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Ayelle Garcia Jul 2014
Couldn’t anything be worse than the world’s mindset?
Stop messing or imposing your thoughts onto me?
Oh my, just look at how I swoon to the sunset,
But hey, it’s no fun to be alone? That. See?

Mercy on my heart, Eres. Stop shooting at it.
Is that all you can do with that quite a big word?
You sure got an eye for different pairs to fit.
Maybe you can point your arrow to him with a cord?

Sometimes,disdain Fate for bringing to the wrong way
This unfortunate soul, falsely loved too shallow.
Ideally,when that moment comes, what to say?
Go for the **** and say yes, wait first, a no?

Tell me, how can this love ours be pure and true?
How far and long do you see me through thick and thin?
Must know, a woman takes things seriously through
More than physical we seek; it’s love, not a sin.

Demand yourself to balance your head and your heart,
Emancipate from the world, make God the center.
It’s better than the world’s offers; it’s the best part
No human thought can grasp for truth doesn’t canter.

Look at that Elphaba-Fiyero Fate steered,
T**hen God said, “I love you, she loves you, feel no farce.”
You may think twice, but what you’re looking for is here,
And God has the answer you seek, guided by stars.
Think this is just any other poem of mine? Check again. ^_^
Unreal Society Jul 2014
Its the way your smile can change my mood, and when I'm stressed you keep me calm. The way we accept each others flaws, instead of giving up and moving on.

Its how I always think of you, before I think about myself. Its the lack of care of material value, when it comes to dealing with your health.

Its the trust we have for each other, that over the years remains strong. Its the Anxiety I get when your away, that makes me feel that I'm alone. Together forever your in my heart, my heart forever remains your home.

Its the nervousness i felt inside, when i held your hands as you held mine. We gazed deep into each others eyes, no doubt at all had crossed my mind. You spoke the words that changed my life, when you said I do and became my wife.

Its the reason that I wrote this poem. These are my true feelings, that come from the heart within. Your my beautiful wife, the love of my life, my reason for being, and my best friend.

Its the moment we met, that saved my life. I'm forever grateful for all of this. But most of all its the time we share.

every moment together since our first kiss.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:07-2014
Ruthie Jul 2014
And now you're traveling trough Europe with your 'friend'
And she's beautiful, and she's wonderful...
But you said you were all alone.
And what if she's more than a friend to you.
Where does that leave me?
Cause I've a feeling I ain't forgetting you for quite a while....
But I kinda need you to remember me too......
Why are Australians so **** lovely.
He's lovely.
She's lovely.
They'd be perfect together honestly...
But I kind of hope she's never been
Or never will be..
More than a friend.
Anonymous Jun 2014
I'd like to think I'm going to marry somebody who loves all the same things I do, somebody who is 'perfect' for me. But that's the thing about love, it's forever changing and there is no such thing as perfect, just commitment. It isn't about finding somebody who is just like you, its finding somebody whose different. Love is finding somebody who grows you and stretches you, it's not always about the bubbly stuff movies make love out to be.
I bet you my future spouse will hate Star Wars, they'll probably tell me that I need to get a shed to put my Star Wars collection in. They'll probably tell me it can be like my own humble abode away from the madness of kids (if we have any) or from the cluttered house. I bet you they'll smile and graze my arm while trying to convince me; and I will be convinced. I'll move my collection I spent years adding to into a shed because I love the person who hates that my collection clashes with our house.
I'll turn on the radio while we're driving and when my favorite song comes on I'll turn it up and sing my heart out. And just because they know it's my favorite they won't change it, even though they absolutely hate it.  
I'll tell my spouse I want a writing studio and they'll protest and say they hate waking up in the middle of the night wondering why I'm scribbling words onto paper instead of holding them close. But even though they don't like waking up alone they'll let me have my own studio because they know that I love writing as if it were a part of my very soul.
My spouse will probably be reserved and hate taking risks, but I'll beg them to come on adventures with me. After debating endlessly about safety and risk involved we'll probably settle for a living room camp out because they don't like bugs and the smell of a musty old tent is enough to make it seem realistic. I'll probably protest and complain but still gladly embark on a pretend camping adventure because it's not where you are but who you're with.
When we go on vacation you'll complain that I always force you to take unnecessary risks. You'll hate that I take you to underwater caverns because you're worried we'll somehow get trapped. I'll scare the hell out of you most times but you'll remember that's why you love me, because I'm a constant adrenaline seeking adventurer. You won't always embark on the adventures with me, but you'll always be there by my side seeing it through your perspective, and we'll always share what it's like through our eyes. I'd like to think that hearing my energized booming voice talk about jumping off a 60ft waterfall will be enough of a thrill for you.
I won't want to cuddle with you because I get hot easily. You'll  still hold me close because you know how much I love your scent and the steady rhythm of your breathing coaxing me to sleep. I'll wake up in the middle of the night give you a kiss on the forehead and probably sit on our bathroom tub with a cup of coffee  just thinking about how lucky I am.
You'll think its weird that I need to drink coffee to help me sleep. You'll hold my leg down while we're in important meetings or church just like my mother always has. You'll give me the look that says "stop shaking" and I'll try my best to, but I'll probably start back up in 5 minutes. You won't entirely understand my ADHD and constant need to move, but you'll think it's charming that I'll always be up before you with your coffee already prepared the way you like it. I hope you'll like coffee as much as I do, but in reality you probably wont. So I'll make you tea instead, and if drinks aren't your thing I'll make you breakfast. I'm sure you'll feel like you married a child who is always hyper and it'll royally **** you off most days but you'll remember that's the reason you we're so intrigued by me. You liked that I reminded you of childhood and what it's like to have fun.
I'll still drag you to the toy store when we're 40 and I'll use our kids as an excuse (if we have them). I'll tell you that toys are important for a child to develop normally, but in reality I'll just want to chase you down the isles with some super hero mask and a plastic sword. I'll end up buying you a tacky key chain that you'll hate, but you'll keep it on your keys because it'll remind you of what a goober I am.
I imagine you'll hate the cold, you won't want to go snowboarding with me, instead you'd stay in cabin cozied up to the fireplace with a book and warm cider. I'll beg you to just try it a couple times and you will, I hope you end up liking it but if you don't maybe you'll still enjoy being in a place I love so much. You'll love being places tropical full of sun and peaceful ocean noises, and I'll hate it. I'll complain about heat rashes and the humidity but I'll shut up the second your eyes light up when you peer at the ocean from our hotel balcony.
We'll probably fight more than 50% of our relationship, maybe not fights but bickering arguments. When I'm driving you'll be yelling and screaming about how terrible or a driver I am. And when you drive I'll complain about how much of a grandma driver you are. We'll bicker about what kind of milk to buy and if we should buy organic produce or just the regular kind. We'll argue about music, movie choices, and travel plans, but it won't be terrible fighting that end with tears and broken plates, it'll end with the cold shoulder for 5 minutes then settle back to normal. We will **** each other off to no end, but we'll love so deeply. I'll always think I'm right when we argue, and I can't wait for all the times you'll put me in my places. I can't wait for a life with you, full of love and compromises.

Dear you,
I promise that I wont always be an *******, even though you'll probably be a bigger one. We'll go out to eat and make up ridiculous scenarios about people just to entertain ourselves. We'll simultaneously get annoyed with people who are ignorant, and we'll spend countless days and nights laughing about how terrible we are. We will argue and we will fight, but we will never go to bed mad, that has to be in our wedding vowels or something. We always have to be willing to try new things for each other, even if it sounds terrible. We will always find our way back to each other, even after a long sleepless night of arguing. When you say you love me on our wedding day you will always mean it, so if the fire burns out you have to promise that you'll always be willing to find it again. I know I'm a pain in the *** and I'm hard to love but I promise I will love you so deeply and fully. Nobody ever said marriage would be easy, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to sacrifice 'easy' for you. I'm ready to embark on a journey of a life time with you no matter how hard it gets. I love you, you dumb ****.
Asunder Jun 2014
One word forged the chain

An endless strand of love and hope
that tied us together, but far apart
That kept me tethered to you
And pulled me along wherever you went
In all but physical presence

Sometimes, the chains would twist
and we’d meet for a few hours

Only to unwind again for fate 
to leave us alone

I wonder if my freedom
Is without these chains that bind
and make me yearn for a twist of fate
Once again, in our bleak and hopeless dreams

I wonder if my freedom
Is with these chains
that hold me to the ground
yet help me take flight
into unknown realities
that could have been
where I could have been
part of you

A liberation in moderation
Freedom in control
Passion that comes with mystery
And the love of the unknown

Sometimes I think the chains
Are not meant to keep us together
But keep me tied only to you 

And never you to me
That you are free
And I am forever trapped
In the chains I linked
Out of love and concern
The chains that bring
Me to the brink of life
And then back, into eternal darkness
MBishop Jun 2014
I'm off to a wedding tomorrow
My plus one being the empty seat waiting for a mystery to sit itself down in it

Oh, about that wedding tomorrow?
The bride has a request....
Don't question the groom
And attempt to be a polite guest
Don't upstage the figure in center stage
And for the love of demands, be mindful of the dress
He's spent months and she's spent years
Leading up to this utopian day
Of white cake and dry tears
For those two words, sealing a promise of eternal affection, to be said
Ending a possible life of possible dread
And the fear of solitude to remain as that, just a fear

Such a seemingly simple request, don't you think?
The wedding tomorrow is sure to be worth a drink
Allow me to capture this essence of love
Marriage being such an on-the-brink

I'm off to a wedding tomorrow
My plus one being the grateful empty seat waiting for the solved mystery to kindly make its way to another bridesmaid
Natalie R Jun 2014
That's what we all feel when we think about it
Talking to someone every day
Asking how their day way all the time 
Caring so much 
It's a ******* pain
Right in your ****, not your ******, your ****
Ok some people might like that but you know what I mean
Always caring, always worrying, always wasting 
Wasting time 
With commitment 
The abundance of things you could partake in
If it wasn't for commitment
Maye I'm just a sad and alone loser playing Pokemon all day and no one loves me
This may be my bias
But just think of the
You get from 
Elise Jun 2014
I can't lose her,
not this one,
not this time.
She is everything I've waited for,
she fits perfectly in my life.
I can't think of it,
I'm begging her not to hide,
she's making me lose my mind,
did I lose my mind?
Did I? No.
Did I? No.
Did I lose my mind? "NO."
I tell myself as I remember all
the times my grandpa said he
knew a shortcut and it took us
twice as long to get where we
were going.
I want her to meet him one day
just so I can turn to him and say,
"hey grandpa, this is my girlfriend."
And if he falls of his chair so be it,
cuz I know my grandma will be
looking down at me smiling,
happy to see just how happy she makes me.
My grandma she will never get to meet,
the one woman who was so important to me,
but she will know how much she meant,
she already knows, and she will find pieces
of her in every other person in my family,
she'll find in them just where I got my crazy.
I'll just have to remind her that no matter
how long it took us, my grandpa always
got us to our destination,
and I promise myself that her and I,
we will most definitely get to mine.
There is no doubt in my mind that she is
the one I want in my life.
Crossyde Gimp Jun 2014
I could, for your sake, take trip to the middle East
Where life is like living in the belly of beast
To preach against violence and hope they all fear it
Cause your love gives peace and with the world I could share it

I could exceed speed limits to get to you in time
Switch lanes on a one way even if it is a crime
If I get run over or caught by the police
Then it would be worth being reckless loving you like this

I could do the dishes and the whole house I shall keep
Even watch the kids; to get you extra hours of sleep
If I get a query cause I was making breakfast
At least I got the chance to make my love for you last

I could break a nose or even chop off someones head
Or just displace some bones but leave them alive instead
I shall declare enemies, that despise your person
My love shall defend you both in and out of season

I could lay down my life in your stead  if I have to
It may sound crazy but I'd do it cause I love you
Don't fear that you might loose me cause true love never dies
My love's divine and would remain however fast time flies.
Ever exceeded our limits just to show that special person how special they really are and how far you could get just to make the bond last a lifetime?
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