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David May 2018
Power is where allowing myself to realize
that I am now and can only ever be now -

and everything else is work
and everything else is,

In between that power and me now.
who talks to me while I sleep
in whispers and sighs that only a lover knows
warmth of touch I cannot move
floating in colors of lucid dream
I awaken to hear the words and feel the warmth
fade into the wooden floors

my conscious soul abducted
I live another life in fleeting years
the line becomes closer
my thoughts remain clear
what is dream
and what is not
where does time not exist
oldie - revised
Himalon Dasilva Apr 2018
The smoke fills the air, poisonously stifling.
The destruction of my lungs, i'm forever denying.
Others see the destruction, reflecting it to me.
And when I look into the mirror, death is what i see.
Does this art of decay express my true being?
Nay, the only purpose it serves is the creation of a deadly scene.
Life without death, I strive for a balance
And I manifest such through the expression of my talents.
HeronBlue Apr 2018
About to turn twenty two
how long has it been since I learned to tie lace of a shoe?
how long since I learned the best way to live is without a clue

I feel just like ten
why does school seem to be so distant and fragmented then?
Like a memory long unpolished yet bright. I'm older all right.

Nah, I feel like fifteen
why, then, for happiness do I turn to a five-inch screen?
should be out in the field if I am a teen
why doesn't the city, colors and friendship seem evergreen?

nope. too dry to cry
a river thinking the world is mean.
Now I cheer for both the men fightin'.
With inner peace comes bloodlust ridin'

So this is what it feels like to be twenty-two!
Not bad. one-third gone and now left is another two 'twenty-two'
till I bid this consciousness adieu.
Dondaycee Apr 2018
No need to address the unknown,
My baby, my lady awaits,
I’ve met many and it’s adding up,
It’s her who has no face,
I mean, the Goddesses I’ve met,
Along with the promises I’ve kept,
Created an experience, one I’ll protect,
Because I learned the value of a woman without having ***,
Captivated by beauty, I’ll give into temptation if you let me,
Fabricated profusely, I’d live in meditation if you left me,
That’s in space, a river of time,
Be aware, my love, share,
A blunt to ease the mind,
Before dinner and red wine,
Define what defines a line,
Is it the curves below your spine,
Or the ones above the waste that are often confined,
Another possible choice could’ve been the lips,
In general I credit the soul that shines beyond the eye for manifesting a figure; a design that express divine the moment sight experience the light from chakras aligned,
A work of art indeed, which is why I believe,
It is the memories that never leave,
The laughter shared by she,
A collective that flipped the W in we,
Experiences with women that reflected me,
Love was a mirror, this picture was clear,
The image was H and E,
In that moment I wondered what silenced the S,
A thought occurred that was defining an ex,
An experience that was temporary but it taught me to confess the conflict within me,
Yes, it is all the above that lead me to believe the woman I love has yet to be seen,
“But what about the one that gave you air?”
The one who taught me how to properly breathe?
She’ll find another, they always do,
“Then you’ll write about how life isn’t fair?”
Wait, what do you mean?
“It is she who removed herself from dream,
That very reason is why you’re able to see,
And yet, it is fear that leads you to the thought of extreme,
You wouldn’t let go if you truly believe,”
That’s hypocritical, you’re the one that constantly scream-
“-I would never talk to you that way, that’s a different energy,
When you avoid a calm state, a void allows a dense vibrations,
I’m sending you love, but some days you’re just not hearing me,
Understand an illusion, understand the situation,
It is you who has concentration on intoxicating thoughts, a manifestation; a generation of an oxidative cause, this hallucination destination is delegating loss,
Basically the oxygen she gave you is decreasing,
Because you’re pulling electrons from iron, an ego,
This compound is why you’re rusting, deceiving,
You are the cause of the effect meho”
So any thought that’s dense is, in theory, harmful to me?
“what I’m saying is, be watchful for I am only love, a parcel of light who’s state of being is harmonious, artful, and free”
Okay okay, I understand that she’s a goddess,
And this is me being modest,
And this love will remain with thee, for this is a promise,
But with that said that is all, anything else would be dishonest,
The woman I’ve grown to love wouldn’t leave me to think,
She wouldn’t remove herself from space,
She may journey across the 7 seas,
She may Indulge in a quest, I mean, who am I to disagree?
And even then she’ll stand with grace,
What is hope in return when there’s an undeniable link,
Look, I’ve lusted for many years,
And it took many years to realize the physical was a distraction,
Because her being on top of me brought a thought to me, “Where’s the satisfaction?”
After this marinated I realized she was just practice,
Then came another, she brought me to passion,
My chest burned to see her smile,
Her happiness became essential after premonition,
I learned life, to evolve her perceptions and vision,
But apart of me feel like she’s only pretending,
We shared many conversations but not once has she asked or passed a topic concerning my ways, how or why I'm living,
Don't get me wrong, this is true love, I will always be there by her side,
I never want our experience to grow distant,
Yet, There’s still no satisfaction, there’s one more thing missing,
So again, she was more practice,  because the woman I love will not only create lust and passion but a term that’ll erase the term deficient,
This is something I’ve never experienced,
This is the last stop, because love is a trinity,
Affinity that’s infinity with the traits of divinity,
Femininity with masculinity creating Omnipotence/Omniscience,
They say two is better than one...but I never let separate define me, understand, this wisdom is proficient,
Cognition is needed if you truly want to understand,
This is a merge of two separate realities, two experiences, two conscious beings,
This doesn’t mean that they’re no longer separate, just together in the state of being,
This means whenever I’m in pain, she would feel it to,
It’s a telepathic link, an instant reading,
It’s agreement between two individuals,
To paint a better picture, it’s something like marriage I’m seeing,
See, passion is a connection through dreaming,
Commitment is a connection through being,
The difference is validation, knowing,
The thin line between conscious and unconscious,
Because of who I am, I will always stay true to a promise,
But I’m ready for my Pocahontas,
Many people live for God, and the rest for legacy,
Call me different but I’ve always lived for she, this thought never got ahead of me,
An experience of the love trinity with the woman from the dream,
I hope she comes soon, lately I’ve been losing strength,
I pray that the force send her my way, before the thought of me decay, and I become an expression of words that are sounds from a thought that never solidified to be seen.
Yolonda Dahl Apr 2018
I want to travel great distances, far beyond reach.
Won't you come with me?
I want to escape this plane and walk dimensions unseen.
Won't you go with me?
I won't drink a drop, nor fill up my lungs, or inhale the dust, you see.

No for me, it is tranquil and freeing
To stay awake while sleeping,
Clear of mind and ego, pure of soul,
Surrendering with no control.

Walk with me. Sink with me. Be with me.
See the truth of your findings in all its complexity.
Realize that all is not so vexing,
Much too is rooted in simplicity, frequency.

To be is to feel, and to see is to heal.
Know you and love you so you can know and love all others properly.
Understanding love is knowing humans can't be property.
Recognize that we are each individual entities.

We cast our signatures on the world
As we journey on through life.
Seeking to make ourselves a bit more pure,
We adopt a heart that's more gentle and kind.

Growth is self reflection, and being aware of Who You Are.
And if it scares us, well it isn't too bizarre.

Change never comes easy.
We must want it. In all things.
Facing hard truth is none too pleasing,
But in the end what a comfort it brings
To find your resolve and to be humbled by the universe,
And gain knowledge in perspectives that are diverse.

Lie in the stillness that is. Be moved by the warmth and bliss.
My mind releases the chaos surrounding me.
And I go further into the abyss
I hear no music, but the sound is sweet.

Such happiness that swells in me,
Tell me, wont you go with me?
JLB Apr 2018
Underneath the overhead window, overlooking a chaotic city,
on cotton sheets,
gathering breath longingly like
soft blades of sawtooth grass in a woven basket,
I store them in this vessel, the size of a pea.

As humans we cannot truly feel the present moment,
as all sensations of the present have already been devoured by the past by the time our brains can reckon with them.

With each word that you read of this poem, another micro moment will have passed, and the seeds sewn by your consciousness will already be
setting to sprout.

But underneath the overhead window, my fingers circle the center of my sensation,
and my consciousness is caught beneath their pressure,
and submits
to their rhythm.

Outside a storm converges. I hear soft thunder,
the wet smell of rain, and the pinging of
I devour their energy between my legs,
surging into a complete connectedness
with the world
and with myself.

And although the present charges ahead, I’m carried now languidly with it: eyes closed, legs spread, breathing the world in deeply.
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