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Sweet cherry blossoms
Are drowning in your eyes;
Drifting out to Sea
Another haiku for my love
L Oct 2018
Sitting on my porch
legs swinging.
Ripped jeans exposing,
ripped fishnet leggings beneath
sticky cherry *** imprints
the bottoms of my feet
waiting for friends
its finally summer
and I think,
I might just survive.
Amanda Oct 2018
cherry stains knotted into cotton shirts,
the sunlight has baked your cologne into the threads and
a half-smile of lipstick on your left shoulder sleeve
Karyna Holleman Oct 2018
Tying cherry stems into knots

We wrestle unforgiving, sinful thoughts

The taste of you burns on my tongue

Midnight mistakes from when we were young

We keep telling ourselves we’ll be just fine

I can’t help but remind myself, you were never truly mine
Lily Oct 2018
Every day after school I ran through it,
Skirting around the trunks,
Ducking under the leaves,
My laughter echoing through the trees.
My cherry orchard.
My friends used to walk through it,
And when they got to my house,
They would always have red stains
On the bottoms of their shoes from
My cherry orchard.
Every year when the blossoms came out
In early May, I would take pictures for
Hours, enjoying the peace,
Playing with the symmetry when you looked down a row in
My cherry orchard.
And even though the trees were
Stripped from the ground and burned
I still visit it,
My friends still walk through it,
And every year I will look back at
My pictures and remember
My cherry orchard.
The cherry orchard across the street I've always thought of as mine was destroyed, but I'll never forget it.
nim Oct 2018
I'm blooming.
This path, I've chosen it myself;
And though your footsteps are still fresh in my garden,
And I still see your siluette in the moonlight,
I shall not let the memories define me.

The grass once stomped, will recover.
Your shadows are slowly fading.
No more will I let your darkness grow in my heart.

I'm letting go, and I'm blooming.
The breeze relaxes me instead of sending shivers down my body,
Instead of reminding me of your cold winds, orbiting my neck.
Slowly pressuring it in the darkness.

Until the red sun rises, and the sounds of the darkness and solitude quiet down. Until the cherry blossom wakes up again. Until my rotten flowers die and they get replaced by new ones.

Until then, I'll be waiting.

I'll be waiting,

Until I bloom.
Wellspring Sep 2018
The softest blanket covering the world under its branches,
Baby pinks, creams and sensitive whites.
The tiny petals resting gently on the heavy and moist soil.
The earthy scent of dirt and fertility,
Wafting up from the ground beneath.
The gentle breeze, giggling with mischief,
Sweeping through the blackened old arms of the ancients,
Swaying slowly in time with the bell like laughter of the wind.
I love cherry blossom trees!
Poetic T Sep 2018
I plucked your heart
               like a cherry.

crushing it till
            the pip
Annie Aug 2018
I devote the nakedness
All to you
All for you

The longing of the dark nights
Thinking of you

Rattling leaves
So quiet
Yet impatient

Asking the silence
Are you for me?
Like I am for you
Sky Aug 2018
meanwhile, at the capital...

streets lined with
mattresses like
piles of flesh

trees above
that shudder
like a final breath

a branch of cherry blossom
like baby pink fingertips
of limp forearms dangling off
edges of crinkled white mattresses,

a flower
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