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ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Look into my eyes Lord
Look deep into my soul.
See the work your hands have made
I see the cost that love has paid.
I gaze longingly into your eyes
And as you look right back at me
I am pierced as if by the nails.
As you hang ****** and broken,
In total surrender, you took the all;
You gave up everything so I could have it all.
Into your presence I come,
In this moment I will stay.
Let your fire fall like rain;
Hear me when I pray.
I turn back to you like the prodigal son
I ask for forgiveness, but it's already done.
I am wrapped in your cloak of grace
My soul is lifted on a cloud of praise.
In the rivers of your blood
Comes the waters of love:
Washing the earth and healing
A broken world, in need of feeling
Your peace and love and passion
And being good is back in fashion.
You satisfy the hungry heart
My soul longs for you and pains.
Like a man in the desert longs for rains
You are living water Lord; source of life and peace.
Help me surrender so that you may increase.
I come to do your will and I'm grateful for the gift
To be with you and seek the truth and then, in word, to lift
Your holy name to share the love I've found.
Take my feet and place them on solid, sacred ground
Walk with me as I try to walk this road
Help me bear, with patience, my load.
When I lose sight of the perspective,
Remind me gently the suffering you once bore.
Each day Lord, help me want you more.
I was lost and wandering, and you sought me out
I trust you Lord from within and from without.
You keep your promises, your covenant;
Help me fulfill my end of the deal.
I don't know what all you have in mind
But I am certain of one thing: it will be divine!
Written March 17th during Adoration at Faith and Fellowship Lenten Retreat
I swear to a God that does not exist
That I would never lie to you
This art is my body and my blood
Your Jesus would never have given to you

My sickness and my depth
A tomb of blackened whispers
Screams of death
Drowning lungs in a fit of smoke
My words won't rescue
They'll grab you by the throat

I care not
When angels meet their fate
to a world that loves to hate
is quite a pleasure
For a ******* to create
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Praise him for his greatness
For the wondrous things he has done
Praise him all you peoples
In the sight of everyone

Praise him for all creation
For it’s beauty and it’s wonder
Praise him every nation
With voices loud as thunder

Praise him all you children
Pure of heart and full of joy
Praise him for he lives in
Every little girl and boy

Praise him for his mighty hand
Praise him for his loving heart
Praise him for the good he has planned
Praise him for his works of art

Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow
Breathe deeply and live life well
Praise him for the rain which makes us grow
And for his presence even when we can’t tell

Praise the Lord for he is good
Worthy of our love for he gave us
His life when no one else could
Unworthy, still he forgave us
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me
My enemies surround me they plot my demise
With wicked words they seek to trap me
Day and night they scheme with evil in their hearts
I fear for my life my safety Oh Lord my God
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me

They lie in the shadows watching and waiting
Waiting for a moment of weakness to pounce
But you my God are my protector in trouble
You are my shield and my strength
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me

I cry out to you come save me from these wolves
Hear my pleas Oh Lord and save me in my distress
Deliver me from my foes and by your right hand guard me
I trust in you God come swiftly to my aid
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me
A Prayer of Trust and rescue from danger
Mark Armstrong Mar 2018
Are you listening to the whispers? are you feeling scandalised?
Harbouring ***** little feelings that you wanna sanitise?
Walk through the swinging doors of a catholic franchise
Ask em for that sailors knot a black-n-white man-ties

To the pairs of prying eyes his practical rebuke
Is a marital disguise and a tactical puke
Throw the garter ‘mongst the pigeons, the voluntary victims...
Whose single minds are filled with matrimonial conviction

Paired up poets pool their miseries; the price of art
Each miserable synergy - the sum of its parts
Did he swear that he’d hold you ever dear to his heart?
To love and to cherish til your knees did part?

If she wants you like her father and you want her like your mother
What the hell are you gonna do when you’re bored of one another?

There she stands on ceremony all silk and sinew
While the vow evicted from his Adam’s apple continues
To stutter as the panic builds like stifled farts
Til it splutters its devotions on her lady parts

Her eyes sentence you to sit though your neck-hairs stand
She’s the ****** ****** written in the lines on your palm
Old scores squeeze sideways through her gritted teeth
And he takes on the debt of every promise she believed

Hide the love-bites in a polo-neck, your love life in a Rolodex
When the ***** hand of happen-stance runs its evil down your keks
Cos like the indelible digits on your bathroom mirror
Love is for life until you dress it with liquor

If she wants you like her father and you want her like your mother
What the hell are you gonna do when you’re bored of one another?

We are but experiments, seven billion shades of wrong
The clever ones stay celibate, the others pass it on
That’s an easy line to settle-on in present company
Single-riders in the peloton to pick up the debris
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Even in the deepest darkness His light can penetrate
There is no place we can run or hide that He won't find us
Even the darkness is light to Him
The night is as bright as the day
The light of love can dispel all our darkness and fear
It can chase away the dark clouds
Or hold us close until they pass
Even in the shadows there must be light
We appreciate the darkness because of the light
And appreciate light because we have darkness
We find ourselves whole when we embrace
The goodness and badness in ourselves
When we accept our divinity and humanity
It is in the shadow of the cross
That we find His saving light

May we be a light in the darkness
Shining bright for all humanity
Let us be a beacon of hope to show the way
Let us radiate the love and peace of Christ
In a world that seems wrapped in despair and hate
And when we feel the touch
Of darkness in our lives
Lord, send someone to lift us out of darkness
And bring us back into light
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
I come before you open and broken
I come before you to write what is spoken
I come before you in humble humility
I praise you for and through this gifted ability
You are the source from whom all blessings flow
You are the sea in all it's majesty
You are the wind that sets me free
You are the mountains reaching ever higher
You are the spark that started the fire
You are great and glorious
Over sin and death, you rose victorious
I come before you in deep respect
I come before you pleading you to protect
To grant peace and strength and healing
To transform this guilt and hurt we are feeling
I come before you to ask wisdom and understanding
I come to ask your strength when life seems too demanding
You are the healer for our broken heart
Each morning you give us is a fresh start
You are the song that rolls off my tongue
You are the music of life forever being sung
As you pour your love down
In this flood of love, I drown
Fill me with a presence that cannot be contained
Bless me with the courage to share it unrestrained
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
I'm sorry for living like Jekyll and Hyde
One life at church and another outside
I'm sorry for not loving and trusting you like I should
I'm sorry for the times when I've caused pain and not good
I'm sorry for when I choose wrong over right
I'm sorry when I choose darkness over light
I'm sorry Lord for the things I've done
I'm sorry Lord that I hurt your son
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
I've been asking a lot of questions lately
Trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do
And where I'm supposed to go
I don't think I'm asking too much: just a simple yes or no
That's all I want that's all I really need
I've been asking for so long and wondering whether you can hear me
So I start to doubt and my hope wanes a little
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Your love is deeper than the oceans
Your grace reaches through the valley below
So much more than just a savior, more than just a friend
So much more than just a power that I can't comprehend
You are truth, you are grace, you are joy I can't contain
You are love, you are life, and I'll never be the same
All the stars shining down on a clear night sky
You came to save a wretch like me I can't imagine why
So much more than just a light you came into my life and now I glow
You made a home inside my heart and softened every hardened part and I start to grow
I once was lost adrift at sea the wind and waves grew wild
Afraid I prayed and through the storm you heard and you found me
For years I was blind I could not see your face
But with open eyes I see the depth and power of your amazing grace
You aren't just a man who was born who lived and died
Son of God and son of man you were crucified
You weren't just a prophet a teacher or a king
You are the author of life and creator of everything
So much more than simple stories the parables you shared
Your death to show us just how much you really cared
You aren't just a healer a doer of good deeds
You tended to our spiritual needs
You are so much more than surface going right to my core
Satisfy this longing this hunger! It's you I'm yearning for
A reflection mirroring part of Amazing Grace
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