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Desmond the poet Apr 2018
When we met, love Obnubilated me.
I became bananas about you.
I wanted to be luculent.
Just to be Pauciliquent.
I however felt like a blatherskite.
You probably thought I was a glaikit.

Did I sound like a meacock instead?
If so, it’s due to kakorrhaphiophobia.
I might have operose my feelings.
Did it seem like I wanna mamaguy you?
You behaved like a frondeur.

Your callipygian body looked extramundane.
Your hair looked ulitichous.
Did you feel like I lusted your Callipygian shape?
I foresaw a love that won’t flatline.
If it does, it will be eucatastrophe.

Now we’re together, I’m disenthrall from Misogamy.
You’re a deipnosophist and a mixologist.
I’m edcious.
To keep you happy, I share a boffola.
To me, love felt like a Humdudgeon.
Using rare and probably used words to express how I felt when I met my wife for the 1st.
(A Psalm for Meditation: godly devotion and commitment.)

Lord, I live to worship you,
And breathe to sing your praise.

Daily, my soul arises in your presence
With eager longing and expectation.

Oh life-giving One, draw me
With your wondrous love
And sweet words of comfort.

Don't be far from me,
But take my feeble hand
As I reach out to you.
Come closer as I draw nearer to you,
Oh my God, that I may forever
Know your abiding presence.
Dustin Dean Mar 2018
Are you still there?
Moonlight colored sheets adorn
The fuzzy state I reside
Between lines and prospects
Tunnel vision takes us down
As we loom through doom
But fear not!
My darling
For there is light
At the end of our tunnel
A matrimony of harmony
And a will of steel
Our vows raise from poppies
Reflecting beams in our eyes
Though, I may not be there
But hand in hand
I shall say
Our love is destined
To never die

We will see to it
We will
LJ Chaplin Mar 2018
I would throw myself from
A moving train to prove
My devotion to you,

I would bungee jump
From the highest point
Just to know your name,

I would tread on burning coals
And compare it to how your
Fingers would feel against my skin,

I would put my life on the line
To show how deep the love
Of a daredevil can go.
© L.J. Chaplin
Mama earth Mar 2018
Past didn’t last
                        Super fast
               Can you feel
  Last meal
                 Sealed deal
-Brooke Alison Ilene Anselment©️®️
Dakota J Dawson Mar 2018
I want a call
For my name

An Alabama wedding
I love her
I mean him

Decison unto my simplicity

With a bag

Wrap it
Around her
Sunny head

Where is he?
I am sad

Constant pain

Toward contract
Ultimate commitment
Braxton Reid Feb 2018
My mind is not ready to commit,
That the blood on my hands
And the blood in my skin
Is wholly me.
Em MacKenzie Feb 2018
We built a strong, solid foundation
but our words were an abbreviation,
it held us up but it was bound to fall.
We went through the blueprints twice,
our materials were dirt and ice,
but for years warmth radiated from the wall.

The hole that we made our home,
reflected back to us gold and chrome,
but with rain everything can turn to rust.
It withstood every test and trial,
it didn't tire with every mile,
the strongest support beam that stood was trust.

You know Rome wasn't built in a day,
but Troy did fall in a single night.
And when we kneel to finally pray,
I hope we have our priorities right.

We invested hope into this dwelling,
even though better ones were selling,
we wished just to have a comfortable fit.
We brightened it up with a coat of paint,
even though the shade of it was faint,
I didn't even mind it one single bit.

You know Rome wasn't built in a day,
but Troy did fall in a single night.
I could've fought but I'd rather lay
beside you asleep, holding you tight.

We built a strong, solid foundation
we were the envy of every person and nation,
because we turned Hell into a nest.
We went through the blueprints twice,
and didn't even bother asking the price,
as money holds no weight compared to the rest.

You know Rome wasn't built in a day,
but Troy did fall in a single night.
And when we fear the darkness will stay,
is the moment when the sun will shine most bright.
Everything will be alright.
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