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Pauline Morris Mar 2016
They're rapping at my window, howling at my door
They're clawing at my carpet, banging on my walls
They're rattling my door ****, flickering my lights
They're looking thru the key hole, shouting thru the cracks

They're crashing thru my window, breaking down my door
They're tearing up the carpet, knocking down my walls
They're ripping off my door ****, busting all my bulbs
They're coming thru the keyhole, screaming by my head

They're entering my mind, there's nothing I can do
They're crawling into my fleash, controlling my every move
They're examining all my fears, making sure they all come true
They've finally taken over, now I truly am insane
E Townsend Sep 2015
sometimes you never really know
how the carpet looks
until you stare at it so long
that the fabric melts in
you start to feel cross that you cant
whether it is purple with yellow waves
or yellow with purple waves
or if it's just really
ugly carpet to begin with.
Ranger Rick Jun 2015
Inhale swiftly
come down quickly
hit the Floor
Be no more.

What a comfy Carpet,
but it ***** me under
like a tar pit.
I'm left to wonder
If it's dragging me
down to Heaven.
I've sunken seven feet under.

I see the light,
it's been lit.
Maybe this time I just might
reach for it.
Reach through the rug.
Reach down and give a tug.

But my arm won't budge.
A mortal's terror
What if he holds a grudge?
It's just not fair.
God no not like this,
Think of all the things I'll miss.
If I see the suns rays
Lord I swear I'll change my ways.

This Time...
Rockie May 2015
C is for carpal.
Sounds a bit like the word carpet.

T is for tunnel.
Those things that danger is usually in.

S is for syndrome.
Can also be used to describe a lot of things.
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2014
Adventure awaits for me
aboard the Ship of Dreams.
Glory and power
love and warmth await
upon shimmering beams.

The boat man hails
as I slip into bed.
All the dreamy crew are in fearful anticipation
they shiver with dread.  

For where I go
no one really knows.
For where I go
deep seas and vast canyons await.

Dark green forests,
majestic mountain peaks.
Exciting viking raids,
holding hands with a lover
as we watch the sun
shimmer and fade.

Oh how I cannot wait
to board that Ship of Dreams.
It'll take me to places
that I have never seen.

It will shoot me far up
like a magic carpet,
it will take me to a world
where only I exist
and only I can sail.

All aboard on the Ship of Dreams,
destination unknown.
All board that magical ship.
Eleanor Rigby Sep 2014
I wish they invented
A sorrow cleaner
That would **** up
Pain and loneliness
Into its vacuum
So you would never
Complain again
About the shattered bits
Of my heart
That I left on your carpet
The day we parted ways.

If I were ever to chance upon, a real life Genie
and being ever so kind, he granted me wishes freely
I wouldn't waste any time, and ask him quite loudly
'Give me a Flying Carpet, and make the sky cloudy!'

Astride my bed with wings, I would swiftly reach the sky
and dive through the clouds like through butter a hot knife
feeling the wind in my hair, laughing with unbridled glee
as a soaring eagle feels in the air, light, and free

Next I'd become a Lion, to roar and roam the jungles deep
Growling and tearing into poachers, and savoring the meat
I would rule all the mighty creatures, as their rightful king
and all the forest's denizens would my praises sing

Soon after I would ask for a ship, and a crew of souls brave
I would visit all lands afar, upon my Master of waves
without a single glance behind and not a spot of bother
I would see and feel and taste all the world has to offer

From above I'd go beneath, diving as a blue whale
The murky depths of the oceans whistling past my tail
All the wondrous sea dwellers, and all the buried wonders
would become a part of my enchanting under sea tale

Last of all I'd ask the genie, to build with his hand
a nation built for all the poor orphans of every land
where they eat and drink and make much merriment
and also study, play, and sleep with gladness in them
Magic, as alluring as it is impossible
Matthew Mar 2014
Carpet to the wall
***** colors dancing shapes
Gosh my back is sore.
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