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Kleng Sep 2018
I asked him, "When will I be set free?"

He grinned, "Very soon."

After years of 'very soon', I stopped asking.

It was then that he broke my silence,
"Will you not ask when will this be over?"

I chuckled, I am now wiser.
"How can I ever escape from my demons?"
Tyler Matthew Sep 2018
we got bored
so we got together.
now all we talk about's
the past and the weather.
Bianca Aug 2018
I have nothing left to feed the phone lines.
No tiny crumbs of conversation for us
to flick back and forth across the table.
The silence pulses, heavy, over dinner;
it lingers in your nostrils and lunges
down into your chest.
I am the white handkerchief you pinned
to the clothesline: whipping in the wind
in a wave hello, or help, or surrender.
(I am not used to how weightless this feels.)
It rained all over my fresh laundry this afternoon
and there are no more sounds left to swim.
IrieSide Aug 2018
Flex your philosophy
under the influence
Oh weak hearted,
don’t you know that life is meaningless?
will you find value,
or just pretend?

To love is to know,
To love is to live

In time you will find
what this perplexing
truly is
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Here I am
Where am I?
I stare at you
You stare at me

I see you speak
But hear nothing
My mind wanders
I hear some words

Birds are chirping
Why am I hungry?
I just ate lunch
Is the Earth calling me?

Phones are ringing
Tweets are tweeting
Are you ok?
Are you paying attention?

I nod my head
But heard nothing
You look apeased
My goal is accomplished
If only,
by destiny,
I would
find the
who is
and sweet,
he will
give me
and bring
me warm
soup when
I am feeling
tired, to place
his cheek
next to
my tear
when I
am sad,
our hands
as I feel
his warm
breathe as
a comfort
of home,
he will hold
my hands
as we walk
under the
the waves
touching our
bare feet as
we have the
about the
as we
hold our
coffee by
the sea,
as the
the sea,
the lullaby
of the night,
we walk to
our home,
and rest
among the
their shining
lives above,
we would
close our
eyes and
as we
our cats
at our feet,
the soft
of thick
on the
floor, the
of books
and the
of tea,
days and
spent in
the company
of flowers
until they
grow old,
and we
In spirit,
and then,
they will
be reborn
again, for
love lives on,
Laura Jul 2018
It's a delicate thing
To talk about suicide
Apparently you can't talk about it
Without wanting to do it
You can't reminisce upon the feelings
Without falling down the hole

Even if you're feeling
Ten feet tall
Fully equipped
Metal fists
At the ready
You still can't talk about it

Other people don't want to hear about it
They all assume
That you'll do it
Even if you don't want to
Even if your metal fists
Are feeling secure
No shake in sight
It'll make other people
Even when you're not
Shubham Verma Jul 2018
Raindrops as they fall tremble
Like words in a conversation
Drenched and drowned we dream
Under the rainy-shade of lightning
Explorers keep exploring however painful the path is
Sometimes searching for things they don't wish to find
But explorers don't stop under the weight of rain
And stronger they become eventually to **** (love)
Drops are words, we are drenched and drowning
Rainfall will help the waiting sun.
It's not a happy poem. Words like tremble, drenched, drowned, painfull, **** etc hide in the plane sight of what's happening in life. Conversations are important and they help the sun shine in a person.
Brandon Conway Jul 2018
She says your not good with money.

I agree.

She says these books can not feed us.

I disagree.

I say they feed my mind and that's all I need.
And that I am sorry that you're not hungry.

She says I want a house.

I say we have a roof.

She says I want a big white house with a red door.

I say I have a hammock and a tent and a red sharpie.

She said goodbye.

I went back to reading my meal.
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