाव दिन्दौनानै
नैबे बुहुमखौ गिदिँनानै नायनो हायो
जोनोम मोनसे गावखौ आरो
जोँनि आयखौ सिनायथि होनानै
अनजालि जोँनि आयआ सिनाय जायोब्ला
जोँबो सिनाय जायो फिसा होन्नानै
Arcassin B Jan 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Can't get away from the problems,
Nowhere to hide from the drama,
I was always the outcast looking towards a new life
With some rare asana,
Developing nothing from mama,
Except the bad qualities,
Getting through it all with ease,
While making a living,
I can't fight with these demons,
I can't breathe just to speak,
Along around the park with memories as a kid,
You never would see me,
And now you decide you would hate me,
I'm more of a man than you portray me,
Not looking for your envy or the devilish pity.


Down by the bridge where we stored our
It has us walking in parallels as were
Holding hands with our own magic spells to
Catch each others eyes each time we split
apart from the sight of love and watching
roses blooming in this country heat ,
Sweating Pure juices when being cooked,
Like two bees retrieving honey,
When the things we watch on t.v. are funny,
When we think that time has stood still
For us to kiss and hug and feast upon our glances,
We lost all of that,
There is no more second chances.
Joshua Haines Jan 2017
My country is full of people
too violent and dumb to be anything else.
We value money, bodies, and your stuff
because it is not ours yet.

My flag is wrapped around some
white-trash hick's *******.
You look different than us and
that is ******* terrifying;
please leave while we stay
in your country,
'protecting you'.

My country is home to
religious freedom, as long
as the religion is Christianity.

My country is the world's
greatest melting ***, but
we'd prefer all ingredients
to be the same or die.

My country is a joke,
thinking it's the standard
the world desires to achieve.

My country is the world police,
creating tension, harassing you,
hating you, taking from you.
My pick-up truck, trailer home, ...the good book by-my-bedside,
Lost a family, lost my home, ...a terrible twist, twist of fate.
Here I can't escape, that feeling, that I want-to-die,
Found a bottle, quit my job, ...stopped responding to-my-Facebook.


All I had, gone with the past, a new dark road I took...
Woke up one morning on my floor with the good book on my chest.
Flipped it open, turned it around, and with him, found I'm blessed.

..........and now times stood the test.

I needed to walk, ...with the Son,
Get right back-on-track,
All I needed, was to talk with the Son...

And now they call me the Lucky One,
Now they call me the Lucky One,
They call me the Lucky One,
They call me the Lucky One,
And they call me the Lucky One.

Family's gone but I have the Son,

Now they call me the Lucky One,
They call me the Lucky One,
They call me the Lucky One,
And they call me the Lucky One.

Suddenly I figured out,
All those things I couldn't-ever figure out...

*And now they call me the Lucky One,
Now they call me the Lucky One,
They call me the Lucky One,
Call me the Lucky One,
And they call me the Lucky One.
Silence Screamz Jan 2017
I want to pay homage
to the busted streets and broken cottages,
where everyday people are destroyed
with lies and filthy promises.

You see, these are my streets
that I walked with my feet,
Brothers and sisters,
graffiti tagged and full of disease.

This is the place where I broke bones,
Layed down sidewalks full of racial undertones,
With guns ablazing and
suicides growing old.

Gang signs tagged on every street corner,
did you hear the gun shot?
Yellin' loud I tried to warn ya

Mama, why does it always have to be?
I lost another brother here by my feet.
I am filled with emotions
now gone with deceit

God, Please stop this pain that
flows inside my veins,
the agony, the injury, the silence
the insane.

I can't continue one more step,
this place I call my home
has turned into a wreck.
Lives are destroyed, twisted and upset.

So, look around.
This is my neighborhood.
This is where I belong.
With the busted up sidewalks, I stand strong.

We can not turn back time,
we can only help correct lives.
So let's turn the pages people
and unite not divide.
My little piece of how I see this country right now.
Cierra Hope Jan 2017
I don't know how to describe how I feel but even if I did,
I still don't think you would understand.
But I have to say it anyways.
There's a hole in my heart where you should be.
While walking to any destination, I only long for your presence.
I long for our body's to touch.
I long for your warmth.
I long to fall asleep on your chest to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
I desire to fall asleep and wake up next to you.
I long to hear your voice.
I long to go on a drive with you, blasting country music,
with the windows down, singing at the top of our lungs.
There is no way to explain how you made me feel,
except for saying that you made me feel infinite
and if you have never felt that, you'll never know why I'm broken.
CK Baker Jan 2017
They brought them
from the hollar
to the barge
to the field ~
into the wallows
in prayer
skinny little pinkers
cropped by ivory gates
buzzed with hot wire
hooked on bug worm
whistling dixie
around scrummers
and **** pen

peckers squawk
down eden lane
(nipping at jean lint
and fraystring)
deep in the hollows
a mad crow
(with steady tap)
the snouts high
on grunters
and squealers
stomping past
the feather pack

folded fingers
on the gatekeeper
(an engineer by
trade they'd say)
pigtails and
slack line
down the dusty lane
a snap of the jawbone
and lawn chairs settle
(facing north)
the bold script
and chimes
CastorPolydeuces Dec 2016
the coaxing leering laughter and the coke crusted smiles hold me together through my daily trials until the mountains fade and plains stretch far and my childhood chains resurface along with old scars.
i hate the country.
Ju Lia Dec 2016
I was born amidst the city,

I am one with busy highways and graffiti carelessly scrawled across overpasses

I am alive at night,

Lights shine against bare skin;

I’m small against my backdrop

I’m one drop of water amongst a stream of people

I have lived in the country,

Where nobody could be found for miles

Where I was expected to rely on myself and grow into myself

I nurtured myself,

I killed myself,

I wavered and withered with the seasons

But I flourished

I will die by the sea,

Waves may crash against me,

But I will remain upright.

Salt water will heal my wounds

I shall return to nature

I will be washed away; yet eternal
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