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English Jam Jun 2019
Summer's here in all it's depression
Bound to make an impression
Pretty little leaves fall and weave into a pattern, so naive
Marigolds of black and yellow
Stopping to say hello
Old flames anew, the myriad of youth debuts, shimmering hue
Here they come to make it right
In this garden of delights
Colourful and young among a palette of sweet songs to be sung

Flowers assemble into a crown
Laughter rings all around
Eyes trace the rise of the wind, graceful and calm, as she flies
The innocence that went away
Has come back to play
Upon sunbeams, it seems they have flown right out of our dreams
Nature calls, ornate splendor
To it we surrender
Sunny craze lost in a haze, spurred out of celibacy, mellow laze

Nature has something to say
Sun has a brand new day
Laid back with ease, all that it sees it gives new life, honey bees
The bees are dying! They perform 80% of all pollination and they're endangered :(( Save the bees!

If you wanna know more about saving bees, go here:

Or alternatively, we could just **** capitalism and then live in the wild! With the bees!
Anastasia Mar 2020
Hello amour,
I thought I'd tell you
That your glimmering eyes
Are the souls of stars
I thought you should know
That your lips are like wine
They give me a buzz
When I see them
And drink them in
I thought I would let you know
That your laugh is sweeter than the sound
Of raindrops pattering on roses
idiosyncrasy Jan 2020
the hair lands, making black rings in the bathroom
it looks longer when it's severed
more alive on the floor than it ever was on my head
somehow more elegant framing the tile than my face

i just looked
not meeting my eyes in the mirror

when it was all gone
out of sight down the drain, or in the trash
i finally looked at myself

nothing softening my face
nothing distracting from my harsh features
nothing covering up my insecurities
nothing to hide my fear

but this way
it feels real
not even buzzcut season. my head is so cold lol.

but it's worth it. i feel like i can let go.
Bhill Jan 2020

I've met myself a potatoist
She claims she is, so all over it
She likes potatoes, she said she does
If she eats too many she goes all a buzz
I'm not really sure how the subject arose
I only just know, that it did, I suppose
Potatoism is the word that she said
A potatoist eats potatoes and potatoism will spread....

Jelly, my Granddaughter, is the young Potatoism Potatoist.
Got to love a new word....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 22
Love new words coming from the grand children!
Yanamari Sep 2019
"There's this dance
That I've memorised"
Whispers a voice by my side
Pulling me along
Twirling me to her foreside

"Should I show you it?"
Fingers smoothing
The crease between my brows,
Fingers tracing my cheek
Down to my hand

Eyes closed, she pulls me forward
Steps not unfamiliar,


The warmth on my skin
Slowly fades, no more than
A distant memory

"Of course,

The words echo in my ears
Dimming to a loud buzz

"Thank you for the dance."
OC Aug 2019
You start small
We all do
Frantically flailing about
Trying to catch ideas
Buzzing like flies ‘round your head

You ****** them from the air
And press them onto paper
But the sneaky devils, they play dead
As long as you keep an eye on ‘em
And as soon as you turn to grab another
They mockingly take off of the page

A futile dance
Of reach, snap, splat and lose
The buzzing never dies
The sweat never dries out
The page soiled by the blood and guts
Of undead thoughts that never stay
But somehow always haunt

But, once in every while
You gather just enough
And they start to coalesce
Suddenly, the struggle is reversed
The clump just grows
Despite of all objections
And crystallizes
Into a structure and a form
It’s out of your control
And all is ****** inside
This whirlpool of occurrence
That boils the atmosphere
With each link being added
Until the world, and you
Both remain depleted

You crawl away
Bruised and fatigued
From the monstrosity created
To find a hiding spot
Where the noise will mask your presence
You wish to sleep, to heal
But ****
this wretched buzzing
Tenth installment of the series of poems inspired by physics (for details see the first poem in the series). To be honest, I don't like this one. I never had the taste for ars poetica, and it always feels presumptuous to me. However, it seems fitting to publish this one now as a halfway milestone (I want a total of 20 poems in this series).

For further reading:

As always, thoughts and comments are welcome.
Lost in my Head Jul 2019
My phone buzzed and your name popped up
The sweetest message filled my screen
I wish all this was easier

I want to tell you everything, empty myself out
I feel like I’m lying to you every day
Maybe one day it could

I’m tortured by the constant buzz knowing
That I cross your mind
Knowing that I probably have a shot
Knowing I’ll waste it
Gotta love the life of a hopeless romantic
Lexi Snow Jun 2019
You sit there by the phone
Waiting for it to ring because you know the minute you leave it alone

           ­                                                                 ­       Buzz

But you can’t hear it

Until you get back to see a missed call
But it is a missed call from someone you didn’t want to talk to
You are waiting for that special person to call you
To tell you about their day
You miss their voice
Their voice has given you comfort in the past but now they need you
They need you to be strong for them
But for you to do that
You have to hear their voice
Hear how broken they could be
But you missed their call
You try calling them back

                                                                ­                  Ring

So you just sit there
Waiting for them to call you back now
This is the worst feeling of just waiting for someone to get back to you.
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